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executable file
457 lines (394 loc) · 18.8 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
457 lines (394 loc) · 18.8 KB

Movement Commands

  • h,j,k,l - left, down, up, right
  • $, - - go to end of line
  • ^, 0 - go to start of line
  • gg,G - start, end of file
  • H,M,L - cursor to top, middle, bottom of screen
  • :5, 5G - go to line 5
  • w,b,e,ge - next word start, previous word start, next word end, previous word end
  • (,),{,} - next, previous sentence, next, previous paragraph
  • n| - nth column of current line
  • % - jump ot matching bracket (),{},[]
  • , - scroll up, down
  • , - move up, down one screen at a time
  • mc - mark current position where c is [a..Z]
  • `c, 'c - go to mark
  • `., '. - last edited line
  • :marks - print all marks
  • :jumps - print all jumps
  • n - go to nth older position in jump list, scroll forward through jump list
  • n - go to nth newer position in jump list, scroll backward through jump list
  • g;,g, - jump backwards and forwards through the changelist
  • f,t,F,T - move forward to,before a specified character, move backward to,before a specified character(; or , - repeat the command forward or backward)

Insert Commands

  • i,I - insert, start of line
  • a,A,ea - append, end of line, end of word
  • o,O - blank line below, blank line above
  • esc, <C-[>, - exit from insert mode
  • r - replace a single character (does not use insert mode)
  • J - join line below to the current one (pur number before to join several lines)
  • s - delete character and substitute text (add number in front to delete x characters)
  • cw,cc - replace word, line C - rewrite to end of line
  • x,X - delete character right, left
  • dw,dd - delete word, line (cut)
  • yw, yy - copy word, line (number in front for multiple) (copy)
  • p,P - paste after, before
  • :x,yd - delete lines x through y
  • "ayy, "ap - copy line into register a, paste
  • ,gm - switch case of char, movement command
  • gum, gUm - lowercase, uppercase text of movement command
  • - backspace over a word while in insert mode
  • - enter normal mode for one command while in insert mode
  • - delete to beginning of indent while in insert mode
  • - line completion while in insert mode
  • - copy letter above the cursor
  • - copy letter below the cursor
  • - omnicompletion
  • < C-r" > - paste from default register in insert mode (probably can substitute the " to any other register to paste from that one)

Search/Replace Commands

  • /,? - search forward, backward
  • n,N - repeat search in same direction, opposite direction
  • :s/old/new/g - replace only on current line
  • :%s/old/new/g - replace old with new in file
  • :%s/old/new/gc - replace old with new in file with confirmation
  • *, # - search for next instance of word under cursor, previous instance
  • :%s/<foo>/bar/gc - change only whole words exactly matching 'foo' to 'bar'; ask for confirmation
  • :%s/foo/bar/gci - change each 'foo' (case insensitive) to 'bar'; ask for confirmation
  • :g/^baz/s/foo/bar/g - change each 'foo' to 'bar' in each line starting with 'baz'
  • :%s//bar/g - replace each match of the last search pattern with 'bar'
  • :%s/foo//g - replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the word under the cursor
  • :%s/foo//g - replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the WORD under the cursor
  • :%s/foo/a/g - replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the contents of register 'a'
  • :%s/a/bar/g - replace all occurrences of the text in register 'a' with 'bar'

Buffers And Split Windows

  • :e file - open file in new buffer
  • :bn, :bp, :b3, :bd - next buffer, previous buffer, buffer number 3, close buffer/file
  • :sb3 - buffer number 3 split window horizontally
  • :split - split current window
  • :new file - open new file in split window
  • <C+ws> - Split windows
  • <C+wv> - Split windows vertically
  • q - close currently selected split window
  • _ - maximize current window
  • <C-h,j,k,l> - move between split windows


:Helptags - generate help doco for all directories in in runtimepath (if they have any)


:Tail filename - tail -f the file in a preview window :pclose - close the preview window


