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Converts tiled SAM Coupé graphics images to Z80 code or a linear data.


  • Python 3.6 (or later) in your path [Windows download]
  • Pillow module for Python

If you have Python installed but not Pillow, you can install it using:

python -m pip install pillow

Command-line Options

usage: [-h] [-m MODE] [-c CLUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-a] [-p] [-i]
                   [-t TILES] [-z CODE] [-n NAMES] [-0] [-q] [--crop CROP]
                   [--scale SCALE] [--shift SHIFT]
                   image tilesize

Convert SAM graphics images to code or data files.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  output data screen mode (1-4) (default: 4)
  -c CLUT, --clut CLUT  custom colour file or list (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        custom output filename (default: None)
  -a, --append          append to existing output file (default: False)
  -p, --pal             write clut to .pal file (default: False)
  -i, --index           write offsets index to .idx (default: False)
  -t TILES, --tiles TILES
                        tile count or list of ranges (N-M) (default: None)
  -z CODE, --code CODE  Z80 code to generate (default: None)
  -n NAMES, --names NAMES
                        Names for sprite labels (default: None)
  -0, --low             screen at 0 instead of 0x8000 (default: False)
  -q, --quiet           quiet mode (default: False)
  --crop CROP           crop region (WxH or WxH+X+Y) (default: None)
  --scale SCALE         scale region (S or HxV) (default: None)
  --shift SHIFT         pixels to shift right (default: None)

Required Arguments


An image file containing the graphics data. Most image file formats are supported, but it's recommended you use an efficient lossless format such as PNG.

Image colours are mapped to the nearest SAM palette colour, without any dithering. Images with too many source colours may be rejected. Typically you'll want to author graphics directly using the original SAM palette colours:

SAM palette

Tiles are extracted starting from the top-left of the image. Use the --crop and --scale options to limit the area of interest. Use --tiles to select the tiles of interest, and the order they're extracted. The extracted graphics may also be pre-shifted using --shift.


Specifies the dimensions of the tiles to extract, in pixels. If a single value N is given it's treated as having a size of NxN. If both dimensions are specified they should be in the format WxH.

If the tile width does not result in an exact number of output bytes, the right edge is padded with zero pixels. To be aligned to byte boundaries, mode 4 tile width should be a multiple of 2, mode 3 a multiple of 4, and modes 1 and 2 a multiple of 8.

Optional Arguments

-z, --code CODE

Specifies a comma-separated list of Z80 routines to generate for each sprite, instead of binary graphics data. The available routines are:

  • masked - draw to display with partial byte masking [label: masked_name]
  • unmasked - draw to display without masking partial bytes [label: unmasked_name]
  • save - save display area affected by drawn sprite [label: save_name]
  • restore - restore previously saved area [label: restore_name]
  • clear - clear display area affected by drawn sprite [label: clear_name]
  • rect - clear routine for rectangle covering the sprite area [label: clear_rect_WBxH]


  • Specifying save or restore generate both routines, since each is useless without the other.
  • rect generates a label name using the width (in bytes) and height of the sprite. To avoid duplicate labels and code this should generally be given as the only routine, once per sprite size.
  • See my blog article for more details on code generation.

--names NAMES

Specifies a comma-separated list of names to use for sprite code labels. Missing names are assigned spriteN, where N is the zero-based index of the sprite in the image file.


Convert coordinates to display addresses in low memory (based at address 0). The default generates addresses in high memory (based at address 0x8000).

-m MODE, --mode MODE

Selects the SAM screen mode (1 to 4) used for both output data format and colour selection. Modes 1 and 2 are produce the same 1-bit format, with only 2 colours. Mode 3 is a 2-bit mode with 4 colours. Mode 4 is a 4-bit mode with 16 colours.

The default screen mode is 4.

-c CLUT, --clut CLUT

Specifies either a comma-separated list of colours, or the name of a .pal file containing the palette. Each colour should be in the range 0-127.

A complete palette is not required, but those specified will be assigned to the first CLUT slots. Any additional colours required by the image will be automatically assigned to later positions. The final CLUT size must be within the limit for the screen mode (sixteen colours for mode 4, four colours for mode 3, and two colours for modes 1 and 2).

The default behaviour generates a palette from the colours found in the image.

