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Using AS3 Ninja

Run AS3 Ninja with Docker

Starting an ephemeral/temporary container for use of the API:

docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 simonkowallik/as3ninja


Creating a persistent container for CLI and API usage:

docker container create --name as3ninja -p 8000:8000 simonkowallik/as3ninja

# start the as3ninja container in background
docker start -a as3ninja



The AS3 Schema files need to be downloaded from to validate AS3 Declarations. AS3 Ninja :pyas3ninja.AS3Schema.updateschemas is doing that for you automatically, but the Docker Container will need access to

Using the CLI with Docker

Docker can be used to run the command line.

$ tree ./examples/simple/
├── http_path_header.iRule
├── ninja.yaml
├── sorry_page.iRule
└── template.j2

This example assumes the relevant Template Configurations and Declaration Templates are stored in ./examples/simple.

  declaration_template: "examples/simple/template.j2"

The declaration_template statement within the ninja.yaml provides the template location as examples/simple/template.j2. as3ninja expects to find the template at this location.

$ docker run --rm --tty --interactive \
    --volume \$(pwd)/examples:/examples \
    simonkowallik/as3ninja:latest \
    as3ninja transform -c /examples/simple/ninja.yaml \
    | jq ."

Instructs docker to bind mount the $(pwd)/examples folder to /examples (line 2) for the container image simonkowallik/as3ninja:latest (line 3).

Docker then executes as3ninja transform -c /examples/simple/ninja.yaml (line 4) within the container and pipes the result to jq ..


more cli examples

Command Line Usage

# for manual system wide installation (not recommended)
$ git clone
$ cd as3ninja
$ poetry build
$ pip3 install $(ls build/as3ninja*.whl)
# via PyPI using pip
$ pip=$(type -p pip3 || type -p pip)
$ $pip install as3ninja

API Usage

Use curl or httpie to query all available AS3 Schema versions:

$ http localhost:8000/api/schema/versions

$ curl -s localhost:8000/api/schema/versions | jq .


Navigate to http://localhost:8000/api/docs and http://localhost:8000/api/redoc to explore the API.

Postman collection for API calls

Validating a declaration

Using an ephemeral container with docker run:

$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/declaration.json:/declaration.json \
    simonkowallik/as3ninja:latest \
    as3ninja validate -d /declaration.json
INFO: Validation passed for AS3 Schema version: 3.22.1

$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/declaration.json:/declaration.json \
    simonkowallik/as3ninja:latest \
    as3ninja validate -d /declaration.json --version 3.17.0
INFO: Validation passed for AS3 Schema version: 3.17.0

Using the API via curl:

# start the docker container on port 8000
docker run -d --rm -p 8000:8000 simonkowallik/as3ninja:latest

# POST declaration to /api/schema/validate endpoint (curl)
curl -s http://localhost:8000/api/schema/validate -d @declaration.json | jq .
  "valid": true,
  "error": null

# POST declaration to /api/schema/validate endpoint (httpie)
cat $PWD/examples/dynamic-irule/declaration.json | \
    http POST 'localhost:8000/api/schema/validate?version=3.20.0'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 27
content-type: application/json
date: Sun, 13 Sep 2020 12:14:03 GMT
server: uvicorn

    "error": null,
    "valid": true

Postman collection

An AS3 Ninja Postman collection is available on Github.

Python Package

Update usage as a module

To use AS3 Ninja in your python project:

from as3ninja.schema import AS3Schema, AS3ValidationError
from as3ninja.declaration import AS3Declaration

# Declaration Template (str)
declaration_template = """
    "class": "AS3",
    "declaration": {
        "class": "ADC",
        "schemaVersion": "3.11.0",
        "id": "urn:uuid:{{ uuid() }}",
        "{{ ninja.Tenantname }}": {
            "class": "Tenant"

# Template Configuration (dict)
template_configuration = {
    "Tenantname": "MyTenant"

# generate the AS3 Declaration
as3declaration = AS3Declaration(

from pprint import pprint
# the transformed AS3 Declaration is available via the declaration attribute
{'class': 'AS3',
 'declaration': {'MyTenant': {'class': 'Tenant'},
                 'class': 'ADC',
                 'id': 'urn:uuid:f3850951-4a63-43ec-b2a3-28ab2c315479',
                 'schemaVersion': '3.11.0'}}

# create an AS3 schema instance
as3schema = AS3Schema()

# Validate the AS3 Declaration against the AS3 Schema (latest version)
except AS3ValidationError:
    # an AS3ValidationError exception is raised when the validation fails