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Releases: skeezerbean/SPP-LegionV2-Management


21 Mar 19:42
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Note - by downloading this you've automatically agreed to the LICENSE

Some cleanup to the GUI and code
Added some orphaned account checks
Fixed some potential crashes
Added orphaned object detail list of items found

Default world template updated 2/26/2021 for the Year 1 update

Check the README for more info


16 Mar 16:33
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This release now allows for removal of orphaned characters/objects in the database, and proper removal of character related objects when removing characters or accounts. Please check the README for detailed directions. Please note that removal of orphaned characters or objects may take a very long time if you're running a traditional hard drive rather than an SSD. There is an option to limit how many things to clean up in the database. If you don't have an SSD, you may want to keep this below 100,000, or even 50,000 until you know how quickly the process will work. As the total number gets lower, it will respond a little better.

For reference - an orphaned character is one that is associated with an account ID that doesn't exist in the account table. The account was removed but the character stayed behind. An orphaned object is an entry in the database pointing to a character ID that doesn't exist anymore. The character had been removed, but some items stayed beyond.

Default world template updated 2/26/2021 for the Year 1 update

Check the README for more info


09 Mar 06:02
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Note - by downloading this you've automatically agreed to the LICENSE

Note -
1 - BattleNet password issues resolved in this release. You can now reset/change your BattleNet login passwords, and will be required to give a password when changing BattleNet login names due to the way the SHA256 password hash is generated for BattleNet Accounts.
2 - The .exe file name has changed since the 0.0.1.x releases and the old one should be deleted. Or extract this to a new folder and copy your settings.json file from the old installation (or simply browse to config folders again in the app)
3 - You can now create an account with this tool, then set the password (and GM level if needed) afterwards

Revamped GUI, added some account/character management
-- Working - listing/changing current account/character information, creating account
-- Not working - cleanup/deletion of accounts/characters/orphaned objects

Default world template updated 2/26/2021 for the Year 1 update

Check the README for more info


06 Mar 06:36
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Note - by downloading this you've automatically agreed to the LICENSE

Note -
1 - BattleNet password issues resolved in this release. You can now reset/change your BattleNet login passwords, and will be required to give a password when changing BattleNet login names due to the way the SHA256 password hash is generated for BattleNet Accounts.
2 - The .exe file name has changed since the 0.0.1.x releases and the old one should be deleted. Or extract this to a new folder and copy your settings.json file from the old installation (or simply browse to config folders again in the app)

Revamped GUI, added some account/character management
-- Working - listing/changing current account/character information
-- Not working - creating new account, cleanup/deletion of accounts/characters/orphaned objects

Default world template updated 2/26/2021 for the Year 1 update

Check the README for more info


04 Mar 21:47
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Note - by downloading this you've automatically agreed to the LICENSE

1 - DO NOT CHANGE YOUR BNET LOGIN WITH THIS VERSION! The password will not longer match until you change it back
2 - The .exe file name has changed and the old one should be deleted.

Revamped GUI, added some account/character management
-- Working - listing/changing current account/character information
-- Not working - creating new account, cleanup/deletion of accounts/characters/orphaned objects

Default world template updated 2/26/2021 for the Year 1 update

Check the README for more info


27 Feb 17:22
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Code cleanup, changed DataGrid to be virtualized to massively increase responsiveness, changed search to work as CollectionView filter rather than attached properties for colorizing cells and scrolling (which wasn't working consistently)

Default world template updated 2/26/2021 for the Year 1 update

Check the README for more info


24 Jan 02:45
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building/exporting the .conf files will be quicker, clean up the alert box for "Check Config"
Default world template updated 2/26/2021 for the Year 1 update

Check the README for more info


11 Jan 21:39
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Note - by downloading this you've automatically agreed to the LICENSE

Fixed some SQL communication, added a few more checks/notes/warnings if some options are enabled.
Default world template updated 1/11/2021 in prep for Update 9

Check the README for more info


16 Dec 19:01
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Note - by downloading this you've automatically agreed to the LICENSE

Changed some parsing to better check for issues, including values with comments on the same line as a configuration entry (and give a warning). This was causing an issue checking for duplicates when there was a comment on the line and ended up parsing it as a tooltip instead.
Default template updated 12/18/2020 to fix a few naming issues and add missing section (thank you MDic!!)

Check the README for more info


13 Dec 12:43
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Note - by downloading this you've automatically agreed to the LICENSE

Updated datagrid view to load quicker.
Description column displaying as tooltip rather than it's own column. This looks better and helps keep the data together visually.
Extra checks, general cleanup, added button to reload config so that you don't have to close and open the app again to reload if any mistakes were made.
Updated template included on 12/13/2020, attached file build with latest commit at this time