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HTML templates

Every page in an HTML disassembly is built from a single full-page template and several subtemplates defined by template sections in the ref file.

A template may contain 'replacement fields' - identifiers enclosed by braces ({ and }) - that are replaced by appropriate content (typically derived from the skool file or a ref file section) when the template is formatted. The following 'universal' identifiers are available in every template:

  • Game - a dictionary of the parameters in the ref-game section
  • SkoolKit - a dictionary of parameters relevant to the page currently being built

The parameters in the SkoolKit dictionary are:

  • index_href - the relative path to the disassembly index page
  • page_header - the page header text (as defined in the pageHeaders section)
  • page_id - the page ID (e.g. GameIndex, MemoryMap)
  • title - the title of the page (as defined in the titles section)

The parameters in a dictionary are accessed using the [param] notation; for example, wherever {Game[Copyright]} appears in a template, it is replaced by the value of the Copyright parameter in the ref-game section when the template is formatted.

In addition to the universal identifiers, the following page-level identifiers are available in every full-page template:

  • m_javascript - replaced by any number of copies of the t_javascript subtemplate
  • m_stylesheet - replaced by one or more copies of the t_stylesheet subtemplate


The Asm template is the full-page template that is used to build disassembly pages.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal and page-level identifiers):

  • disassembly - replaced by sequences of copies of the t_asm_instruction subtemplate, punctuated by copies of the t_asm_comment subtemplate
  • entry - a dictionary of parameters corresponding to the current memory map entry (see below)
  • next_entry - a dictionary of parameters corresponding to the next memory map entry (see below)
  • prev_entry - a dictionary of parameters corresponding to the previous memory map entry (see below)
  • registers_input - replaced by any number of copies of the t_asm_register subtemplate
  • registers_output - replaced by any number of copies of the t_asm_register subtemplate

The parameters in the prev_entry, entry and next_entry dictionaries are:

  • address - the address of the entry (may be in decimal or hexadecimal format, depending on how it appears in the skool file, and the options passed to
  • annotated - '1' if any instructions in the entry have a non-empty comment field, '0' otherwise
  • byte - the LSB of the entry address
  • description - the entry description
  • exists - '1' if the entry exists, '0' otherwise
  • href - the relative path to the disassembly page for the entry (useful only for prev_entry and next_entry)
  • label - the ASM label of the first instruction in the entry
  • labels - '1' if any instructions in the entry have an ASM label, '0' otherwise
  • location - the address of the entry as a decimal number
  • map_href - the relative path to the entry on the 'Memory Map' page
  • page - the MSB of the entry address
  • size - the size of the entry in bytes
  • title - the title of the entry
  • type - the block type of the entry ('b', 'c', 'g', 's', 't', 'u' or 'w')

To see the default Asm template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:Asm


The GameIndex template is the full-page template that is used to build the disassembly index page.

It contains the following identifier (in addition to the universal and page-level identifiers):

  • m_index_section - replaced by any number of copies of the t_index_section subtemplate

To see the default GameIndex template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:GameIndex


The MemoryMap template is the full-page template that is used to build memory map pages and the 'Game status buffer' page.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal and page-level identifiers):

  • MemoryMap - a dictionary of the parameters in the corresponding memoryMap section
  • m_map_entry - replaced by one or more copies of the t_map_entry subtemplate

To see the default MemoryMap template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:MemoryMap


The Page template is the full-page template that is used to build custom pages defined by page and pageContent sections.

It contains the following identifier (in addition to the universal and page-level identifiers):

  • content - replaced by the value of the PageContent parameter in the corresponding page section

To see the default Page template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:Page


The Reference template is the full-page template that is used to build the 'Bugs', 'Trivia', 'Pokes', 'Glossary', 'Graphic glitches' and 'Changelog' pages.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal and page-level identifiers):

  • entries - replaced by one or more copies of the t_changelog_entry subtemplate (on the 'Changelog' page), or the t_reference_entry subtemplate (on the 'Bugs', 'Trivia', 'Pokes', 'Glossary' and 'Graphic glitches' pages)
  • m_contents_list_item - replaced by one or more copies of the t_contents_list_item subtemplate

To see the default Reference template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:Reference


The anchor template is the subtemplate used to format a page anchor (by default, an <a> element with a name attribute).

It contains the following identifier (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • anchor - the value of the name attribute

To see the default anchor template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:anchor


The asm_comment template is the subtemplate used by the t_Asm full-page template to format mid-block comments and block end comments.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • entry - a dictionary of parameters corresponding to the current memory map entry (see t_Asm)
  • m_paragraph - replaced by one or more copies of the t_paragraph subtemplate
  • t_anchor - replaced by a copy of the t_anchor subtemplate (with the address of the next instruction in decimal format as the anchor name when formatting a mid-block comment), or by an empty string (when formatting a block end comment)

To see the default asm_comment template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:asm_comment


The asm_instruction template is the subtemplate used by the t_Asm full-page template to format an instruction (including its label, address, operation and comment).

