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The plugin description.


To setup the development environment, please install the following:

  1. Docker and docker-compose. Refer to their respective pages for installation instructions.
  2. Install lando.
  3. Clone this repository:
git clone project-repository plugin-name
  1. Copy the file .env.example as .env. There's should be no need to modify the .env file.
  2. Start the lando containers:
cd plugin-name/
lando start

This can take some time, since it has to download the required containers, plus it also downloads and installs WordPress and the WordPress test libraries required for Integration Tests.

  1. Install the plugin dependencies with Composer:
lando composer install

This step installs the phpab library, used to generate the autoload script, the WordPress standards libraries and PHPUnit (for unit testing).


I've setup lando to provide some additional commands:

  • lando phpunitd: This command runs the xdebug command so you can listen on vscode (the required configuration is provided on the .vscode folder).

  • lando update-autoloader: Will update the autoloader script for the plugin (src/autoloader.php).

  • lando test: Runs the project tests. It's basically a shortcut to composer test.

For VSCode to work properly, I recommend the plugins:

  • PHP Intelephense
  • PHP Sniffer & Beatufier
  • PHP Debug, for using xdebug.


After installing lando you already have a running WordPress instance, so you can go to (/wp-admin) and see it working.