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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 8, 2022. It is now read-only.


Repository files navigation

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What is it?

AO is short for Aurora Oc. Just as OC is a CLI for OpenShift, AO is a CLI for Boober.

(Boober is our take on how to handle the wall of yaml challenge of Kubernetes. It reads configuration files with a given schemaVersion from a git repo (AuroraConfig) and transforms it into Openshift Objects via a AuroraDeploymentConfiguration. More info in the Boober project on

AO lets you manipulate Boober configuration files, and initiate deploys to OpenShift.


ao login my-project
ao checkout my-project
cd my-project
vi my-test-env/my-app.json
git add .
git commit -m "updated my-app"
git push
ao apply my-test-ent/my-app


AO is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0


{go} is your GOPATH, default /home/<user>/go Make requires docker

mkdir -p {go}/src/
cd {go}/src/
git clone
cd ao

Windows and macOS versions are built on Linux. To develop and test on windows, use the go install command instead of make.


go mod tidy