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A React client based on react-client-blueprint and designed to work with graphql-node-blueprint backend

Uses Webpack and Babel, React router, Linaria for CSS and Jest with React Testing Library for tests.


Create a new repository from this template on the Github website by clicking on the create from template button in the top right.

Create a local folder for docker-compose files. cd into it and the clone your new repository. After cloning, rename the clone folder as client. Copy the contents of example.env and example.docker-compose.yml into the parent folder - into files without the example. prefix. If you are combining this with other templates then you will need to merge the contents rather than create new files. Open .env and ensure that CLIENT_HOST_PORT is available locally. If not then edit it appropriately.

This blueprint requires a qraphql server running in the same docker so that it can regenerate the client graphql schema from the servers schema. This assumes that graphql-node-blueprint is running in a service called api. To use a different server: install into the docker-compose parent folder using a folder and service name of api. Then edit ./.graphqlconfig so that http://graphql-node-blueprint-api:3000/graphql" points towards container name and port for the server service.


From the command line in the folder containing docker-compose.yml :

  • Build with docker-compose build
  • Run with docker-compose up

To install new packages: Run the client docker with docker-compose run client sh and then use npm install <package_name>. Type exit to return to your command line and then rebuild and rerun - only this time add a -V switch... docker-compose up -V. This will force the deletion of the anonymous node_package volume and prevent a docker race condition issue.

The main entry file is ./src/index.js

This blueprint requires four command lines to be running whilst developing. They should be started in this order:

  • The main one containing all the docker services docker-compose up
  • A service that watches for graphql schema changes on the server and copies them to the local schema docker-compose run client npm run getschema
  • A service that compiles react-graphql schema code into graphql for hot reloading. docker-compose run client npm run relay
  • The test runner. docker-compose run client npm run test


Routing is performed with react-router-dom. Main route file is in /src/routes.js


CSS is implemented via linaria. See ./src/layouts/main.js for an example. Base template styles are in ./src/base-styles.js - see ./src/pages/foo/AddFoo.js for an example.


The server is watched for changes in the schema on the server and copies them localy. graphql-cli is installed in the Dockerfile for this purpose and ./.graphqlconfig defines the server location in the docker. A script is defined in package.json to set the service running (see the Run section for details).

react-relay is used to generate server requests. This requires a service that compiles the react graphql code into schema requests. (See the run section for details on running the service). ./relay-environment.js defines the process for sending queries to the server.


  • At present the relay process needs to be run manually whenever a change is made.
  • The schema will constantly be regenerated with a new timestamp. This can be annoying for commits. Waiting on Urigo/graphql-cli#458 to improve this.


Testing is performed using Jest and SuperTest. See an example in ./foo.test.js. Run tests from the parent folder with docker-compose run api npm run test. For an example of how to test css see ./src/layouts/main.js. ./test-utils.js is used to setup both the test router wrapper and also graphql-query-test-mock to mock graphql queries.


Linting is done with eslint. Run the linter with docker-compose run client npm run lint.