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Server tutorial

Your first server

To start with, import the :mod:`aiokatcp` module.

import aiokatcp

All the functionality in aiokatcp is available in this module namespace.

Your server needs to derive from :class:`~aiokatcp.server.DeviceServer`. At a minimum, it needs to define :const:`VERSION` and :const:`BUILD_STATE` class attributes, which are strings sent in the #version-connect informs and in response to the ?version-info query.

class MyServer(aiokatcp.DeviceServer):
    VERSION = 'myserver-api-1.0'
    BUILD_STATE = 'myserver-1.0.1.dev0'

To run your server, you will need to call :meth:`.DeviceServer.start`, which is a coroutine. You can wait for it to be shut down (either via a ?halt request or by a call to :meth:`.DeviceServer.stop`) by using :meth:`.DeviceServer.join`). A basic program that will run the server looks like this:

async def main():
    server = Server('localhost', 4444)
    await server.start()
    await server.join()

if __name__ == '__main__':

That is sufficient to run a server that will listen on port 4444, and answer standard requests like ?help. But of course, you will want to extend the functionality by adding new requests and sensors.


Requests are added by writing methods in your class whose name starts with request_. A metaclass detects these methods and automatically routes requests to them. The rest of the method name becomes the request name, with underscores changed to dashes to match katcp conventions. For example, a ?hello-world request would be mapped to a call to a request_hello_world method.

The first two arguments to the request are fixed: self (the server object) and ctx (an instance of :class:`~aiokatcp.server.RequestContext`, which provides information needed to send informs back as part of the response). The remaining positional arguments are filled with the arguments passed in the request. They should be annotated with Python types, which are used to convert from the encoded form in the message to the appropriate Python type. See :ref:`type-conversions` below for details of which Python types you can use and how the conversions work. You can even use argument defaults or a *args parameter for variadic requests.

If you need access to the original :class:`Message` object, it can be accessed as :attr:`.RequestContext.msg`.

Your function needs to return an :dfn:`awaitable` — the simplest way to do that is to make it a coroutine i.e., declare it with async def. If the awaitable returns nothing, then aiokatcp takes care of automatically returning an ok response to the client. To provide extra arguments to the response, provide them to the awaitable (either as a single scalar or as a tuple). The same types that you can use as parameter annotations are also available here.

That's a lot to take in, so let's see a simple example:

class MyServer(aiokatcp.DeviceServer):
    async def request_greet(self, ctx, name: str):
        """Take a person's name and greet them"""
        return 'hello', name

Note that the function has a docstring: this is required, as it is used to generate the response to the ?help request. The first line is used when calling ?help with no arguments, and the full docstring when asking for help on this specific request.

What about if something goes wrong and the request fails? For that you should raise the :exc:`~aiokatcp.connection.FailReply` exception with a message, which will be sent to the client according to the katcp protocol. The same will happen if any other exception is thrown, with the difference being that other exceptions will include the full traceback and also make an entry in the server's logs. Thus, :exc:`~aiokatcp.connection.FailReply` should be used when the error is "expected" (such as due to the client's mistake) while other exceptions should generally indicate a serious problem in the server.

There are a few other ways to make replies. You can set a reply by calling :meth:`.RequestContext.reply` — in this case your coroutine must return None. A convention used by several katcp requests is to respond with a sequence of informs, followed by an ok reply with the number of informs. Such a response can be produced by calling :meth:`.RequestContext.informs`, and this may be more efficient than sending informs individually.

Type conversions

The katcp specification documents a number of standard types for use in messages and sensors. The integer, float and boolean types are used when the type annotation is :class:`int`, :class:`float` or :class:`bool` respectively, and are largely self-explanatory. The string type does not specify any particular encoding. When using :class:`str` as the type annotation in Python, UTF-8 is assumed, and the request will fail if the string is not valid UTF-8. On return, strings will similarly be encoded to UTF-8. If you need to process binary data or apply another encoding, use :class:`bytes` instead, which does no conversion (this is also the default if no type annotation is provided for an argument).

There are also :class:`~aiokatcp.core.Timestamp` and :class:`~aiokatcp.core.Address` classes corresponding to the timestamp and address types. The former is a trivial subclass of :class:`float` and only really useful in the sensor framework. The latter contains a host IP address and a port number.

You can use enum types (subclasses of :class:`enum.Enum`). The string value in the message is matched to the name of the enum value, but converted from upper to lower case and with underscores changed to dashes to match katcp conversions (e.g. MY_VALUE in Python becomes my-value on the wire). If necessary, you can override this behaviour by defining a :attr:`katcp_value` attribute on all members of the enum containing the wire representation (as a :class:`bytes`).

