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GenericFilters - VapourSynth plugin

This plugin is a set of common image-processing filters.

This plugin modifies all pixel values with various algorithms.

All functions support 8/9/10/16bit planar formats.

Currently, GenericFilters has nineteen functions as follows.


Replaces the pixel by the local(3x3) minimum. (aka. Erosion):

generic.Minimum(clip clip[, int[] planes, int threshold, bint[] coordinates])

planes - Choose which planes to process. default will process all planes. Allowed values are 0, 1, and 2.:

0 = Y (luma) or R (red)
1 = U (Cb)   or G (green)
2 = V (Cr)   or B (blue)

planes=[0]    = processes the Y or R plane only.
planes=[1,2]  = processes the U V or G B planes only.

threshold - Allows to limit the maximum change. default is 65535.

coordinates - List which specifies the pixel to refer to. This list must have eight integers which consisted of 0 or 1. Default is [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1].:

[top-left, top, top-right, left, right, bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right]

[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] - referring to only left and right pixels.
[0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0] - The pixels which exist in the direction of slanting are ignored.


Replaces the pixel by the local(3x3) maximum. (aka. Dilation):

generic.Maximum(clip clip[, int[] planes, int threshold, bint[] coordinates])

planes - same as Minimum.

threshold - same as Minimum.

coordinates - same as Minimum.


Replaces the pixel by the local(3x3) median.:

generic.Median(clip clip[, int[] planes])

planes - same as Minimum.


Spatial convolution (horizontal/vertical 3 to 17, 3x3 or 5x5) filter.:

generic.Convolution(clip clip[, int[] matrix, float bias, float divisor, int[] planes, data mode, bint saturate])

matrix - can be a matrix with 3 to 17 or 25 integer numbers. the list length must be odd. default is [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0](mode='s') or [0, 1, 0](mode='h' or 'v').

bias - additive bias to adjust the total output intensity. default is 0.0.

divisor - divides the output of the convolution (calculated before adding bias). 0.0 means sum of the elements of the matrix or 1.0(when the sum is zero). default is 0.0.

planes - same as Minimum.

mode - Form of matrix. Default is 's'.:

's' : square(3x3 or 5x5). matrix length matrix must be 9 or 25.
'h' : Horizontal form. matrix length must be odd number of 3 to 17.
'v' : Vertical form. matrix length must be odd number of 3 to 17.

saturate - If this is set as False, output values will turn into absolute values. Default is True.

Note that Convolution requires over 16x16 resolution. If input plane is too small, the process will be skipped.


It performs vertical 5 convolution first and then performs horizontal 5 convolution (faster than 5x5 convolution).:

generic.ConvolutionHV(clip clip[, int[] horizontal, int[] vertical, float bias, float divisor_h, float divisor_v, int[] planes, bint saturate])

horizontal - horizontal matrix. the length must be five. default is [0, 0, 1, 0, 0].

vertical - vertical matrix. the length must be five. default is [0, 0, 1, 0, 0].

bias - same as Convolution.

divisor_h - horizontal divisor.

divisor_v - vertical divisor.

planes - same as Minimum.

saturate - same as Convolution.


Blur image with 3x3 kernel.:

generic.Blur(clip clip[, float ration_h, float ratio_v, int[] planes])

ratio_h: The rate of the pixel of the left and right blended to a central pixel(0.0 to 1.0). Default is 0.5.

ratio_v: The rate of the pixel of the top and bottom blended to a central pixel(0.0 to 1.0). Default is the value of ratio_h.:


generic.Blur(clip, ratio_h=0.5, ratio_v=0.5)
horizontal kernel = [0.5, 1.0, 0.5], vertical kernel = [0.5, 1.0, 0.5]
This is same as generic.Convolution(clip, [1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1])

generic.Blur(clip, ratio_h=1.0, ratio_v=0)
horizontal kernel = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], vertical kernel = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
This is same as generic.Convolution(clip, [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0])

planes - same as Minimum.


Apply gaussian blur to the image.:

generic.GBlur(clip clip[, float sigma, int[] planes])

sigma: standard deviation of gaussian blur(0 to 2.83). Default is 0.5.

planes: same as Minimum.


Detect edge with Sobel operator.:

generic.Sobel(clip clip[, int min, int max, int[] planes, int rshift])

min: if output pixel value is lower than this, it will be zero. default is 0.

max: if output pixel value is same or higher than this, it will be maximum value of the format. default is 65535.

rshift: shift the output values to right by this count before clamp. Default is 0.


Detect edge with template matching using Prewitt operator(aka. Prewitt compass edge detection).:

generic.Prewitt(clip clip[, int min, int max, int[] planes, int rshift])

min: same as Sobel.

max: same as Sobel.

rshift: same as Sobel.


Detect edge using the kernel like TEdgeMask(type=2).:

generic.TEdge(clip clip[, int min, int max, int[] planes, int rshift])

min: same as Sobel.

max: same as Sobel.

rshift: same as Sobel.


Canny edge detection filter.:

generic.Canny(clip clip[, float sigma, float th, float tl, int[] planes])

sigma: same as GBlur. 0 means not bluring before edge detection. Default is 1.5.

th: high gradient magnitude threshold for hysteresis. Default is 8.0.

tl: low gradient magnitude threshold for hysteresis. Default is 1.0.

planes: same as Minimum.


