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Unity API Quick Reference

API Note
Random.Range Random number between 2 numbers. Make sure to use approproatly typed parameters! (floats or ints)
Random.insideUnitCircle Random Vector2 of unit length
Random.insideUnitSphere Random Vector3 of unit length
transform.position Note position is a value type
transform.rotation A quaternion, another value type
transform.localScale Relative to the parent
transform.Translate Can use local or world space
transform.Rotate Can use local or world space
transform.RotateAround Takes point, axis and angle. This and the subsequent call loose precision after a while
transform.RotateAroundLocal Takes point, axis and angle
transform.SetParent Often used to just keep the scene tidy
transform.up Local up
transform.right Local right
transform.forward Local forward
transform.TransformPoint Scales, rotates and transforms a point by a transform. Local to world space
transform.InverseTransformPoint Scales, rotates and transforms a point by a transform. World to local space
transform.TransformDirection Not affected by scale or position
transform.LookAt Rotates the quaternion part to look at a point in world space
transform.ChildCount() returns the number of children transforms parented to this transform
transform.GetChild(0) returns child 0
gameObject.SetActive Disables and enables a gameobject and any components attached to it will not have the Update method called Name in the hierarchy
gameObject.Tag Set up the strings in the Unity editor. Can use with FindGameObjectWithTag
gameObject.layer A number. Set up different layers for different groups of objects like environment, different enemy types. Use with layer masks. Used for raycasting and rendering
gameObject.GetComponent<> To return a component attached to a gameobject. Uses generics. Returns null if there is no component attached
gameObject.AddComponent<> Retuns the new component
gameObject.GetComponentInChildren Recursive search
GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag<> Returns the first matching object
GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag<> Returns a typed array of objects
GameObject.CreatePrimitive Creates cubes, spheres, cylinders etc
GameObject.Destroy Pass in the gameobject or component you want to distroy
GameObject.FindObjectOfType Searches the memory space for an instance of a class
Vector3.Dot Multiplies 2 vectors returns a scalar. In front/behind or calculating angle between 2 vectors
Vector3.Lerp Interpolates between 2 vectors using t
Vector3.Cross Returns a vector that is mutully perpindicular to the 2 parameters
Vector3.Normalize Makes the vector of length 1
Vector3.Up The world up vector
Vector3.Zero The vector (0,0,0)
Vector3.One The vector (1,1,1)
Vector3.Distance Distance between 2 position vectors
Vector3.Angle Angle between 2 vectors
x, y, z, Note vectors are value types! (Structs)
Quaternion.AngleAxis This is how to make a quaternion! Angle is in degrees
Quaternion.Slerp Interpolates between 2 quaternions
Quaternion.Identity No rotation
Quaternion.Euler Make a quetarnion from euler angles
Quaternion.Inverse Quaternion in the opposite direction
Quaternion.LookRotation Makes a quaternion from a vector
Quaternion * by a Vector3 Rotates the vector by the quaternion
Quaternion * by a Quaternion Combines 2 quaternion rotations
x, y, z, w Components of the quaternion
Input.GetAxis("Vertical") returns a value between 0 and 1. Used to move things in response to user input
Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape) Check if a key is currently being pressed
Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") Check if a button is pressed this frame
OnDrawGizmos Called by the Unity editor. Allows the game component to draw gizmos to the scene view
Gizmos.color Sets the color of the subsequently drawn gizmos