:Rtags - generate tags for current rails project (needs exuberant ctags installed) :Rlog - crack open the log file (tail -f style) gf,C-wgf - based on cursor context edit file under cursor (current tab or new tab) :A,:AE,:AS,:AV,:AT,:AD - edit alternate file to current file (e.g. test file) :R,:RE,:RS,:RV,:RT,:RD - edit related file to current file :Rcontroller,:Renvironment,:Rfixtures,:Rfunctionaltest,:Rhelper,:Rinitializer,:Rintegrationtest,:Rjavascript,:Rlayout,:Rlib,:Rlocale,:Rmailer,:Rmetal,:Rmigration,:Rmodel,:Robserver,:Rplugin,:Rschema,:Rspec,:Rstylesheet,:Rtask,:Runittest,:Rview - edit current relevant file, or relevant file with name :[range]Rake {targets},:[range]Rake! {targets} - run specified rake targets, has sensible defaults (with the bang won't open quickfix window) :Rscript {script} {options} - run script, e.g. :Rscript console to run up the console

with surround adds the following surroundings = <%= ^ %>

  • <% ^ -%>

<%# ^ %>


:Git [args] - run arbitrary git command :Gstatus - Bring up the output of git-status in the preview window. The following maps, which work on the cursor line file where sensible, are provided: next file previous file |:Gedit| - |:Git| add - |:Git| reset (staged files) C |:Gcommit| cA |Gcommit| --amend --reuse-message=HEAD ca |Gcommit| --amend D |:Gdiff| ds |:Gsdiff| dp |:Git!| diff (p for patch; use :Gw to apply) dp |:Git| add --intent-to-add (untracked files) dv |:Gvdiff| O |:Gtabedit| o |:Gsplit| p |:Git| add --patch p |:Git| reset --patch (staged files) q close status R reload status :Gcommit [args] - wraps git commit, commit message in split window :Glog [args] - Load all previous revisions of the current file into the quickfix list.

MORE TO LOOK AT, but need to try them all out to understand what they do!!!


ds",dst - delere specified surround (t is if it is an xml tag) cs"',cs",cst

- change surround from one to the other,or into a tag, or a tag into another tag ysiw) - insert surround, i.e. you surround vim motion with the specified ySiw) - same as above but indent surround text and place the chars on separate lines yss - surround current line ySS - indent surround text and place surround chars on separate lines vS - in visual mode simply pressing S allows you to specify surrounds, in linewise the text is indented and surrounds are on separate lines, in blockwise each line is surrounded

Eight punctuation marks, (, ), {, }, [, ], <, and >, represent themselves and their counterparts. If the opening mark is used, contained whitespace is also trimmed. The targets b, B, r, and a are aliases for ), }, ], and >



,c - comment out current line, or current selection if in visual mode


F2 - open nerdtree ma - add childnode mm - move current node md - delete current node mc - copy current node t,T - open in new tab, silently o,O - open/close node, recursively x,X - close parent of node, close all child nodes of current node p,P - go to parent, go to root C - change root to current dir u,U - move tree root up a dir, move tree root up but leave old root open r,R - refresh dir, refresh root m - show menu I - show hidden files q - close nerdtree window A - zoom nerdtree window


You obviously need to have ack installed

:Ack[!] [options] {pattern} [{directory}] - search current directory for pattern, opens matches in quickfix window :AckAdd [options] {pattern} [{directory}] - same as Ack but append to current quickfix list :AckFromSearch [{directory}] - use pattern from previous search :AckFile [options] {pattern} [{directory}] - search for filename matching pattern

,be or ,bs or ,bv - open explorer in current windows, split or vsplit

Commands to use once exploring:

- help information. or , - open buffer in current window, open in another tab d - delete the buffer under the cursor from the list R - toggles relative path/absolute path T - toggles to show only buffers for this tab or not f - toggles whether you are taken to the active window when selecting a buffer or not o - opens the buffer that is under the cursor into the current window q - quit exploring r - reverses the order the buffers are listed in s - order buffers by buffer number, file name, file extension, most recently used (MRU), or full path. t - opens the buffer that is under the cursor in another tab. u - toggles the showing of "unlisted" buffers.


