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ssDNA_MCMC is an open-source simulator for the position configuration of single-stranded DNA [ssDNA] that implements Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. ssDNA is modeled as an extensible, freely-jointed chain, with one bead at the end of each Kuhn length of ssDNA. This program was written from scratch, with helpful suggestions for proposal generation from Tamas Szalay.


Sampling of ssDNA position configurations is useful for a number of applications. In the Harvard Nanopore Group, we can use these sorts of simulations to see how ssDNA behaves in a nanopore, including when it's trapped in a nanpore by an applied electric field. Sampling from the distribution of ssDNA position configurations can be used to estimate force-versus extension curves, energetics of interactions, etc.


mc = ssDNA_MCMC();

Optionally, you can input many other parameters as a list of name, value pairs.

Physical parameters:

'l_k' is the Kuhn length of ssDNA, in nm. Defaults to 1.5nm.

'k_b' is the bending energy of ssDNA, in pN*nm. Defaults to 4pN*nm.

'k_s' is the stretching modulus of ssDNA, in pN/nm. Defaults to 800pN/nm.

'l_b' is the unstretched length per base of ssDNA, in nm. Defaults to 0.5nm.

'T' is the temperature, in Kelvin. Defaults to 298.15K.

Simulation parameters:

'bases' is the integer number of ssDNA bases in the strand. Defaults to 30, but this should be specified by the user.

'step' is a parameter which controls the step size of the sampler. Proposed steps are of about this size. Dimensionless number greater than zero which is the energy (as a ratio to kT) that characterizes the proposed step size distribution. Defaults to 3. This can be tuned based on calling the method acceptance_ratios, which outputs the percentage of accepted proposals.

Boundary conditions:

'initial_coordinates' specifies the starting ssDNA position, in nm. N by 3 array, where N is the number of Kuhn segments. Defaults to a straight line of ssDNA along the z=axis.

'fixed_points' specifies which DNA bases are fixed in space, and where. Format is a cell array. E.g.: {base_number_1, [x1,y1,z1], base_number_2, [x2,y2,z2], ...}

'force_function' specifies the potential energy landscape, as a function of the bead coordinate, due to some applied force on each bead.

'boundary' is a boolean function of a bead coordinate which returns whether or not the ssDNA is allowed to be there.

'interaction_function' allows for the specification of an arbitrarily complicated potential energy function, which need not act on every bead or everywhere in space. Can be used to model protein-DNA interactions, for example...

Example Usage

Free ssDNA in solution

>> mc = ssDNA_MCMC('bases',100); % sets up simulation of 100mer ssDNA, using defaults
>>; % runs the sampler to generate 1000 samples
>> mc.plot_overlay(200,1) % plots snapshots, thinned by 200, in figure 1 (5 snapshots total)

Snapshots of simulation of free ssDNA in solution

Tethered ssDNA in an applied electric field

You can specify more very easily. Let's simulate ssDNA tethered at one end to a surface, under the influence of an electric field in the +z direction.

>> mc = ssDNA_MCMC('bases',100,'fixed_points',{1,[0,0,0]},'force_function',@(d) 18*d(3)); % base 1 fixed at origin; applied force is everywhere 18pN in the -z direction
>>; % runs the sampler to generate 1000 samples
>> mc.plot_overlay(200,1); % plots snapshots, thinned by 200, in figure 1 (5 snapshots total)

Snapshots of simulation of tethered ssDNA with electric field applied

We can quickly see the effects of reducing the applied electric field by a factor of 100:

>> mc = ssDNA_MCMC('bases',100,'fixed_points',{1,[0,0,0]},'force_function',@(d) 0.18*d(3)); % base 1 fixed at origin; applied force is everywhere 0.18pN in the -z direction
>>; % runs the sampler to generate 1000 samples
>> mc.plot_overlay(200,1); % plots snapshots, thinned by 200, in figure 1 (5 snapshots total)

Snapshots of simulation of tethered ssDNA with less electric field applied

ssDNA in a nanopore, with an applied electric field, and interactions between nucleotides and nanopore amino acids

The function specifying the boundary of the nanopore is np_bnd.m, and the function specifying the energetics of the interaction between a certain DNA base and part of the nanopore is contained in m2_constriction_interaction.m, both of which are anonymous functions of d, the coordinates of the ssDNA. ssDNA_MCMC was written in a general way in order to accommodate any user-defined functions.

>> % specify the initial position of the ssDNA in the nanopore
>> init = [0         0         0
   	-0.0154    0.0235   -1.4465
   	-0.3619    0.2136   -3.1522
   	-0.1791    0.3043   -4.8435
   	-0.0844    0.3333   -6.4507
    	0.2508    0.8718   -7.8463
    	0.5506    0.8994   -9.3131
    	0.3292    1.0806  -10.8514
    	0.9230    0.9985  -12.3720
    	0.5799    1.9483  -13.6168
    	1.2485    1.9650  -14.9118];
>> mc = ssDNA_MCMC('bases',28,'fixed_points',{1,[0,0,0]}, ...
                'force_function',@(d) 18*d(3), ...
                'boundary',@np_bnd, ...
		'initial_coordinates',init, ...
                'interaction_function',@(d) m2_constriction_interaction(d,13,0.5,4.1*5,0.5,1.5));
>> mc.plot_overlay(200,1);

Snapshots of simulation of ssDNA in nanopore with electric field and complex interaction with the nanopore

The above plot shows the boundary of the nanopore as nine concentric black rings stacked in the z direction. The ssDNA is constrained to remain inside the nanopore during sampling.

Interesting questions can be asked and quickly answered, such as: Which base is in the narrowest constriction of the nanopore, and how does it depend on the applied voltage?

Stretching of ssDNA in nanopore with electric field applied


Stephen Fleming, PhD candidate at the Golovchenko Lab in the physics department at Harvard University, 2017.