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Add BoneCP support to Database.forConfig.
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The configuration is very similar to Play’s. The new JdbcDataSource
abstraction allows 3rd-party connection pools to be supported easily.
JdbcBackend.Database gets a new method `close` for shutting down a
connection pool.
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szeiger committed Sep 2, 2014
1 parent 369ad73 commit f54d272
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Showing 4 changed files with 326 additions and 72 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion project/Build.scala
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ object SlickBuild extends Build {
val slf4j = "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.6.4"
val logback = "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "0.9.28"
val typesafeConfig = "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.2.1"
val mainDependencies = Seq(slf4j, typesafeConfig)
val boneCP = "com.jolbox" % "bonecp" % "0.8.0.RELEASE"
val mainDependencies = Seq(slf4j, typesafeConfig, boneCP % "optional")
val h2 = "com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.3.170"
val testDBs = Seq(
Expand Down
184 changes: 113 additions & 71 deletions src/main/scala/scala/slick/jdbc/JdbcBackend.scala
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
import scala.slick.backend.DatabaseComponent
import scala.slick.SlickException
import slick.util.SlickLogger
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.Properties
import java.sql.{Array => _, _}
import javax.sql.DataSource
Expand All @@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigFactory, Config}

/** A JDBC-based database back-end which can be used for <em>Plain SQL</em> queries
* and with all `JdbcProfile`-based drivers. */
* and with all [[scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile]]-based drivers. */
trait JdbcBackend extends DatabaseComponent {
protected[this] lazy val statementLogger = new SlickLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[JdbcBackend].getName+".statement"))
protected[this] lazy val benchmarkLogger = new SlickLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[JdbcBackend].getName+".benchmark"))
Expand All @@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ trait JdbcBackend extends DatabaseComponent {
val Database = new DatabaseFactoryDef {}
val backend: JdbcBackend = this

trait DatabaseDef extends super.DatabaseDef {
class DatabaseDef(val source: JdbcDataSource) extends super.DatabaseDef {
/** The DatabaseCapabilities, accessed through a Session and created by the
* first Session that needs them. Access does not need to be synchronized
* because, in the worst case, capabilities will be determined multiple
Expand All @@ -36,99 +35,142 @@ trait JdbcBackend extends DatabaseComponent {

def createSession(): Session = new BaseSession(this)

def createConnection(): Connection
/** If this object represents a connection pool managed directly by Slick, close it.
* Otherwise no action is taken. */
def close(): Unit = source.close()

trait DatabaseFactoryDef extends super.DatabaseFactoryDef {
* Create a Database based on a DataSource.
def forDataSource(ds: DataSource): DatabaseDef = new DatabaseDef {
def createConnection(): Connection = ds.getConnection
/** Create a Database based on a [[JdbcDataSource]]. */
def forSource(source: JdbcDataSource) = new DatabaseDef(source)

* Create a Database based on the JNDI name of a DataSource.
/** Create a Database based on a DataSource. */
def forDataSource(ds: DataSource): DatabaseDef = forSource(new DataSourceJdbcDataSource(ds))

/** Create a Database based on the JNDI name of a DataSource. */
def forName(name: String) = new InitialContext().lookup(name) match {
case ds: DataSource => forDataSource(ds)
case x => throw new SlickException("Expected a DataSource for JNDI name "+name+", but got "+x)

* Create a Database that uses the DriverManager to open new connections.
def forURL(url:String, user:String = null, password:String = null, prop: Properties = null, driver:String = null): DatabaseDef = new DatabaseDef {
if(driver ne null) Class.forName(driver)
val cprop = if( && user.eq(null) && password.eq(null)) prop else {
val p = new Properties(prop)
if(user ne null) p.setProperty("user", user)
if(password ne null) p.setProperty("password", password)

def createConnection(): Connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, cprop)

