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OOD-ASR: Out-of-domain Automatic Speech Recognition Tasks

specified by the command -d ctc

Cross-lingual Tasks

  1. Download Common Voice Corpus 7.0
    • es: Spanish
    • zh-CN: Chinese (China)
    • ar: Arabic
  2. Modify the preprocessing script corpus/
    • cv_root: path to common voice 7.0 dataset
    • data_root: path to save preprocessed data (.tsv files)
  3. Run the following script
    cd downstream/ctc/corpus
    This step includes preprocessing transcriptions and downsampling audio waveforms.
  4. Check processed files (in ${data_root})
    ├── ar
    │   ├── dev.tsv
    │   ├── test.tsv
    │   ├── train.tsv
    │   └── train.txt
    ├── es
    │   ├── dev.tsv
    │   ├── test.tsv
    │   ├── train.tsv
    │   └── train.txt
    └── zh-CN
        ├── dev.tsv
        ├── test.tsv
        ├── train.tsv
        └── train.txt
  5. Modify training configs in cv_config/
            name: 'common_voice'
            path: 'path/to/cv-corpus-7.0-2021-07-21/.../clips'
            train: ['path/to/train.tsv']
            dev: ['path/to/dev.tsv']
            test: ['path/to/test.tsv']
  6. Training
    parser.add_argument('-k', '--upstream_ckpt', metavar='{PATH,URL,GOOGLE_DRIVE_ID}', help='Only set when the specified upstream need it')
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--upstream_model_config', help='The config file for constructing the pretrained model')
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--upstream_refresh', action='store_true', help='Re-download cached ckpts for on-the-fly upstream variants')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--upstream_trainable', action='store_true', help='Fine-tune, set upstream.train(). Default is upstream.eval()')
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--upstream_feature_selection', default='hidden_states', help='Specify the layer to be extracted as the representation')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--upstream_layer_selection', type=int, help='Select a specific layer for the features selected by -s')
    parser.add_argument('--upstream_feature_normalize', action='store_true', help='Specify whether to normalize hidden features before weighted sum')
    parser.add_argument('--upstream_model_name', default="", help='The name of the model file in the HuggingFace Hub repo.')
    parser.add_argument('--upstream_revision', help="The commit hash of the specified HuggingFace Repository")
    python3 -n ExpName -m train -u Upstream -d ctc -c downstream/ctc/cv_config/cv_${lang}.yaml
    Replace ${lang} with es, zh, or ar.
  7. Testing
    python3 -m evaluate -e result/downstream/ExpName/dev-best.ckpt

Spontaneous Speech

  1. Clone vectominist/SBCSAE-preprocess for data preprocessing
    git clone
  2. Follow the instructions in [vectominist/SBCSAE-preprocess] to download and process data.
  3. Modify training the config in sbcsae.yaml
            name: 'sbcsae'
            path: 'path/to/SBCSAE/wav'
            train: ['path/to/sbcsae/train.tsv']
            dev: ['path/to/sbcsae/dev.tsv']
            test: ['path/to/sbcsae/test.tsv']
  4. Training
    python3 -n ExpName -m train -u Upstream -d ctc -c downstream/ctc/sbcsae.yaml
  5. Testing
    python3 -m evaluate -e result/downstream/ExpName/dev-best.ckpt