It is also possible to register additional type conversions (see :func:`~aiokatcp.core.register_type`). For example, one could register :class:`dict` to convert to and from JSON. The functions :func:`~aiokatcp.core.encode` and :func:`~aiokatcp.core.decode` provide access to the type conversions outside of the request handler machinery.


As part of replying to a request, you may need to send synchronous informs to the client. The can be done by calling :meth:`.RequestContext.inform` (a coroutine) with the arguments. It automatically includes the appropriate message ID and name.

A convention used in a number of the standard katcp requests is to reply by sending a sequence of informs, followed by a reply containing the number of such informs. This can be achieved using :meth:`.RequestContext.informs`. Note that this sends the reply as well, so if you use this your handler must not return a value. Using this function may be more efficient that sending the messages individually, because the messages are passed to the TCP socket as a unit. On the other hand, this does require memory to hold the entire reply.

Informs can also be asynchronous, to inform clients about events occurring in the server. An asynchronous inform can be sent to all clients using :meth:`.DeviceServer.mass_inform`.


To provide a sensor from your server, create a :class:`~aiokatcp.sensor.Sensor` and attach it to your server by calling self.sensors.add. It is a good idea to do this from your __init__ method so that it is present before any client connects, but it is also possible to dynamically modify the sensors (although at present it is up to the user to send appropriate #interface-changed informs to clients).

An example:

sensor = aiokatcp.Sensor(
    int, 'counter-queries', 'number times ?counter was called',
    default=0, initial_status=aiokatcp.Sensor.Status.NOMINAL)

The first argument is the sensor type, which again is one of the types described under :ref:`type-conversions`. If it is an enum type, the default value is the first enum value, otherwise the default is whatever is appropriate to the type.

To update the sensor value, use :meth:`.Sensor.set_value`, or simply assign to the :attr:`~.Sensor.value` attribute.


There is currently no support for providing extra parameters, such as the nominal range for numeric sensors, since these values are marked as deprecated. For discrete sensors, the parameters are automatically computed as the possible values of the enumeration.

The :attr:`.DeviceServer.sensors` attribute implements both a dictionary-like and a set-like interface to allow sensors to be added and removed. Sensor metadata (such as the name or type) should not be mutated after creation.

Automatic status

In many cases the status of a sensor (nominal, warn or error) is determined entirely by the value e.g. an error counter may be nominal when zero and in warning state when non-zero. Rather than needing to explicitly pass the status each time, one can provide a status_func callback to the constructor that takes the sensor value and returns the status. The callback can be overridden by passing an explicit status to :meth:`.Sensor.set_value`.

Auto strategy

If a client requests the auto strategy for sampling a sensor, the default is to send it all updates as they happen (and unlike the event strategy, assignments that do not change the value will still be reported). This default can be changed by passing auto_strategy and auto_strategy_parameters when constructing the sensor.


It is important that request handlers operate gracefully if cancelled (refer to the asyncio documentation). When :meth:`.DeviceServer.stop` is called, any pending requests are cancelled and the client is sent a failure response to indicate that this occurred. It is not necessary (nor desirable) to swallow the :exc:`asyncio.CancelledError` — but it should not leave the server in a state that will cause it to deadlock or crash.

Keep in mind that asyncio cancellation can only occur at a yield point (await or yield from). Thus, if your handler is completely synchronous then you do not need to worry.

Graceful shutdown

Apart from the ?halt request, the server can be stopped from code with :meth:`.DeviceServer.stop` or :meth:`.DeviceServer.halt`. The former is a coroutine that completes when the server has shut down; the latter is a thin wrapper which schedules the former as an asyncio task and returns immediately. The latter is useful as a callback for a signal handler, e.g.

asyncio.get_event_loop().add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, server.halt)

The ?halt request is implemented in terms of :meth:`~.DeviceServer.halt` and hence :meth:`~.DeviceServer.stop`.

One gotcha is that :meth:`~.DeviceServer.join` returns as soon as :meth:`~.DeviceServer.stop` completes. This is a problem if you override :meth:`~.DeviceServer.stop` to shut down other parts of your system after the katcp server has stopped, because this code may only run after :meth:`~.DeviceServer.join` returns (particularly if it is asynchronous code). Instead, one can override :meth:`~.DeviceServer.on_stop`, which is a coroutine that does nothing and is intended specifically for this purpose. It is called by :meth:`~.DeviceServer.stop` after it has completed its work, but before it signals :meth:`~.DeviceServer.join` to wake up.