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Simple Vector

This is a simple demonstration of how SingleStore Kai™ can enable MongoDB applications with AI-powered features.

In this demo, semantic search is used to find interesting science fiction novels.

SingleStore Kai™ extends the MongoDB API with the $dotProduct operator that enables SIMD-accelerated vector matching. This enables applications to perform semantic search using embeddings generated by OpenAI and other models.

Search powered by embeddings enables searching by meaning, rather than exact or fuzzy word match. This type of search can deliver more meaningful results to a user which can translate into more business value for the company.


This demo uses OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002 API to generate the embeddings, so you will need an OpenAI key. Following the demo through to completion uses about $3 USD of tokens.

The demo requires NodeJS v16.18.0 or greater.

The demo requires a SingleStore Kai™ endpoint to run against since it needs the $dotProduct operator. To create an endpoint for SingleStore Kai™, get started here.

The shell scripts in this demo require Linux/Bash (they were run on Debian Bullseye).

Data Preparation

The data comes from the Open Library dump of their Works.

gunzip ol_dump_works_latest.txt.gz

The data is pre-processed to roughly just the science fiction novels that have a description with the following:

cat ol_dump_works_2023-04-30.txt | grep -i "science fiction" | grep -i "description" | cut -f5 > raw.json
wc -l raw.json

This results in about 15000 works.

Generate Embeddings

The data is cleaned and embeddings generated using prepare.ts:

npm run --input=raw.json --output=processed.json prepare

Load the Data

The data is loaded using load.ts which uses a regular MongoDB NodeJS driver to send the data to SingleStoreDB through SingleStore Kai™ for MongoDB.

npm run --input=processed.json load

Query the Data with Curl

To query this data set using semantic search, run a simple web serer

npm run test

Example queries

curl -G http://localhost:3000/search --data-urlencode "q=hard science fiction moon vs. earth"

curl -G http://localhost:3000/search --data-urlencode "q=some guy rides along with a submarine captain classic french"

curl -G http://localhost:3000/search --data-urlencode "q=funny astronaut stranded on mars has to survive, movie"

curl -G http://localhost:3000/search --data-urlencode "q=hard science fiction classic nebula hugo near-future

Sample output from that last query

    _id: "64646f6b0311a0b7a3078db3",
    title: "Rendezvous with Rama",
    z: 0.8501186370849609,
    _id: "64646f710311a0b7a3079db2",
    title: "City at the End of Time",
    z: 0.846441388130188,
    _id: "64646f710311a0b7a3079da0",
    title: "Gravity dreams",
    z: 0.8422247767448425,
    _id: "64646f690311a0b7a307874b",
    title: "Noumenon",
    z: 0.841902494430542,
    _id: "64646f5d0311a0b7a3076a6c",
    title: "Heaven's reach",
    z: 0.8418927192687988,

Query with Mongo Shell

You can find similar works using the embedding from one to query others. For example, to find the top works matching "The Martian":

var emb = db.processed.findOne({
  _id: ObjectId("6465608961adfddeceb51024"),

  { $match: {} },
  { $addFields: { z: { $dotProduct: ["$embedding", emb] } } },
  { $project: { title: 1, z: -1, price: 1 } },
  { $sort: { z: -1 } },
  { $limit: 5 },