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ICLR 2024 The Need for Speed: Pruning Transformers with One Recipe [Project Page] [OpenReview]


  • [2024/04/08] Initial Codebase for Language Experiments has been released; More coming soon!
  • [2024/01/16] OPTIN Transformer Pruning is accepted at ICLR 2024


We introduce the One-shot Pruning Technique for Interchangeable Networks (OPTIN) framework as a tool to increase the efficiency of pre-trained transformer architectures, across many domains, without requiring re-training. Recent works have explored improving transformer efficiency, however often incur computation- ally expensive re-training procedures or depend on architecture-specific character- istics, thus impeding practical wide-scale adoption across multiple modalities. To address these shortcomings, the OPTIN framework leverages intermediate feature distillation, capturing the long-range dependencies of model parameters (coined trajectory), to produce state-of-the-art results on natural language, image classifica- tion, transfer learning, and semantic segmentation tasks. Our motivation stems from the need for a generalizable model compression framework that scales well across different transformer architectures and applications. Given a FLOP constraint, the OPTIN framework will compress the network while maintaining competitive accuracy performance and improved throughput. Particularly, we show a ≤ 2% accuracy degradation from NLP baselines and a 0.5% improvement from state- of-the-art methods on image classification at competitive FLOPs reductions. We further demonstrate the generalization of tasks and architecture with comparative performance on Mask2Former for semantic segmentation and cnn-style networks. OPTIN presents one of the first one-shot efficient frameworks for compressing transformer architectures that generalizes well across multiple class domains, in particular: natural language and image-related tasks, without re-training.


  • Initial Language-based Code Release
  • BERT Model Saved Parameter Rankings
  • Initial Vision-based Code Release
  • Vision Model Saved Parameter Rankings
  • Cleaning/Finalizing OPTIN Code Release

Getting Started

Create virtual env with conda/pyvenv -- python >= 3.11
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Instructions

python --config path/to/config.yaml

Relevant Functions

For any of the applications, the core-pruning loss functions are implemented in These functions are wrapped in the head pruning and neuron pruning functions under ./prune/*. Sample config.yaml files have been provided to reproduce our results. Ablative components discussed in the main paper can mostly be mostly tested by modifying the specs in these config.yaml files.

Language Experimental Results:

Data Performance Saved Paramter Rankings
MNLI 81.90 link
QQP 90.06 link
QNLI 88.49 link
SST 92.24 link
STS-B 87.25 link
MRPC 85.13 link

Table1: Summary of All main language experiments with BERT using the OPTIN Transformer Prunnig Scheme. FLOP compression ratios are described in the main paper, pre-saved parameter rankng will be made available soon.


    title={The Need for Speed: Pruning Transformers with One Recipe},
    author={Samir Khaki and Konstantinos N Plataniotis},
    booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},


[ICLR 2024] The Need for Speed: Pruning Transformers with One Recipe







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