* Create a Database that directly uses a Driver to open new connections.
* This is needed to open a JDBC URL with a driver that was not loaded by
* the system ClassLoader.
def forDriver(driver:Driver, url:String, user:String = null, password:String = null, prop: Properties = null): DatabaseDef = new DatabaseDef {
val cprop = if( && user.eq(null) && password.eq(null)) prop else {
val p = new Properties(prop)
if(user ne null) p.setProperty("user", user)
if(password ne null) p.setProperty("password", password)

def createConnection(): Connection = {
val conn = driver.connect(url, cprop)
if(conn eq null)
throw new SQLException("Driver "+driver+" does not know how to handle URL "+url, "08001")
/** Create a Database that uses the DriverManager to open new connections. */
def forURL(url:String, user:String = null, password:String = null, prop: Properties = null, driver:String = null): DatabaseDef =
forSource(new DriverJdbcDataSource(url, user, password, prop, driverName = driver))

* Create a Database that uses the DriverManager to open new connections.
/** Create a Database that uses the DriverManager to open new connections. */
def forURL(url:String, prop: Map[String, String]): Database = {
val p = new Properties
if(prop ne null)
for((k,v) <- prop) if( && p.setProperty(k, v)
forURL(url, prop = p, driver = null)

/** Create a Database that directly uses a Driver to open new connections.
* This is needed to open a JDBC URL with a driver that was not loaded by the system ClassLoader. */
def forDriver(driver:Driver, url:String, user:String = null, password:String = null, prop: Properties = null): DatabaseDef =
forSource(new DriverJdbcDataSource(url, user, password, prop, driver = driver))

