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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 11, 2019. It is now read-only.

Latest commit



21 lines (17 loc) · 946 Bytes


File metadata and controls

21 lines (17 loc) · 946 Bytes


Contributions are welcome. To ensure that your contributions are accepted please follow these guidelines.

  • Follow pep8 (Travis will fails builds that don't pass flake8)
  • If you are adding docstrings, follow pep257
  • If you are adding new functionality or fixing a bug, please add tests.
  • If you are making a large change, consider filing an issue on github first to see if there are any objections to the proposed changes.

In general, new features or bug fixes will not be merged unless they have tests. This is not only to ensure the correctness of the code, but to also encourage others to expirement without wondering whether or not they are breaking existing code.

To avoid me becoming the same development bottleneck that inspired the fork from fakeredis in the first place, I will give commit rights to anyone who asks and has submitted a pull request that adheres to these guidelines.