You need to build the C extension to make sure this thing works properly. You need to jump into the plugin directory, then:

rvm use system #have to use the same ruby that Vim links against rake make

,t - search for files


Using binding in insert mode at the end of line consiting of foo:

= - foo<%= ^ %> + - <%= foo^ %> - - foo<% ^ %> _ - <% foo^ %> ' - foo<%# ^ %> " - <%# foo^ %> - ^ - \n^\n / - Last HTML tag closed


[a - |:previous| file in argument list ]a - |:next| file in argument list [A - |:first| file in argument list ]A - |:last| file in argument list [b - |:bprevious| buffer in buffer list ]b - |:bnext| buffer in buffer list [B - |:bfirst| buffer in buffer list ]B - |:blast| buffer in buffer list [l - |:lprevious| error in location list for current window ]l - |:lnext| error in location list for current window [L - |:lfirst| error in location list for current window ]L - |:llast| error in location list for current window [q - |:cprevious| error in quickfix list ]q - |:cnext| error in quickfix list [Q - |:cfirst| error in quickfix list ]Q - |:clast| error in quickfix list [t - |:tprevious| tag in matching tag list ]t - |:tnext| tag in matching tag list [T - |:tfirst| tag in matching tag list ]T - |:tlast| tag in matching tag list [e - exchange the current line with line above ]e - exchange the current line with line below [x{motion}, [xx, {Visual}[x - xml encode ]x{motion}, ]xx, {Visual}]x - xml decode [u{motion}, [uu, {Visual}[u - url encode ]u{motion}, ]uu, {Visual}]u - url decode [y{motion}, [yy, {Visual}[y - C string encode (i.e. backslash escape) ]y{motion}, ]yy, {Visual}]y - C string decode





:TlistToggle - toggle tag list window


,vv - Grep for the word under the cursor, match all occurences, like 'g*'. ,vV - Grep for the word under the cursor, match whole word, like '*'. ,va - Like vv, but add to existing list. ,vA - Like vV, but add to existing list. ,vr - Perform a global search on the word under the cursor and prompt for a pattern with which to replace it. ,vR - Like vr, but match whole word. ,vo - Open an options explorer to select the files to search in and set grep options.

:Grep [arg] - Search for the specified arg, like vv. When an ! is added, search like vV :GrepAdd [arg] - Search for the specified arg, add to existing file list, as in va. When an ! is added, search like vA

The Above commands can additionally accept command switches:
-r   Perform a recursive search
-R   Perform a recursive search
-i   Perform a case-insensitive search
-I   Perform a case-sensitive search
-m   Specify the number of matches to get

:Replace [target] [replacement] :Replace /[target]/[replacement]/ - Perform a global search and replace.
:ReplaceUndo - Undoes the last :Replace operation.
:GrepOptions - Open the options explorer to set options.


:CoffeeMake[!] {opts} :[range]CoffeeCompile [vertical] [{win-size}] - Shows how the current file or [range] is compiled to JavaScript. :CoffeeCompile {watch} [vertical] [{win-size}] - The watch mode of :CoffeeCompile emulates the "Try CoffeeScript" live preview on the CoffeeScript web site. :[range]CoffeeRun Compiles the file or [range] and runs the resulting JavaScript, displaying the output.