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • address - the address of the instruction (may be in decimal or hexadecimal format, depending on how it appears in the skool file, and the options passed to
  • annotated - '1' if the instruction has a comment field, '0' otherwise
  • called - '2' if the instruction is an entry point, '1' otherwise
  • comment - the text of the instruction's comment field
  • comment_rowspan - the number of instructions to which the comment field applies
  • entry - a dictionary of parameters corresponding to the memory map entry that contains the instruction (see t_Asm)
  • label - the instruction's ASM label
  • operation - the assembly language operation (e.g. 'LD A,B'), with operand hyperlinked if appropriate
  • t_anchor - replaced by a copy of the t_anchor subtemplate (with the instruction's address in decimal format as the anchor name)

To see the default asm_instruction template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:asm_instruction


The asm_register template is the subtemplate used by the t_Asm full-page template to format each row in a table of input register values or output register values.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • description - the register's description (as it appears in the register section for the current entry in the skool file)
  • entry - a dictionary of parameters corresponding to the current memory map entry (see t_Asm)
  • name - the register's name (e.g. 'HL')

To see the default asm_register template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:asm_register


The changelog_entry is the subtemplate used by the t_Reference full-page template to format each entry on the 'Changelog' page.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • description - the changelog entry intro text
  • num - '1' or '2', depending on the order of the entry on the page
  • t_anchor - replaced by a copy of the t_anchor subtemplate (with the entry title as the anchor name)
  • t_changelog_item_list - replaced by a copy of the t_changelog_item_list subtemplate
  • title - the changelog entry title

To see the default changelog_entry template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:changelog_entry


The changelog_item template is the subtemplate used by the t_changelog_item_list subtemplate to format each item in a changelog item list.

It contains the following identifier (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • item - replaced by the text of the changelog item, or a copy of the t_changelog_item_list subtemplate

To see the default changelog_item template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:changelog_item$


The changelog_item_list template is the subtemplate used by the t_changelog_entry subtemplate to format a list of changelog items, and also by the t_changelog_item subtemplate to format a list of subitems or subsubitems etc.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • indent - the indentation level of the item list: '' (blank string) for the list of top-level items, '1' for a list of subitems, '2' for a list of subsubitems etc.
  • m_changelog_item - replaced by one or more copies of the t_changelog_item subtemplate

To see the default changelog_item_list template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:changelog_item_list


The contents_list_item template is the subtemplate used by the t_Reference full-page template to format each item in the contents list on the 'Bugs', 'Trivia', 'Pokes', 'Glossary', 'Graphic glitches' and 'Changelog' pages.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • href - the URL to the entry on the page
  • title - the entry title

To see the default contents_list_item template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:contents_list_item


The img template is the subtemplate used to format <img> elements.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • alt - the 'alt' text for the image
  • src - the relative path to the image file

To see the default img template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:img


The index_section template is the subtemplate used by the t_GameIndex full-page template to format each group of links on the disassembly index page.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • header - the header text for the group of links (as defined in the name of the indexGroup section)
  • m_index_section_item - replaced by one or more copies of the t_index_section_item subtemplate

To see the default index_section template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:index_section$


The index_section_item template is the subtemplate used by the t_index_section subtemplate to format each link in a link group on the disassembly index page.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • href - the relative path to the page being linked to
  • link_text - the link text for the page (as defined in the links section)
  • other_text - the supplementary text displayed alongside the link (as defined in the links section)

To see the default index_section_item template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:index_section_item


The javascript template is the subtemplate used by the full-page templates to format each <script> element in the head of a page.

It contains the following identifier (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • src - the relative path to the JavaScript file

To see the default javascript template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:javascript

The link template is the subtemplate used to format the hyperlinks created by the BUG, FACT, POKE, LINK and R macros, and the hyperlinks in instruction operands on disassembly pages.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • href - the relative path to the page being linked to
  • link_text - the link text for the page

To see the default link template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:link


The map_entry template is the subtemplate used by the t_MemoryMap full-page template to format each entry on the memory map pages and the 'Game status buffer' page.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • MemoryMap - a dictionary of parameters from the corresponding memoryMap section
  • entry - a dictionary of parameters corresponding to the current memory map entry

The parameters in the entry dictionary are:

  • address - the address of the entry (may be in decimal or hexadecimal format, depending on how it appears in the skool file, and the options passed to
  • byte - the LSB of the entry address
  • description - the entry description
  • exists - '1'
  • href - the relative path to the disassembly page for the entry
  • label - the ASM label of the first instruction in the entry
  • labels - '1' if any instructions in the entry have an ASM label, '0' otherwise
  • location - the address of the entry as a decimal number
  • page - the MSB of the entry address
  • size - the size of the entry in bytes
  • title - the title of the entry
  • type - the block type of the entry ('b', 'c', 'g', 's', 't', 'u' or 'w')

To see the default map_entry template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:map_entry


The paragraph template is the subtemplate used to format each paragraph in the following items:

  • memory map entry descriptions (on disassembly pages and memory map pages)
  • mid-block comments and block end comments on disassembly pages
  • entries on the 'Bugs', 'Trivia', 'Pokes', 'Glossary', 'Graphic glitches' and 'Changelog' pages

It contains the following identifier (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • paragraph - the text of the paragraph

To see the default paragraph template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:paragraph


The reference_entry template is the subtemplate used by the t_Reference full-page template to format each entry on the 'Bugs', 'Trivia', 'Pokes', 'Glossary' and 'Graphic glitches' pages.

It contains the following identifiers (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • contents - replaced by the pre-formatted contents of the relevant ref-Bug, ref-Fact, ref-Poke, ref-Glossary or ref-GraphicGlitch section
  • num - '1' or '2', depending on the order of the entry on the page
  • title - the entry title

To see the default reference_entry template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:reference_entry


The reg template is the subtemplate used by the REG macro to format a register name.

It contains the following identifier (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • reg - the register name (e.g. 'HL')

To see the default reg template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:reg


The stylesheet template is the subtemplate used by the full-page templates to format each <link> element for a CSS file in the head of a page.

It contains the following identifier (in addition to the universal identifiers):

  • href - the relative path to the CSS file

To see the default stylesheet template, run the following command:

$ -r Template:stylesheet