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Magpie Agent

The magpie is an incredibly intelligent bird, with a decent ability to mimic other bird calls, though not as good as the superb lyrebird. In the context of OCS, the job of the Magpie agent is to take detector data from the SMuRF Streamer and translate into G3Frames that are compatible with lyrebird. This requires a small bit of pre-processing and downsampling that is done whenever a new frame is received.

Configuration File Examples

Below are example docker-compose and ocs configuration files for running the magpie agent.

OCS Site Config

Below is the site-config entry for the magpie instance we have running at UCSD on K2SO. We are displaying detectors using a wafer layout, determined by a detmap csv file, with a target sample rate of 20 Hz:

{'agent-class': 'MagpieAgent',
 'instance-id': 'magpie-crate1slot2',
 'arguments': [
   '--stream-id', 'crate1-slot2',

   '--src', 'tcp://localhost:4532',

   '--dest', 8675,
   '--delay', 5,
   '--target-rate', 20,

   '--layout', 'wafer',
   # Detmap CSV file
   '--det-map', '/home/jlashner/lyrebird_demo/detmap.csv',
   '--offset', 0, 0,
   '--rotation', 0,
   '--demod-freq', 8,
   '--demod-bandwidth', 0.5

It is possible to tell magpie to stream data from existing G3Files instead of directly from the smurf-stream. To do this, simply set the src argument to be the filepath of the file you wish to stream. If you want to stream from multiple files in series, you can do this by putting multiple source filepaths, as is shown below. In this case, once the first file has finished streaming magpie will immediately start streaming from the second file:

'--src', '/path/to/file1.g3', '/path/to/file2.g3',

You can also tell the magpie agent to ignore the src argument all together and generate fake data by adding the --fake-data argument.

Docker Compose

Below is an example docker-compose entry for running a magpie corresponding to crate-id 1 and slot 2. If crossbar is being run on a different server, you'll have to modify the site-hub and site-http args accordingly:

    image: simonsobs/socs:latest
    hostname: ocs-docker
    user: ocs:ocs
    network_mode: host
        - INSTANCE_ID=magpie-crate1slot2
        - SITE_HUB=ws://localhost:8001/ws
        - SITE_HTTP=http://localhost:8001/call
        - ${OCS_CONFIG_DIR}:/config
        - /data:/data



In order to build lyrebird, you first need a local build of spt3g-software. Since we require direct access to the G3 C++ interface, unfortunately we're not able to use the spt3g / so3g pypi package. You can follow the instructions on the SPT3G github page to build.

Once that is successful, clone the simonsobs fork of lyrebird, and follow the build instructions on the lyrebird readme.

After lyrebird is built successfully, you'll want to add the following lines to your bashrc:

export PATH=/path/to/lyrebird/build/lyrebird-bin:$PATH
export PATH=/path/to/lyrebird/bin:$PATH

This will add two scripts to your path:

  • lyrebird, the main lyrebird executable which takes in the path to a cfg file specifying data vals, streamer ports, etc. and starts lyrebird from that
  • run_lyrebird which just takes the ports to listen to as command line arguments, and will use that to generate a new cfg file and start lyrebird from that.


To get lyrebird running, you must bring software up in the following order:

  1. Make sure smurf-streamers you wish to monitor are running, though data doesn't have to actually be streaming
  2. Bring up Magpie OCS agents. If streamers are not already running, this will currently fail when it begins the read process. If this happens, you can restart the process manually using an OCS client, or just restart the agent, which will begin the process on startup. Make sure each magpie instance you are running has a different stream-id and a different dest port.
  3. Run lyrebird. The lyrebird executable takes in a config file that specifies data-vals and ports to monitor for G3Streams, but it is much easier to use the run_lyrebird script in the lyrebird/bin directory. This will generate a temporary config file determined by the arguments passed in, and then start lyrebird with that config file. Right now you need to pass in the ports that it should monitor. For instance, if you have two magpie agents running with dest ports 8675 and 8676, you can run:

    run_lyrebird --port 8675 8676

    and this will start lyrebird for the two corresponding slots.


This section will describe the main operation of the SO fork is lyrebird. This isn't necessary for running magpie, but this isn't well documented in the lyrebird repo so this may be useful for future development.

On startup, lyrebird will attempt to connect to a G3NetworkSender streaming on any ports specified in the lyrebird config file. The first frame read from the port must be a config frame containing details on how lyrebird should display the focal-plane.

