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File metadata and controls

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Let's start our first plugin! Create a new file in the plugins folder and name it

Your First Command

We're going to create a new fetch command that downloads the content of a webpage.

import re
from plumeria.command import commands, CommandError

@commands.register("fetch", "download", "get page", category="Utility")
async def fetch(message):
    Fetches a webpage.



    q = message.content.strip()
    if not"^https://", re.I): # naive URL checking
        raise CommandError("That's not a valid URL")
    # more to come

A command is created by decorating a function with commands.register(), which takes a list of aliases. Spaces are acceptable characters in aliases and can be used to create sub-commands. A category is required for the help page so related commands are grouped together to make them easier to find. The actual name of the function doesn't matter, but there can only be one parameter, which is the message object that contains information about what was sent and who sent it.

Docstrings are shown on the help page for commands and they should be formatted in reStructuredText, and example of a docstring can be seen above. Docstrings in Python are surrounded by three quotation marks (""") and appear first in a function or object.

Fetching URLs

Because Plumeria is written to be asynchronous, we'll use the aiohttp library to make HTTP requests. To improve security, we'll use the DefaultClientSession object that comes with Plumeria.

import re
from plumeria.command import commands, CommandError
from plumeria.util.http import DefaultClientSession

@commands.register("fetch", "download", "get page", category="Utility")
async def fetch(message):
    Fetches a webpage.



    url = message.content.strip()
    if not"^https://", re.I): # naive URL checking
        raise CommandError("That's not a valid URL")

    with DefaultClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as resp:
            if require_success and resp.status != 200:
                raise CommandError("HTTP code is not 200; got {}".format(resp.status))
            return await resp.text()

We return text directly from the fetch() method, which is assumed to be Markdown. If we want to return a message with attachments or other bells and whistles, we would need to return a :pyplumeria.message.Response object rather than a string, but that will be explained later.

To see how the HTTP client is used, see the documentation for aiohttp.


The function above is prefixed with async, which means that it is willing to give up control of the currently running "thread" so that something else can run. Python will manage what else will run for you, but you inform Python that you want to give up control by awaiting another function. In the example above, the function awaits the session.request() function (in the form of the async with) because requesting a webpage requires waiting for a remote server to respond, and then further on, the code awaits resp.text() because the other's server response must be fully received.

Running Your Plugin

If you have plugins in the plugins folder, Plumeria will be able to pick them up, but you still have to tell Plumeria to load your plugin. Open up your configuration file and add the following to the [plugins] section:

my_first_plugin = True

Restart Plumeria and see if your new plugin is loaded in the log, and then try the .fetch command.

Adding Configuration

Configuration can be declared at the top of a file using config.create(), which returns a :pyplumeria.config.Setting object that can be used to read the value from the configuration at a later point.

from plumeria import config

timeout = config.create("my_first_plugin", "fetch_timeout9", type=int, fallback=4,
                        comment="The maximum amount of time to wait for a webpage to load")

When the value of timeout is required, simply call the object:



Configuration data can change while Plumeria is running.

We'll integrate this timeout into our command:

import re
from plumeria import config
from plumeria.command import commands, CommandError
from plumeria.util.http import DefaultClientSession

timeout = config.create("my_first_plugin", "fetch_timeout9", type=int, fallback=4,
                        comment="The maximum amount of time to wait for a webpage to load")

@commands.register("fetch", "download", "get page", category="Utility")
async def fetch(message):
    Fetches a webpage.



    url = message.content.strip()
    if not"^https://", re.I): # naive URL checking
        raise CommandError("That's not a valid URL")

    with DefaultClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url, timeout=timeout()) as resp:
            if require_success and resp.status != 200:
                raise CommandError("HTTP code is not 200; got {}".format(resp.status))
            return await resp.text()

Rate Limiting

To reduce abuse, we will want to limit how often the command can be used. There are two types of rate limits:

  • A command cost, which is used to determine how many commands can be chained together
  • A rate limit, which simply controls the rate of calls

By default, all commands have a cost of 1.0. Commands that have minimal CPU and network impact should have lower costs. Costs can be adjusted when registering the command:

@commands.register("fetch", "download", "get page", category="Utility", cost=1.0)

For our fetch command, we won't adjust the cost.

However, we do want to reduce how frequently the command can be used, so we'll apply a rate limit. Rate limits are per-user, per-channel, and per-server. Rate limits are simply added by applying a @rate_limit() decorator.

from plumeria.util.ratelimit import rate_limit

@commands.register("fetch", "download", "get page", category="Utility")
async def fetch(message):
    # etc.

Rate limits can be adjusted by changing burst size and fill rate:

@commands.register("fetch", "download", "get page", category="Utility")
@rate_limit(burst_size=10, fill_rate=0.5)
async def fetch(message):
    # etc.


@rate_limit() must appear after the command registration.