Local(3x3) average by taking into account only values higher than the pixel.:

generic.Inflate(clip clip[, int threshold, int[] planes, int threshold])

planes - same as Minimum.

threshold - same as Minimum.


Local(3x3) average by taking into account only values lower than the pixel.:

generic.Deflate(clip clip[, int thresh, int[] planes, int threshold])

planes - same as Minimum.

threshold - same as Minimum.


Invert the pixel value.:

generic.Invert(clip clip[, int[] planes])

planes - same as Minimum.


Clamp the pixel value.:

generic.Limiter(clip clip[, int min, int max, int[] planes])

min - minimum threshold of pixel value. default is 0.

max - maximum threshold of the pixel value. default is the max value of input format.

planes - same as Minimum.


Adjusts brightness, contrast, and gamma.:

generic.Levels(clip clip[, int min_in, int max_in, float gamma, int min_out, int max_out])

min_in - determine minimum input pixel value. default is 0.

max_in - determine maximum input pixel value. default is 255 * (2 ^ (8 - bits_per_pixel)).

gamma - gamma. default is 1.0.

min_out - determine minimum output pixel value. default is 0.

max_out - determine maximum output pixel value. default is 255 * (2 ^ (8 - bits_per_pixel)).

planes - same as Minimum.

The conversion function is:

output = ((input - min_in) / (max_in - min_in)) ^ (1.0 / gamma) * (max_out - min_out) + min_out


Binarize the pixel values.:

generic.Binarize(clip clip[, int threshold, inv v0, int v1, int[] planes])

threshold - threshold. default is half of the maximum of input format(128, 256, 512 or 32768).

v0 - If the value of pixel is lower than threshold, output will be this. Default is 0.

v1 - If the value of pixel is same or higher than threshold, output will be this. Default is the maximum value of input(255, 511, 1023 or 65535).

planes - same as Minimum.


Binarize the pixel values with Sierra-2-4A error diffusion.:

generic.Binarize2(clip clip[, int[] planes])

planes - same as Minimum.

This function can process only 8bit format. If input frame is not 8bit, it will be ignored.


Create a mask clip from two mask clips. Theorically, the base mask should be inside the alternate one. The principle of the filter is to enlarge the parts that belongs to both masks, inside the alternate mask.:

generic.Hysteresis(clip base, clip alt[, int[] planes])

base - base mask clip. All resolution of frames of this must be smaller than 65535x65535.

alt - alternate mask clip. this must be the same format/resolution as base.

planes - same as Minimun.


>>> import vapoursynth as vs
>>> core = vs.Core()
>>> core.std.LoadPlugin('/path/to/genericfilters.dll')
>>> std = core.std
>>> generic = core.generic
>>> clip = something
  • Sharpen(3x3) only Y(or R) plane:
>>> matrix = [-1, -2, -1, -2, 18, -2, -1, -2, -1] # matrix[4] >= (sum of others) * -1 + 1
>>> sharp = generic.Convolution(clip, matrix, planes=0)
  • Displacement UV(or GB) planes by quarter sample up:
>>> matrix = [1,
>>> clip = generic.Convolution(clip, matrix, planes=[1, 2], mode = 'v')
  • Bob:
>>> height = clip.height
>>> clip = std.SeparateFields(clip, tff=True)
>>> top = generic.Convolution(clip[::2], [0, 3, 1], planes=[1, 2], mode='v')
>>> bottom = generic.Convolution(clip[1::2], [1, 3, 0], planes=[1, 2], mode='v')
>>> clip = core.resize.Bicubic(std.Interleave([top, bottom]), height=height)
  • Unsharp Masking:
>>> blurred = generic.GBlur(clip, sigma=1.0)
>>> clip = std.Expr([clip, blurred], "x x + y -")
  • Convert TV levels to PC levels(8bit YUV):
>>> y = generic.Levels(clip, 16, 236, 1.0, 0, 255, 0)
>>> uv = generic.Levels(clip, 16, 240, 1.0, 0, 255, [1, 2])
>>> clip = std.ShufflePlanes([y, uv], [0, 1], vs.YUV)
  • Hysteresis mask:
>>> mask = generic.Sobel(clip, planes=0)
>>> base = generic.Binarize(mask, 100, planes=0) # weak but noiseless
>>> alt = generic.Binarize(mask, 30, planes=0) # robust but noisy
>>> mask = generic.Hysteresis(base, alt, planes=0) # robust and noiseless edge mask


If input clip has some frames which sample types are float, those will not be processed.

The output values of Convolution(HV) are clamped to [0..255](8bit format) or [0..65535](9/10/16bit format). In the case format is 9/10bit, they may exceed the maximum of the format. This is not a bug but a specification of this plugin.

How to compile:

on unix like system(include mingw), type as follows:

$ git clone git://
$ cd ./GenericFilters/src
$ ./configure
$ make install

if you want to use msvc++, then

  • rename all *.c to *.cpp
  • create vcxproj yourself

Source code:

Author: Oka Motofumi ( at gmail dot com)


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