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$user additional fields

Kelvin Mo edited this page Apr 9, 2018 · 1 revision

Assignments: $user additional fields


The $user global variable holds data on the currently logged-in user. It includes data provided by the user in the identity file, as well as user settings and transient data. This page documents the fields which are used by these latter two sources.

User settings



The last time the user has actively authenticated with SimpleID (i.e. supplied a user name and password).

See also auth_active



An array containing the user's preferences regarding clients and relying parties. The keys of this array contain the relying party's realm (for OpenID versions 1 and 2) or the client's client_id (for OpenID Connect). The values of this array are themselves arrays containing the following keys and values.

Key Type Description
auto_consent Boolean Whether the user has consented to send information automatically to the client
first_time Integer The first time the user has logged onto the client
last_time Integer The most recent time the user has logged onto the client



The user ID.

Transient data



True if the user has actively authenticated with SimpleID (i.e. supplied a user name and password) during this session. If this is false or not set, it means that the user logged in using the "remember me on this computer feature".

Some clients require SimpleID to actively authenticate the user before accepting positive assertion responses.

See also auth_time



True if the user has supplied a identity URL in the identity file.

If this is false, it means that the user has not supplied a identity URL in the identity file, and so the identity URL is automatically generated.