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HOWTO Configure NFS

All implementations are based on the simp-nfs, simp-simp_nfs, and simp-simp modules.


simp-nfs version 7.0.0 and simp-autofs version 7.0.0 had major breaking changes in the pursuit of fixing long-standing bugs. General usage as noted in this document remains largely the same, but there are many changes to the API, some of which are nuanced. For example, parameters that used to accept hostnames now require IP addresses in support of firewalld. Please check your settings carefully on upgrade.

For ease of explanation, examples in this section use the concept of a :term:`site profile` and are namespaced accordingly. The manifests are in a module called site. If using a different site profile, change the directory and the namespace in the examples.


simp-simp_nfs and simp-nfs are not core modules, and their corresponding packages, pupmod-simp-simp_nfs and pupmod-simp-nfs, may need to be installed prior to following this guide.


A number of issues may render NFS inoperable. Please read through the known issues below before deploying into your environment.


You must ensure that you are using 📦`autofs` greater than 5.0.7-99.

To use :term:`NFS` over stunnel and automount directories with old CentOS 7 releases, you must use the appropriate autofs package.

To determine what version of autofs is installed, run automount -V.

SIMP's NFS modules provide limited support for Kerberos and will not be discussed here.

  • See the README for simp-nfs for information about the Kerberos support it provides and its integration with the simp-krb5 module.
  • The simp-krb5 module is not fully integrated with NFS home directories at this time. See SIMP-1407 for details.


  • Export /var/nfs_share on the server, for read-only access.
  • Mount as /mnt/nfs on the client.

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the manifest in the site module is nfs_server.pp.

In site/manifests/nfs_server.pp:

class site::nfs_server (
  Stdlib::AbsolutePath                             $data_dir     = '/var/nfs_share',
  Simplib::Netlist                                 $trusted_nets = simplib::lookup('simp_options::trusted_nets', { 'default_value' => [''] }),
  Array[Enum['none','sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p']] $sec          = ['sys']
  include nfs::server

  file { $data_dir:
    ensure => 'directory',
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'root',
    mode   => '0755'

  if !$nfs::stunnel {
    nfs::server::export { 'nfs_share':
      clients     => $trusted_nets,
      export_path => $data_dir,
      sec         => $sec,
      require     => File[$data_dir]
  else {
    nfs::server::export { 'nfs_share':
      # From the NFS server's perspective, the stunneled connections will
      # come from the local host
      clients     => [ '' ],
      export_path => $data_dir,
      insecure    => true,
      sec         => $sec,
      require     => File[$data_dir]

In data/hosts/<your NFS server FQDN>.yaml:

nfs::is_server: true

  - 'site::nfs_server'

The client can be configured to mount statically, automatically with a direct autofs mount, or automatically with an indirect autofs mount. Examples for all three types will be shown in this section. The indirect autofs mount example will configure autofs for an indirect mount that uses key substitution.


If the NFS client is also a NFS server, there is autodetect logic in nfs::client::mount that attempts to detect that the client has both roles and, when this condition is detected, sets the NFS server's IP to for efficiency. This detection logic has limitations. So, if you know the client is also the NFS server, it is better to disable the auto-detection by setting nfs::client::mount::autodetect_remote to false, and then set the nfs::client::mount::nfs_server to

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the manifest in the site modules is nfs_client.pp.

In site/manifests/nfs_client.pp:

 class site::nfs_client (
  Simplib::Ip                               $nfs_server,
  Enum['none','sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p'] $sec = 'sys'

   $_mnt_point = '/mnt/nfs'

   file { $_mnt_point:
     ensure => 'directory',
     mode   => '755',
     owner  => 'root',
     group  => 'root'

   nfs::client::mount { $_mnt_point:
     nfs_server  => $nfs_server,
     remote_path => '/var/nfs_share',
     sec         => $sec,
     autofs      => false,
     # The mount point must already exist in a static mount
     require     => File[$_mnt_point]

In data/hosts/<your NFS client FQDN>.yaml:

site::nfs_client::nfs_server: <your NFS server IP>

  - 'site::nfs_client'

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the manifest in the site module is nfs_client.pp.

In site/manifests/nfs_client.pp:

 class site::nfs_client (
  Simplib::Ip                               $nfs_server,
  Enum['none','sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p'] $sec = 'sys'

   nfs::client::mount { '/mnt/nfs':
     nfs_server  => $nfs_server,
     remote_path => '/var/nfs_share',
     sec         => $sec

In data/hosts/<your NFS client FQDN>.yaml:

site::nfs_client::nfs_server: <your NFS server IP>

  - 'site::nfs_client'

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the manifest in the site module is nfs_client.pp.

In site/manifests/nfs_client.pp:

 class site::nfs_client (
  Simplib::Ip                               $nfs_server,
  Enum['none','sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p'] $sec = 'sys'

   nfs::client::mount { '/mnt/nfs':
     nfs_server              => $nfs_server,
     remote_path             => '/var/nfs_share',
     sec                     => $sec,
     autofs_indirect_map_key => '*',
     autofs_add_key_subst    => true

In data/hosts/<your NFS client FQDN>.yaml:

site::nfs_client::nfs_server: <your NFS server IP>

  - 'site::nfs_client'

Goal: Export home directories for LDAP users.

