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Qt Output Parser for tar, zip, unzip, unrar, 7z with a compression/extraction progress indicator. Support platforms: windows(Qt4), Linux(Qt4, tested on ubuntu 10.04), motorola ezx(Qt2, tested on ROKR E6) and Maemo5 etc.



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Auther: Wang Bin (aka nukin in ccomve & novesky in motorolafans) Shanghai university, China 2010-09-09 Other links:

Qt Output Parser for tar, zip, unzip, unrar, 7z with a compression/extraction progress indicator. Support platforms: windows(Qt4), Linux(Qt4, tested on ubuntu 10.04), motorola ezx(Qt2, tested on ROKR E6) and Maemo5 etc.

bug: can't kill 7z in windows.

Usage: qop [-interval=Nunit] [--all] [-t parserFor] [-n|s] [-chm] [-x archieve|-T totalSteps] [files...]

-a, --all: update all changes. default is update on timer event -F, --time-format=fmt: setup time format. utc(iso8601) or normal -m, --multi-thread: create a new thread to calculate progress bar's total steps. -i, --interval=Nunit: update the progress every N seconds/mseconds. unit can be s, sec[s],seconds(N can be float) or msec[s](N is int) -h, --help: help -n, --number: set number of files as total steps. -s, --size: set size of files as total steps. -s is default -T, --steps=STEPS: specify total steps. -t, --parser[=TYPE]: usually is tool's name, such as tar, zip, unzip, unrar. If using xz, lzop etc with tar, parser is tar. -t tar is default. If you want to extract a .tar or file and set size as total steps, use -tuntar is better. -x, --exteact=ARCHIVE: extracting mode. Omit -T argument. Analyze parser and total steps automaticly. -o, --outdir=dir: set the output dir when using internal extract method(qop -d -x test.tar -o outdir) -c, --auto-close: auto close when finished -C, --cmd=command: execute command -d, --diy[=TARFILE]: using built-in method to extract an archive


qop -C zip -ryv -9 test
qop -C zip -ry -9 test
qop -C unzip -o -d exdir
qop -C unrar x -o+ -p- -y rar.rar destdir
qop -C tar cvvf test.tar test
qop -C tar zcvf test.tgz test
qop -C tar zxvvf test.tgz -C /tmp   ##only 1 v will not show the right totalsteps and progress
qop tar cvvf test.tar test
tar zcvvf test.tgz test |qop test -m
tar zxvvf test.tgz |qop -T `gzip -l test.tgz |sed -n '$s/\(.*\) \(.*\)  .*/\2/p'` -tuntar -c
tar zxvf test.tgz |qop -T `tar -zt <test.tgz |wc -l` -n  ##slower than former

tar --use=xz -cvvf test.txz test |qop test -m -t tar
tar --use=xz test.tar.xz |qop -T `tar --use=xz -t<test.tar.xz |wc -l` -n

zip -ryv -9 -FS test |qop test -m -t zip
unzip -o -d . |qop -T `unzip -Z -t |sed 's/\(.*\) files.*/\1/'` -t unzip &
unrar x -o+ -y test.rar . |qop -t unrar
7z x -y test.7z |qop -t7z -T $((`7z l test.7z |sed -n '$s/\(.*\), \(.*\)folders/\2/p'`+`7z l test.7z |sed -n '$s/\(.*\) \(.*\)files.*/\2/p'`))

for Version >= 0.2.2, you can omit -n and -s tar zcvvf test.tgz test |qop test [-m] tar zcvf test.tgz test |qop test ##no -m

extracting a tar.gz file for new version(>=0.1.0): tar zxvvf test.tar.gz |qop -x test.tar.gz

How To Compile:

1.Desktop and Maemo: Just use QtCreator.

2.EZX: Use tmake. Or use my configure script. Type ./configure make make pkg More information about configue script can be got by ./configure --help


Qt Output Parser for tar, zip, unzip, unrar, 7z with a compression/extraction progress indicator. Support platforms: windows(Qt4), Linux(Qt4, tested on ubuntu 10.04), motorola ezx(Qt2, tested on ROKR E6) and Maemo5 etc.






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  • C++ 68.4%
  • C 26.3%
  • QMake 2.1%
  • Shell 1.9%
  • Makefile 1.3%