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Releases: skipperbent/pecee

Version 3.17.2

10 Mar 19:29
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed pheanstalk naming issue

Version 3.17.1

10 Mar 10:29
Choose a tag to compare
  • Phtml: Minor bugfixes

Version 3.17.0

10 Mar 10:20
Choose a tag to compare
  • Base: changed visibility of validate and setError methods.
  • Collection: minor optimisations.
  • CollectionItem: minor optimisations.
  • Added InputCollection and InputCollectionItem.
  • ControllerBase: changed visibility to validate method.
  • Model: changed onNewInstance to not automaticially reset query.
  • ModelCollection: fixed filter not filtering integer values correctly.
  • HasMany: optimisations.
  • HasOne: optimisations.
  • Taglib: added parseJsPropertiesTrue that will add a property with a true-value if condition is met.
  • Model: ensure that renamed items are actually renamed when calling to Array.
  • Taglib: clean widgets when rendering inline-widget.
  • Model: simplified toArray
  • Model: changed not found text in model.
  • TaglibJs: Added support for custom class in renderWidget tag.
  • TaglibJs: simplified event-binding output (moved to widget.js).
  • TaglibJs: added new parseJsProperties function to simplify element properties.
  • TaglibJs: replaced more unused tags from output.
  • Model: calling toArray now checks if method by get[key] exists (to ensure proper return type).
  • BelongsTo: fixed query when no identifier is found.
  • HasMany: fixed query when no identifier is found.
  • HasOne: fixed query when no identifier is found.
  • TaglibJs: improved output rendering by removing unused elements.
  • Model: with method now remove already invoked elements so they can be re-invoked.
  • TaglibJs: added guid to event-trigger to ensure originality.
  • Taglib: improved renderWidget rendering.
  • Taglib: renderWidget improved view event triggers.
  • Taglib: addView improved view event triggers.
  • TaglibJs: Simplified code.
  • TaglibJs: trigger events in tagRenderWidget.
  • Model: improved handling of invoked elements in toArray.
  • ValidateNotNullOrEmpty: added support for checking empty arrays.
  • Phtml: added support for html5 attributes like checked that doesnt have implicit value.
  • TaglibJs: added tagRenderWidget that renders inline widget.
  • TaglibJs: improved support for custom data parameters in tagTemplate.

Version 3.16.43

18 Jan 00:07
Choose a tag to compare
  • Column: Changed behavior so bool doesn't allow null-values.

Version 3.16.42

16 Jan 07:39
Choose a tag to compare
  • Model: improved filter method so it can now merge or replace.
  • Model: improved toArray so local filters are now only used if filter parameter is empty.
  • Model: fixed Model query not fully resetting when using relations.
  • HasMany: optimisations

Version 3.16.41

30 Dec 23:09
Choose a tag to compare
  • TaglibJs: removed jQuery references.
  • ModelCollection: optimized skip method to return new instance.
  • Queue: fixed query issues.

Version 3.16.40

27 Dec 13:18
Choose a tag to compare
  • Simplified queue class

Version 3.16.39

23 Dec 12:10
Choose a tag to compare
  • Added support for more advanced inline js{} expression tags.

Version 3.16.38

11 Dec 21:47
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed addForeignKey not working as intended

Version 3.16.37

08 Dec 15:30
Choose a tag to compare
  • ModelQueryBuilder: Fixed table not being set