, - expand zencoding abbreviation

examples: html:xt>div#header>div#logo+ul#nav>li.item-$*5>a

Visual mode commands

v,V,Ctrl-v - visual mode, linewise, block visual mode, mark lines then do command (such as yank or delete) o, O - move to other end of marked area, corner of block esc - exit visual mode aw,abb - mark word,umark word gv - restore previous selection i" - selects the contents of quotes. i( - select the contents of parens. i[ - selects the contents of square brackets. i{ - selects the contents of curly brackets.


qc, q - record macro to register where c is [a..Z], stop recording @c, 5@c - execute macro in register c, do it 5 times @@ - repeate previous @ command

Useful commands

, - complete word based on words in buffer u, - undo,redo . - repeat last command :r file, :r! command - read file and insert after current line, exeute command and insert output below cursor :w filename - save to filename :sh - go back to shell, Ctrl-D to go back to vi !!pwd - execute pwd and insert output in file ctrl-a, ctrl-x - increment decrement number under cursor, next number on line "+yy, gg"+yG - copy line to system clipboard, copy whole file :w !sudo tee % - save the file even though opened in readonly mode without sudo :'a,'b !sort - sort lines between mark a and b :%sort, :%sort!, :%sort u- sort whole file, in reverse, unique the lines V= - format visual selection gg=G,mzgg=G'z - format whole file, source code, format whole file and go back to where you were before == - indent line :wa, :xa - save all buffers, save and close all buffers :%y+ - copy entire file into clipboard q:, q/ - open command line history window, search hostpry window, can edit history commands and re-execute them (Ctrl-c twice to close window without executing anything) :grep -r CitySearch . --include=.rb --include=.log - recursively search for citysearch in the current directories only include .rb and .log files :cn, :cp, :clist - go to next match, go to previous match, list all matches :Vex, :Sex - browse file system in split window and take action on file (e.g. open a file) ,Enter - stop highlighting search results ,u - reload Minibufferexplorer window ,ss - switch on spellchecking ,t - launch fuzzy finder in current directory ,q - open a scratch buffer for scribbling ,nf - open current selected file in NERDTree C-^ - edit the previous file

Operators and Motions and Text Objecs

d,c,y - delete, change, yank operators iw, aw - exclusive and inclusive motion on a word yi" - yank everything between matching " ya[ - yank everything between and including matching [ dis, dip - delete inner sentence, paragraph yit - yank everything between matching html tags


,ss - toggle spellchecking zg - add word to good words list ]s - next misspelt word [s - previous misspelt word

Ctags stuff

ctrl-] - go to tag under cursor ctrl-t - go back to where you were after having jumped to tag


:ab, :iab - create abbreviation, works for insert mode only (e.g. :ab blah hello) :una abbrv - delete the abbreviation named abbrv :abc - delete all abbreviations


zfnj - creates a fold from the cursor down n lines. zo - opens a fold on the cursor. zc - closes a fold on the cursor. zj - moves the cursor to the next fold. zk - moves the cursor to the previous fold. zd - deletes the fold at the cursor. zE - deletes all folds in the document. zM - closes all open folds. zR - opens all folds.

Plugin command reference


, - move forwards and backwards throught the yankring :YRShow - show the contents of the yankring

Surround plugin

ds, cs, ys - delte, change add a surrounding everything else is similar to how motions work yss - add surrounding to whole line yS - add surround plus place on new line and indent ySS - add surround to whole line, place on new line and indent s, S - add surround in visual mode ysiwt - add the html tag around the word/motion

NERDTree command reference

o - open in previous window i,s - open split, vsplit gi,gs - preview split, vsplit O - recursively open node x, X - close parent of node, recursively close all children p,P - go to parent, go to root cd - change working dir to the selected dit C - change tree root to selected dir u, U - move tree root up a dir, but leave the old root open r, R - refresh cursor dir, refresh root I - hidden files toggle m - bring up menu for file system operations

FuzzyFinder/Commnd T

't - file finder


p - preview current tag (don't jump the cursor to editor window) tab, backspace - jump through the various open files u - refresh tags for file -,+,*,= - close fold, open fold, open all folds, close all folds s - sort tags in different ways x - maximize or minimize tag window