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:class:`SimplicialComplex`: An abstract topological space

.. currentmodule:: simplicial

.. autoclass:: SimplicialComplex

Adding simplices

A :term:`simplex` is added to a complex by providing some or all of the following information: a name for the simplex, a list of its faces, and a dict of attributes.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.addSimplex

Since a simplex is uniquely defined by its :term:`basis`, we can simply provide the basis and let simplicial work out all the other simplices that need to be added. This can be a major simplification for higher-order simplices.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.ensureBasis

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.addSimplexWithBasis

There are some operations that create new simplices from old.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.barycentricSubdivide

Finally, it is also possible to copy simplices from one complex to another. This will cause problems if the two complexes share simplices with common names (since names must be unique), in which case a renaming mapping can be applied automatically during the copy process.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.addSimplicesFrom

Simplex attributes

Each simplex can have a dict of attributes associated with it.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.getAttributes

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.setAttributes

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.__getitem__

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.__setitem__

Deleting simplices

Since :class:`SimplicialComplex` represents closed simplicial complexes -- in which all the faces of all the simplices in a complex are also in the complex -- deletion requires that we cascade deletions to delete all the simplices of which the to-be-deleted simplex is a part (a face, or the face of a face, and so forth).

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.deleteSimplex

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.deleteSimplices

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.deleteSimplexWithBasis

Relabelling simplices

Simplex labels are often meaningful -- but not always. They can be relabelled using either functions or dicts, or simply to make them all unique relative to another complex. This is handy when :ref:`composing complexes <composing-complexes>`.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.relabelSimplex

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.relabel

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.relabelDisjointFrom

Copying and equality

Complexes can be freely copied, creating independent versions of the same complex.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.copy

They can also be tested for equality.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.__eq__

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.__ne__

(See later for other comparison operators relating to sub-complexes.)

Querying the structure of the complex

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.orderOf

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.indexOf

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.maxOrder

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.numberOfSimplices

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.__len__

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.numberOfSimplicesOfOrder

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.isBasis

Retrieving simplices

Simplices can be retrieved in a large number of ways. When we return a collection of simplices that are always of the same order (such as faces or basis) we return a Python set; if we potentially return simplices of different orders we return a list, sorted in terms of the simplex order (low-order simplices first by default).

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.simplices

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.simplicesOfOrder

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.allSimplices

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.anySimplex

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.simplexWithBasis

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.containsSimplex

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.containsSimplexWithBasis

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.faces

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.cofaces

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.faceOf

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.partOf

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.basisOf

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.closureOf


A sub-complex is created by removing some (or all) of the simplices from an existing complex. The most common approach is to restrict the basis of the complex to some sub-set of 0-simplices; another common approach is to select this basis using some predicate (for example using :meth:`allSimplices`) and then restricting the complex to all simplices that can be built from this basis.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.restrictBasisTo

We define several relationships related to sub-complexes, all based around the idea of one complex being "less than" another when the latter contains all for former's simplices in the same topological rrelationships.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.isSubComplexOf

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.__lt__

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.__le__

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.__gt__

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.__ge__

Global properties

Various global properties of complexes can be defined that provide an overview of its topological structure.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.eulerCharacteristic


One can regard :term:`homology` simply as a more sophisticated version of the :term:`Euler characteristic`: a way of counting the holes in a structure at various dimensions. Unlike the Euler characteristic, homology is able to differentiate between a triangulated portion of the plane and two triangulated "islands" one of which contains a hole. The Euler characteristic of both these structures is 1, but they have different homology groups and therefore different Betti numbers.

In simplicial we implement the simplest possible version of simplicial homology in which simplices are treated as un-oriented, which leads to chain coefficients over a field [0, 1]. This massively simplifies both the calculations and the explanations.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.isChain

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.boundary

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.boundaryOperator

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.disjoint

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.smithNormalForm

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.bettiNumbers

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.Z

Deriving new complexes

New complexes can be derived from old ones by various processes. These operations are also used to create abstract complexes from "concrete" complexes that have an associated geometric embedding via the :class:`Embedding` class.

The :term:`flag complex` is a complex that includes all higher simplices whose faces are present. Essentially it "fills in the holes": three sides of a triangle will result in the triangle 2-simplex being created, and so on. It is possible to create the flag complex from scratch, or incrementally by filling-in any holes left after creating new simplices.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.flagComplex

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.growFlagComplex

Composing complexes

Complexes can be combined to form larger complexes. The basic operation works by fusing two complexes on the basis of simplex labels: use :ref:`relabelling <relabelling-complexes>` to make disjoint complexes, and then set the corresponding simplices.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.compose


The representation of the complex is occasionally needed when sub-classing, but in general should be transparent once set.

.. automethod:: SimplicialComplex.representation

Use of exceptions

:class:`SimplicialComplex` does not define any new exceptions. It raises KeyError if a simplex if referenced that is not present, or if a basis is used to retrieve a simplex that isn't defined for it. It raises ValueError for problems with the orders of simplices and other structure errors.