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👷🏼 A library for creating server-side GUIs for Minecraft
Coded with ❤️ by Jelle De Loecker.


This library allows you to quickly create server-side GUIs for Minecraft Fabric, without the client needing any mod.

It is meant to be used together with PolyMC, which automatically translates custom items & blocks to textured vanilla items so vanilla clients can see them with a resource pack.

Screenbuilder currently only supports 9x6 inventory screens (which are the biggest ones available in-game). These can then be textured by using the "custom item" trick: an item in the top left slot is retextured to a GUI, which then overflows its slot and is overlayed over the entire inventory. (Using font magic instead might be added later, but for now this works perfectly for my usecase).


You can add Screenbuilder to your dependencies like this:

repositories {
	maven { url '' }

dependencies {
	modImplementation include("rocks.blackblock:screenbuilder:0.1.0")


There's a short example in the testmod directory: there I created a "cardboard box" which acts as a small shulker box:

Cardboard Box GUI

This was a pretty basic example, here is a GIF of a more complex one that uses selects & string inputs:

Inputs example

It's harder to show example code of this because of how interweaved it is with my personal mods. But I'll try to create some more examples ASAP.

Here's a small code example though:

Instead of creating a new class for each GUI, they can be made on-the-fly:

// Names do not have to be unique, but they might be used for custom textures
Screenbuilder GUI = new ScreenBuilder("menu");

// The namespace of your mod

// By just providing a boolean value of `true`,
// it will automatically create a GUI item & look for the texture in
// {namespace}/textures/gui/{name}.png - So in this case that will be
// blackblock/textures/gui/menu.png

// ScreenBuilder instances can act as a sort of blueprint:
// create them at init and then reuse them at will.
// This is actually the default value, so it doesn't need to be called.
// However, sometimes you want to create a GUI on-the-fly, with custom button placements and such,
// it would not make sense for the system to clone those again, so then this should be set to false

// GUIs are always made based on 9x6 inventories.
// The first number (in buildSlot call) is the index of the slot on the screen,
// the second number (mapInventory) is the index inside the inventory to link this slot to
// The `allow()` call will make it so only items that are decendants of the PassportDataCardItem class are allowed
// And we'll only ever allow a stack size of 1

// Add a "button" at slot index 11
ButtonWidgetSlot add = GUI.addButton(11);

// Here you can set the item to use as an icon
// In this example it's something I made for one of my own mods

// You can set the title of the button, which is visible on hover
// (This basically sets the display title of the item)
add.setTitle("Add game settings...");

// Now you can choose what to do when someone left clicks on it
add.addLeftClickListener((screen, slot) -> {


// Add another button at index 15
ButtonWidgetSlot edit = GUI.addButton(15);
edit.setTitle("Edit game's name...");

// Another click listener
edit.addLeftClickListener((screen, slot) -> {

    // Create a string input (this will use the anvil GUI)
    StringInput input = new StringInput();
    // This will be the title at the top of the anvil gui
    input.setDisplayName("Your game's name...");

    // Actually show the input

    // Once the player accepts the new name, this lambda will be called
    input.setRenamedListener((screen1, value) -> {
        System.out.println("New value is: " + value);

// This "registers" the GUI you just made.
// This is actually only needed if you use custom textures

return GUI;


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.