-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT

Specify a custom output file, which defaults to a .bin extension for data output and .asm for code output. The same basename is also used for .pal and .idx files if they are enabled.

The default behaviour uses the basename of the input image, so image.png will generate image.dat.

-p, --pal

Write the corresponding palette to a .pal file, which is a binary file containing 1 byte per colour. The palette file may then be used as an input file using the --clut option, or imported into source code using using MDAT.

The default behaviour displays the list of colours to the console but does not save it to a file.

-i, --index

Generate an index of data offsets to each output tile. Each entry is a 16-bit value in little-endian format. While the entries are simple multiples of the tile data size, multiple index files from different invocations may be combined to give a more useful look-up table.

The default behaviour is not to output an index.

-t TILES, --tiles TILES

Selects the tiles to extract from the image. If a single value is given it's treated as a count of tiles to extract from the top-left of the image. You may also specify a comma-separated list of tile numbers, which can include ranges of tiles in an A-B (inclusive) notation. If the range start is greater than the end that portion is extracted in reverse order.

The default behaviour is to extract as many complete tiles from the image as possible.

-a, --append

Append to any existing output file, rather than creating a new file.

-q, --quiet

Suppress the output statistics shown at the end of the extraction. Error messages are always shown.

--crop CROP

Crop the input image so tiles are only extracted from a specific portion of it. The crop region can be just a size in WxH format, or a size and a top-left coordinate in WxH+X+Y format. Cropping is performed before any scaling (see below).

The default behaviour is not to crop the input image.

--scale SCALE

Scale the input image before extraction, which is useful for pixel-doubled and mode 3 content. Scaling uses a nearest neighbour pixel matching, and is performed after any cropping (see above).

The default behaviour is not to scale the input image.

--shift SHIFT

Specifies the number of pixels to shift each tile to the right in the output data. This will add padding to the left of the data, and may also result in additional alignment padding to the right. All padding uses CLUT entry zero, which will usually be black.

This option can be used to create pre-shifted versions of graphics for optimised drawing routines. The default behaviour is not to shift content.

Using --shift 0 with code generation will suppress the code for odd x positions. The default behaviour generates code for both even and odd positions.


Extract all 16x16 tiles from sprites.png, write the graphics data to sprites.bin and palette to sprites.pal: --pal sprites.png 16x16

Extract the first 100 6x6 tiles from tiles.png, using the colours from sprites.pal: --clut sprites.pal --tiles 100 tiles.png 6x6

Extract a non-contiguous selection of 6x6 tiles from tiles.png: --tiles 10-19,99-90,42 tiles.png 6

Extract a 6x8 1-bit font from font.png, write the data to font.bin: --mode 2 font.png 6x8

Extract a 6x8 1-bit font from font.png, shifting the data 2 positions to right-align it, then write to font_centre.bin: --mode 2 --shift 2 -o font_centre.bin font.png 6x8

Extract all 12x12 sprites from sprites.png, fixing only the first 4 CLUT colours so the rest are automatically assigned: --clut 0,127,25,126 sprites.png 12

Extract a mode 4 screen from a 576x480 SimCoupe screenshot to mode4.bin and mode4.pal: --crop 512x384+32+48 --scale 0.5 --pal mode4.png 256x192

Extract a mode 3 screen from a 576x480 SimCoupe screenshot to mode3.bin and mode3.pal: --crop 512x384+32+48 --scale 1.0x0.5 --mode 3 --pal mode3.png 512x192

Extract a mode 2 screen from a 576x480 SimCoupe screenshot to mode2.bin: --crop 512x384+32+48 --scale 0.5x0.5 --mode 2 mode2.png 256x192

Generate code to draw masked 12x11 sprites from a mode 4 image: --code masked,save --names cherry,strawb,orange --pal sprites.png 12x11

Generate and append code to draw unmasked 12x11 tiles from a mode 4 image: -a --code unmasked,clear --names cherry,strawb,orange --pal sprites.png 12x11

Generate code to draw a masked 12x11 sprite only at even x positions: --code masked,save --names ghost --shift 0 --pal ghost.png 12x11

The test directory in the source code contains additional data extraction examples, including code to load and display the 3 screenshot samples. The demo1, demo2 and demo3 directories contain examples using code generation and sprite drawing.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Simon Owen


Extracts tiled SAM Coupé graphics data from an image file







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