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1.7.7 存储定义(SD)参数概览.md

File metadata and controls

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详见 存储定义(SD)参数详情

This set of parameters identifies each physical or logical volume manager volume or file system file used in the requested workload. Of course, with a file system file, the file system takes the responsibility of all I/O: reads and writes can and will be cached (see also openflags=) and Vdbench will not have control over physical I/O. However, Vdbench can be used to test file system file performance (See also File system testing).

这组参数用于标识请求工作负载中使用的每个物理或逻辑卷管理器卷或文件系统文件。对于文件系统的文件,文件系统将负责所有的I/O操作:读写操作会被缓存(参见openflags=),Vdbench无法控制物理 I/O。但是,Vdbench可用于测试文件系统文件的性能 (详见 文件系统测试).。

# Example: 
参数 说明
sd=default Sets defaults for all SDs that are entered later.
sd=name Unique name for this Storage Definition (SD).
count=(nn,mm) Creates a sequence of SD parameters.
align=nnn Generate logical byte address in ‘nnn’ byte boundaries, not using default‘xfersize’ boundaries.
dedupratio= See data deduplication:
hitarea=nn See read hit percentage for an explanation. Default 1m.
host=name Name of host where this SD can be found. Default ‘localhost’
journal=xxx Directory name for journal file for data validation
lun=lun_name Name of raw disk or file system file.
offset=nnn At which offset in a lun to start I/O.
openflags=(flag,..) Pass specific flags when opening a lun or file
range=(nn,mm) Use only a subset 'range=nn': Limit Seek Range of this SD.
replay=(group,..) Replay Group(s) using this SD.
replay=(nnn,..) Device number(s) to select for Swat Vdbench replay
resetbus=nnn Issue ioctl (USCSI_RESET_ALL) every nnn seconds. Solaris only
resetlun=nnn Issue ioctl (USCSI_RESET) every nnn seconds. Solaris only
size=nn Size of the raw disk or file to use for workload. Optional unless youwant Vdbench to create a disk file for you.
threads=nn Maximum number of concurrent outstanding I/O for this SD. Default 8