Utilize the SIMP profile module simp-simp_nfs:

  1. simp-simp_nfs: Manages client and server configurations for managing NFS home directories.
  2. simp_nfs::create_home_dirs: Enables an optional hourly cron job that binds to a :term:`LDAP` server, simp_options::ldap::uri by default, and creates a NFS home directory for all users in the LDAP server. It also expires any home directories for users that no longer exist in LDAP.


Any users logged onto a host at the time of module application will not have their home directories re-mounted until they log out and log back in.


The simp-simp_nfs module utilizes an NFS root share which must be used to export any further directories from this server using NFSv4. This is because NFSv4 exports must exist in a single pseudo filesystem. See :ref:`Additional_Directories` for an example of how to do this.

The following should be entered in the Hiera YAML files of all servers that need to mount home directories. Use data/default.yaml if you want to mount the home directories on all servers.

simp_nfs::home_dir_server: <your NFS server IP>

  - simp_nfs

The following should be entered in the Hiera YAML file of the NFS server.

In data/hosts/<your NFS server FQDN>.yaml:

nfs::is_server: true
simp_nfs::export::home::create_home_dirs: true

  - simp_nfs::export::home


  • Export /var/nfs/share1 for read-write access to the 'administrators' group
    • This directory is located on the NFS server which is also sharing home directories for LDAP users.
    • The home directory share is set up by the simp-simp_nfs module.
  • Statically mount the share to /share on client systems.

The simp-simp_nfs module exports home directories under a root NFS share directory. Because NFSv4 exports exist in a single pseudo filesystem, each directory below that NFS share should be a bind mount to a directory on the NFS server.

The following example assumes you have set up the home server already following the instructions in the previous section and will be creating a bind mount under the root NFS share directory.

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the manifest and the site module is nfs_server.pp.

In site/manifest/nfs_server.pp:

class site::nfs_server (
  #  Make sure the data_dir is the same as in simp_nfs.
  Stdlib::Absolutepath                             $data_dir     = '/var',
  Simplib::Netlist                                 $trusted_nets = simplib::lookup('simp_options::trusted_nets', { 'default_value' => [''] }),
  Array[Enum['none','sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p']] $sec = ['sys'],
) {

  #  Exporting directories from the home directory server configured
  #  with the simp_nfs module.
  include nfs::server

  # Create the directory where the data exists.
  file { '/var/nfs/share1':
    ensure => 'directory',
    mode   => '0775',
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'administrators'

  # Create a mount point under the NFS root share created in simp_nfs.
  file { "${data_dir}/nfs/exports/share1":
    ensure => 'directory',
    mode   => '0775',
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'administrators'

  # Bind mount the share to the NFS root share created in simp_nfs.
  mount { "${data_dir}/nfs/exports/share1":
    ensure   => 'mounted',
    fstype   => 'none',
    device   => '/var/nfs/share1',
    remounts => true,
    options  => 'rw,bind',
    require  => [

  # Export the directory
  if !$nfs::stunnel {
    nfs::server::export { 'share1':
      clients     => $trusted_nets,
      export_path => "${data_dir}/nfs/exports/share1",
      rw          => true,
      sec         => $sec
  } else {
      nfs::server::export { 'share1':
      # From the NFS server's perspective, the stunneled connections will
      # come from the local host
      clients     => [''],
      export_path => "${data_dir}/nfs/exports/share1",
      rw          => true,
      sec         => $sec,
      insecure    => true

In data/hosts/<your NFS server FQDN>.yaml:

nfs::is_server: true

  - site::nfs_server
  - simp_nfs

Create a manifest in your :term:`site profile`. In this example the manifest in the site module is nfs_client.pp.

In site/manifests/nfs_client.pp:

class site::nfs_client (
  Simplib::Host                      $nfs_server,
  Enum['sys','krb5','krb5i','krb5p'] $sec = 'sys',

  include nfs

  $mount_point = '/share'

  # Only need the path relative to the root of the NFSv4 pseudo filesystem.
  $remote_path = '/share1'

  file { $mount_point:
    ensure => 'directory',
    mode   => '0775',
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'administrators'

  nfs::client::mount { $mount_point:
    nfs_server  => $nfs_server,
    remote_path => $remote_path,
    sec         => $sec,
    autofs      => false,
    at_boot     => true,
    # The mount point must already exist in a static mount
    require     => File[$mount_point]

Then include this manifest in Hiera for any system that should mount this share.

site::nfs_client::nfs_server: <your NFS server IP>

  - site::nfs_client

Stunnel is a means to encrypt your NFS data during transit.

If simp_options::stunnel is set to true, stunnel will be enabled.

If simp_options::stunnel is set to false and you do not wish to globally enable stunnel, you will need to set the following, in data/default.yaml:

nfs::stunnel: true

If simp_options::stunnel is set to true, but you do not want your NFS traffic to go through stunnel, set the following, in data/default.yaml:

nfs::stunnel: false

If simp_options::stunnel is set to false then stunnel is already disabled.