A config file for a focal-plane with nchans channels will contain the following fields:

  • x: Array of len nchans with the x-coords of the visual element for each channel
  • y: Array of len nchans with the y-coords of the visual element for each channel
  • cname: Array of len nchans the base name for each channel. This is something like <magpie-instance-id>/channel_10
  • rotation: Array of len nchans containing how many rads each vis elem should be rotated (counter-clockwise) when drawn.
  • templates: Array of len nchans containing the det template (defined in the
  • values: Array of len n * nchans containing data values corresponding to a given channel. These must be unique, and are of the form <cname>/<value_name>
  • eqs: Array of len m * nchans containing the equation descriptions for each channel. See below for a full description, but these will be something like / + 1 s <cname>/<valuename> 2.
  • eq_labels: Array of len m * nchans containing the labels for each individual equation. These are what will be displayed in the lyrebird menu gui, and can be something like osc-tod or rms.
  • color_is_dynamic: Array of len m * nchans containing bools that determined if the eq values should be dynamically adjusted before passing to the colormap. If this is False, the eq output will be sent directly to the colormap. If True, the eq output will first be mapped to a value in the range (0, 1) by interpolating between the min/max values in the lyrebird data buffer.
  • cmaps: Array of len m * nchans containing the name of the colormap to use to display each equation.

Data Values

data values are named values that lyrebird buffers and tracks internally, and can be used in equation evaluations.

A number of data values can be stored per detector channel (as long as this number is the same for all detector channels). So for instance if you want to keep track of the detector TOD, rms, bias-group, and whether the channel is flagged, you'll need to register the data values <cname>/tod, <cname>/bg, <cname>/rms, <cname>/flagged for each detector.


Lyrebird can also store any number of equations for each detector channel. This number can be different from the number of data values, but the number of equations must be the same for each detector. These equations are what are actually visualized for each channel in the lyrebird GUI.

The equations are registered as strings in the Polish Notation. This is a method of describing equations where the operator comes before the operands, and is a notation that is very easy to parse and evaluate. For example, the operation a + b will be + a b in polish notation, and (a + b)/2 can be written as / + a b 2. Operands can either be numeric values or registered data values, including both channel-specific data values such as <cname>/tod and global data values that are registered in the lyrebird config variable.

Below is a full table of operators that can be interpreted by lyrebird:

Lyrebird Equation Operations
+ x y x + y | x y xory
- x y x − y = x y x =  = y
* x y x * y ! x notx
/ x y x/y & x y xandy
% x y x c x cos (x)
a x |x| t x tan (x)
^ x y xy T x arctan (x)
s x sin (x) q x $\sqrt{x}$

For a more complex equation you might want to do something like display the TOD value if a channel is not flagged, and if it is flagged send it to -1. This example is done with the string:

+ * ! flagged tod * -1 flagged

which describes the equation:

tod × (!flagged) +  − 1 × flagged

The displayed equation can be selected by changing the displayed_eq idx in the lyrebird GUI.

Color Maps

After equations are evaluated, the results will be passed to the specified color map to determine what color the visual element should be drawn with.

Below are the colormaps available in lyrebird. Generally these take in arbitrary floats, but will clamp them into the range [0, 1]. Along with the standard cmaps, there are additional bolo_cmaps, that map different regions of the range [0, 1] to varying colors to for different purposes. If the value is 0 or infinite, the vis-elem will be colored grey. The range (0, 0.3) will be colored bright red, and then the range (.3, 1) will be a gradient from black to a base color to white as pictured below..

Lyrebird Colormaps

There are additional colormaps white_cmap_fs and rainbow_cmap_fs that are identical to their counterparts above but instead map onto the range [-1, 1]. The colormap phase_cmap is identical to rainbow_cmap but maps the range [0, π].

If an equation's color is set to be dynamic, each equation value will be mapped to the range [0, 1] by interpolating between the min and max value in the equation's data buffer. This allows you to view changes equations that span a large range with a high dynamic-range, but makes direct channel-to-channel comparison impossible.

Detector Layouts

Grid Layout

The grid layout is a grid with 4096 elements (maximum number of channels a single smurf slot can stream)

Alternative text

This layout contains 8 rows containing 512 detectors each, with the bottom row being band 0, and the top row band 7. This is the easiest layout to set up and is useful for viewing detector response as a function of their resonator frequency or band / channel id.

Wafer Layout

The Wafer layout takes in a det-map CSV file generated from the simonsobs detmap package, and uses it to generate a focal-plane layout.

Alternative text

Agent API


Supporting APIs