/** Load a database configuration through [[ Typesafe Config]].
* The following keys are supported:
* - `url`: JDBC URL (String, must be set)
* - `driver`: JDBC driver class to load (String, optional)
* - `user`: User name (String, optional)
* - `password`: Password (String, optional)
* - `properties`: Properties to pass to the driver (Map, optional)
* The main config key to set is `pool`. It determines the connection pool implementation to
* use (if any). The default is undefined/null (no pool, use the DriverManager directly).
* Slick comes with support for [[ BoneCP]] which can be selected by setting
* `pool=BoneCP` (or the full object name `scala.slick.jdbc.BoneCPJdbcDataSource`).
* 3rd-party connection pool implementations have to be specified with the fully qualified
* name of an object implementing [[JdbcDataSourceFactory]].
* The following config keys are supported for pool settings `null` and `BoneCP`:
* <ul>
* <li>`url` (String, required): JDBC URL</li>
* <li>`driver` (String, optional): JDBC driver class to load</li>
* <li>`user` (String, optional): User name</li>
* <li>`password` (String, optional): Password</li>
* <li>`autocommit` (Boolean, optional): Autocommit mode for new connections.</li>
* <li>`isolation` (String, optional): Isolation level for new connections. Allowed values
* <li>`defaultCatalog` (String, optional): Default catalog for new connections.</li>
* <li>`readOnly` (Boolean, optional): Read Only flag for new connections.</li>
* <li>`properties` (Map, optional): Properties to pass to the driver.</li>
* </ul>
* The following config keys are only supported for pool setting `BoneCP`:
* <ul>
* <li>`partitionCount` (Int, optional, default: 1): In order to reduce lock contention and
* thus improve performance, each incoming connection request picks off a connection from
* a pool that has thread-affinity. The higher this number, the better your performance
* will be for the case when you have plenty of short-lived threads. Beyond a certain
* threshold, maintenance of these pools will start to have a negative effect on
* performance (and only for the case when connections on a partition start running out).</li>
* <li>`maxConnectionsPerPartition` (Int, optional, default: 30): The number of connections
* to create per partition. Setting this to 5 with 3 partitions means you will have 15
* unique connections to the database. Note that BoneCP will not create all these
* connections in one go but rather start off with minConnectionsPerPartition and
* gradually increase connections as required.</li>
* <li>`minConnectionsPerPartition` (Int, optional, default: 5): The number of initial
* connections, per partition.</li>
* <li>`acquireIncrement` (Int, optional, default: 1): When the available connections are
* about to run out, BoneCP will dynamically create new ones in batches. This property
* controls how many new connections to create in one go (up to a maximum of
* `maxConnectionsPerPartition`). Note: This is a per-partition setting.</li>
* <li>`acquireRetryAttempts` (Int, optional, default: 10): After attempting to acquire a
* connection and failing, try to connect this number of times before giving up.</li>
* <li>`acquireRetryDelay` (Duration, optional, default: 1s): How long to wait before
* attempting to obtain a connection again after a failure.</li>
* <li>`connectionTimeout` (Duration, optional, default: 1s): The maximum time to wait
* before a call to getConnection is timed out.</li>
* <li>`idleMaxAge` (Duration, optional, default: 10m): Idle max age.</li>
* <li>`idleConnectionTestPeriod` (Duration, optional, default: 1m): This sets the time for
* a connection to remain idle before sending a test query to the DB. This is useful to
* prevent a DB from timing out connections on its end.</li>
* <li>`maxConnectionAge` (Duration, optional, default: 1h): The maximum connection age.</li>
* <li>`queryExecuteTimeLimit` (Duration, optional, default: 0 (no limit)): The maximum
* query execution time. Queries slower than this will be logged as a warning.</li>
* <li>`initSQL` (String, optional): An initial SQL statement that is run only when a
* connection is first created.</li>
* <li>`logStatements` (Boolean, optional, default: false): If enabled, log SQL statements
* being executed.</li>
* <li>`disableJMX` (Boolean, optional, default: true): Set to true to disable JMX.</li>
* <li>`statisticsEnabled` (Boolean, optional, default: false): If set to true, keep track
* of some more statistics for exposure via JMX. Will slow down the pool operation.</li>
* <li>`disableConnectionTracking` (Boolean, optional, default: true): If set to true, the
* pool will not monitor connections for proper closure. Enable this option if you only
* ever obtain your connections via a mechanism that is guaranteed to release the
* connection back to the pool (e.g. using `withSession` or `withTransaction`).</li>
* <li>`connectionTestStatement` (String, optional): Sets the connection test statement. The
* query to send to the DB to maintain keep-alives and test for dead connections. This is
* database specific and should be set to a query that consumes the minimal amount of load
* on the server. If not set (or set to null), BoneCP will issue a metadata request
* instead that should work on all databases but is probably slower.</li>
* </ul>
* Unknown keys are ignored. Invalid values or missing mandatory keys will trigger a
* [[SlickException]].
* The configuration settings are very similar to the ones supported by
* [[ Play 2.4]], with a few
* notable differences:
* <ul>
* <li>Play uses BoneCP by default. Slick requires `pool=BoneCP` to be set for that.</li>
* <li>Play always sets `autocommit`, `isolation` and `readOnly` when checking out a
* connection, with suitable default values. Slick requires explicit settings for that,
* otherwise new connections are not modified.</li>
* <li>Slick has no special support for MySQL, PostgreSQL and H2 URLs. All URLs are passed
* directly to the pool or DriverManager.</li>
* <li>Slick does not support the `jndiName` setting.</li>
* <li>Play does not support the `properties` setting.</li>
* </ul>
* @param path The path in the configuration file for the database configuration (e.g. ``
* would find a database URL at config key ``)
* @param config The `Config` object to read from. This defaults to the global app config
* (e.g. in `application.conf` at the root of the class path) if not specified.
* @param driver An optional JDBC driver to call directly. If this is set to a non-null value,
* the `driver` key from the configuration is ignored. The default is to use the
* standard lookup mechanism.
* standard lookup mechanism. The explicit driver may not be supported by all
* connection pools (in particular, the default [[BoneCPJdbcDataSource]]).
def forConfig(path: String, config: Config = ConfigFactory.load(), driver: Driver = null): Database = {
val c = if(path.isEmpty) config else config.getConfig(path)
def str(p: String) = if(!c.hasPath(p)) null else c.getString(p)
def props(p: String) = if(!c.hasPath(p)) null else {
val props = new Properties(null)
c.getObject(p).asScala.foreach { case (k, v) => props.put(k, v.unwrapped.toString) }
if(driver ne null) forDriver(driver, c.getString("url"), str("user"), str("password"), props("properties"))
else forURL(c.getString("url"), str("user"), str("password"), props("properties"), str("driver"))
def forConfig(path: String, config: Config = ConfigFactory.load(), driver: Driver = null): Database =
forSource(JdbcDataSource.forConfig(if(path.isEmpty) config else config.getConfig(path), driver))

trait SessionDef extends super.SessionDef { self =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,7 +436,7 @@ trait JdbcBackend extends DatabaseComponent {
def isOpen = open
def isInTransaction = inTransaction

lazy val conn = { open = true; database.createConnection() }
lazy val conn = { open = true; database.source.createConnection }
lazy val metaData = conn.getMetaData()

def capabilities = {
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