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.. currentmodule:: epydemic

Building a compartmented model

So far we've used one of epydemic's built-in disease processes. However, there are a lot of possible models that we might want to build from scratch, so we have to understand the mechanisms epydemic provides. To make this explanation simple, we'll dig into how a slightly simplified version of epydemic's SIR process is built from scratch.

For anyone who isn't acquainted with SIR: the Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) model represents an epidemic as a process where nodes in a network represent individuals and edges represent interactions between them. Each individual is labelled with one of three states:

  • S: the individual is susceptible to the disease;
  • I: the individual is infected with the disease, and can infect any susceptible neighbour; and
  • R: the individual has recovered (or died) and takes no further part in the simulation.

This structure is called a :term:`compartmented model of disease`: the states of individuals are referred to conventionally as compartments. Questions about the epidemic are often phrased in terms of the asymptotic behaviour of the process: in the limit, when the process reaches equilibrium, what proportion of nodes are in which compartment? For an epidemic to be an epidemic, this usually means getting a large number of nodes in the R compartment, meaning they've been infected and have been removed.

A simulation of SIR consists of:

  • taking a network;
  • seeding it with infected individuals;
  • setting the probability with which infected nodes infect neighbouring susceptibles;
  • setting the probability with which infected noides recover spontaneously; and
  • running the simulation until equilibrium, for example when there are no infected nodes left or a long time has passed.

A moment's thought will show that there are lots of possible variations to this basic process, for example where the infection probability changes with time, or the network is re-wired as the epidemic progresses. For this reason it's worth understanding SIR ab initio. What follows is a walk-through of the code in epydemic's standard :class:`SIR` model.

Getting started

Let's start defining a class to represent the model. This will be a sub-class of :class:`CompartmentedModel`, which is itself a sub-class of :class:`Process`, the class of network processes.

from epydemic import CompartmentedModel

We then need to populate this class with the elements needed to define a compartmented model.


The rest of the code on this page is part of this SIR class, and so needs to be indented within the scope of the class definition in proper Python style. We've broken it out so we can insert explanations as we go along.

class SIR(epydemic.CompartmentedModel):

The compartments

The SIR model has three compartments, so the first part of the model is to define these. We could simply name them using their initial letters, but it's better practice to define constants in the class to represent them.

# the possible dynamics states of a node for SIR dynamics

The transition probabilities

Next we need to be able to specify the transition probabilities that form the dynamics. There are two such parameters: the probability of the infection passing across a link between a susceptible and an infected node, the the probability of an infected node being removed.

We also need to specify the probability of a node being initially infected. Essentially this is the probability that a node starts out in the SIR.INFECTED compartment rather than in the SIR.SUSCEPTIBLE compartment, and will be used to seed the network randomly at the start of the simulation.

# the model parameters
P_INFECTED = 'pInfected'
P_INFECT = 'pInfect'
P_REMOVE = 'pRemove'

Note that these aren't the parameters themselves, they're the name of parameters that will be supplied when the model is run.


Now we come to a slightly more complicated topic. Where does the process occur? The description above suggests that changes happen in two places:

  • on the edges beteeen susceptible and infected noides (where the infection may pass from the latter to the former); and
  • on the infected nodes themselves (which may become removed).

In the latter case, the process occurs to nodes in a specific compartment; in the former, it occurs on edges between nodes in specific compartments. We need to keep track of where these changes can happen, which is the function of loci: we'll return to these in a minute. For the time being, note that we conventionally refer to the edges where the infection process can occur as SI edges -- edges between a node in the S compartment and a node in the I compartment -- and so we'll define two loci: one can just be called SIR.INFECTED, but the other needs to be given a name.

# the edges at which dynamics can occur
SI = 'SI'

Building the model

We can now build the model ready for simulation. There are four elements to this:

  1. Collect the parameters we need, which are passed to us in a dict.
  2. Create the compartments.
  3. Create the loci that track the nodes and edges we need to perform actions on.
  4. Define the events we want to happen to nodes or edges at these loci.

The code to do this is:

def build( self, params ):
    pInfected = params[self.P_INFECTED]
    pInfect = params[self.P_INFECT]
    pRemove = params[self.P_REMOVE]

    self.addCompartment(self.INFECTED, pInfected)
    self.addCompartment(self.REMOVED, 0.0)
    self.addCompartment(self.SUSCEPTIBLE, 1 - pInfected)

    self.trackEdgesBetweenCompartments(self.SUSCEPTIBLE, self.INFECTED, name=self.SI)

    self.addEventPerElement(self.SI, pInfect, self.infect)
    self.addEventPerElement(self.INFECTED, pRemove, self.remove)

We first grab the parameters by name from the parameters dict. We then declare the three compartments by calling :meth:`CompartmentedModel.addCompartment`, which takes a compartment name and the initial probability that a node will randomly be placed in that compartment. The parameter pInfected (named SIR.P_INFECTED) gives the probability of a node initially being infected (in the SIR.INFECTED compartment, and since no nodes start off in the SIR.REMOVED compartment (probability 0.0), the probability of nodes being SIR.SUSCEPTIBLE is 1 - pInfected.

We then declare that we want to track the I nodes and the SI edges, and create two loci to do this. The first gets named SIR.INFECTED by default; the second is given an explicit name. SIR.SI (a name will be created if none is given). The methods :meth:`CompartmentedModel.trackNodesInCompartment` and :meth:`CompartmentedModel.trackEdgesBetweenCompartment` each create an return a :class:`Locus`, essentially a set of nodes of edges (with some supporting methods that we'll ignore for now).

Finally, we add events to the loci. These are per-element events, which occur with the gibven probability to each event in the locus. We provide to :meth:`Process.addPerElementEvent` the locus at which the event occurs, the probability with which it occurs, which we retreieved from the experimental parameters), and the :term:`event function` that is called when the event happens. The event functions are methods that we'll now define.


Finally, we define the events that happen as part of the process.

def infect( self, t, e ):
    (n, m) = e
    self.changeCompartment(n, self.INFECTED)
    self.markOccupied(e, t)

def remove( self, t, n ):
    self.changeCompartment(n, self.REMOVED)

Both event functions are passed the current simulation time and the element on which the event should occur, drawn from the locus to which the event is attached.

For the infect event, the element is an edge (because the event occurs on SI edges). We extract the endpoints of the edge by pattern-matching. Since the locus is defined as holding edges between a node in the SIR.SUSCEPTIBLE compartment and a node in the SIR.INFECTED compartment, we will be passed edges with this orientation: we can assume that n above is a susceptible node. We use :meth:`CompartmentedModel.changeCompartment` to change the compartment of n to SIR.INFECTED: the compartment of m doesn't change (it stays infected). We also mark the edge as one that the infection travsersed using :meth:`CompartmentedModel.markOccupied` (the "occupied" terminology is slightly uninformative but is standard in the literature, coming from percolation theory).

For the remove event, which happens at infected nodes, the element will be a node, and we simply change its compartment to SIR.REMOVED.


You can see the code for epydemic's actual built-in SIR process here.