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Installation runs more smoothly if you configure your site for localisation before installing the module, as it will rebuild the database based on configuration. Good to read this bit first!

Please check fluent.yml for the default configuration settings.

Please make sure to REMOVE any i18n::set_locale calls from your _config.php file, as it will interfere with locale bootstrapping in certain situations (such as Security controller actions).

Testing configuration

Once you've finished configuring your site, you can run the handy validation task to check if there are any errors in your config. Examples of errors could include:

  • Invalid default locales
  • Duplicate locales in multiple domains
  • Locales missing from domains
  • Incorrectly applied extensions

To run this task you can run this on the CLI.

./framework/sake dev/tasks/FluentValidateTask 'flush=all'

Or go to in your browser.

Locale configuration

Firstly, you'll need to configure the locales that should be included, as well as the default locale.

By default the list is blank. You should add the following to your mysite/_config/fluent.yaml.

It's advisable to set the default i18n locale to match your site locale.

Below demonstrates a typical north American website.

Name: myfluentconfig
After: '#fluentconfig'
  default_locale: en_US
    - en_US
    - es_US
    - en_CA
    - fr_CA
Name: myfluenti18nconfig
After: '#fluenti18nconfig'
  default_locale: en_US

Additionally, if you prefer to customise the urls (such as having 'english' instead of 'en_US' as a prefix) you can use the Fluent.aliases configuration to specify URL aliases for any locale.


Name: myfluentconfig
After: '#fluentconfig'
  default_locale: en_US
    - en_US
    - es_US
    - en_CA
    - fr_CA
    en_US: english
    es_US: spanish

The home pages for the above locales will be /english/, /spanish/, /en_CA/, and /fr_CA/

Default locale options

If you prefer to keep the prefix off from all links in the default locale, you can set the Fluent.disable_default_prefix option. When this is enabled, the prefix will only be prepended to the beginning of links to non-default locales.


Name: myfluentconfig
After: '#fluentconfig'
  disable_default_prefix: true

If this is left at the default, false, then the prefix will only be omitted for the home page for the default locale.

It is recommended to leave this on in order to ensure the correct locale is set for every page, but in some cases (especially when upgrading websites) it may be better to keep existing urls for the default locale intact.

Field localisation configuration

Great, now we've setup our languages. Our next job is to decide which DataObjects, and which fields of those DataObjects, should be localised.

By default Fluent will attempt to analyse the field type and name of each DBField specified in your DataObject. Rules specified by Fluent.field_include, Fluent.field_exclude, Fluent.data_include, and Fluent.data_exclude can be customised to tweak this automatic detection behaviour. This filter is used to specify filters based on field type. data_ filters filter fields by DBField type, where field_ filters are by name. Regular expressions may be specified by surrounding your filter with /filter/.

Fields can also be filtered directly by name by using the translate config option, set to the fields you want localised. Note that this must be on the same class as the database field is specified (not subclasses).

Name: myblogconfig
    - 'Heading'
    - 'Description'

or via PHP

class Page extends SiteTree
    private static $db = array(
        'Heading'     => 'Varchar(255)',
        'Description' => 'Text',
        'MetaNotes'   => 'Text'

    private static $translate = array(

In the above example, Heading and Description will be translated but not MetaNotes.

If you want to localise a has_one relation then you can add the field (with 'ID' suffix included).

    - 'OwnerID'

Note: If you wish to translate has_many or many_many then those objects will need to be filtered via another method. See Locale based filter configuration

If you want to localise a DataObject that doesn't extend SiteTree then you'll need to add the appropriate extension:

Name: myextensions
    - 'FluentExtension'

Set the translate option to 'none' to disable all translation on that DataObject.

class FormPage extends Page
    private static $translate = 'none';

Using custom controllers

If you are using custom controllers (such as for rendering RSS, AJAX data, etc) you should probably also add the FluentContentController extension in order to ensure the locale is set correctly for generated content.

Name: mycontrollerconfig
    - 'FluentContentController'

If you are using your custom controller in the CMS then you should implement an isFrontend method in your class in order to tell Fluent to treat it as an admin's view. This means:

  • It will respect the value selected in the CMS locale dropdown.
  • It won't interfere with the view of the website in the frontend.
  • All locale-filtered objects will be available unfiltered to this controller.
class MyAdminController extends Controller {
	public function isFrontend() {
		return false;

Nullable fields

Due to the way that localisation works, any empty field will fall back to the value of that field in the default locale. By default fields cannot be easily forced to an empty value.

However you may specify a nullable_fields config on any object to disable default value fallback for any (or all) field(s), meaning that empty fields will stay empty.

class Page extends SiteTree {
    private static $db = array(
        'IntroText' => 'Varchar'

    private static $nullable_fields = array(

You can also set this to the string * to apply this behaviour to all fields on that record.

class MyObject extends DataObject {
    private static $nullable_fields = '*';

Locale based filter configuration

In addition to localising fields within a DataObject, a filter can also be applied with the FluentFilteredExtension extension to conditionally show or hide DataObjects within specific locales.

For example, this could be applied to a Product with limited availability in other countries.

This feature is also necessary in cases where has_many or many_many relationships will need to be customised for each locale. Rather than creating a ThisClass_OtherClass_{en_NZ} table for each locale, the DataObject on each (or one) end will have this filter applied to it. Internally this will create a LocaleFilter_{en_NZ} column on the specified DataObject table for each locale.

Note: It's not necessary to actually localise this object in order for it to be filterable; FluentFilteredExtension and FluentExtension each work independently.

Warning: This must be added to the base class, such as SiteTree in order for it to filter for pages, or for queries of that base type.

Name: myproductconfiguration
    - 'FluentFilteredExtension'

Make sure that if (and only if) you are filtering a DataObject that doesn't call the default field scaffolder (such as by calling parent::getCMSFields()), make sure that your code calls extend('updateCMSFields', $fields) as demonstrated below.

function getCMSFields() {
	$fields = new FieldList(
		new TextField('Title', 'Title', null, 255)
	$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
	return $fields;

Now when editing this item in the CMS there will be an additional set of checkboxes labelled "Locale filter".

Locale Filter

Note: Although these objects will be filtered in the front end, this filter is disabled in the CMS in order to allow access by site administrators in all locales.

Customise Menu by Locale

Similarly to how FluentFilteredExtension works, a SiteTree can have its appearance in the navigation controlled on a locale-by-locale basis by adding the FluentMenuExtension extension. Adding this will replace the ShowInMenu field under the Settings tab with a locale selector. This must be added to the SiteTree class, not Page or any other subclass.

Name: myproductconfiguration
    - 'FluentMenuExtension'

Fulltext Search

Since full text search queries are very distinct, DB specific filters must be assigned to handle these queries.

By default there is only a FluentMySQLSearch to handle MySQL search transformations, but adapters for other DBs can be specified by adding a class to the Fluent.search_adapters config.

Adapters can be disabled by setting the appropriate option to null.

Name: mysearchadapter
    MySQLDatabase: ''
    PostgreSQLDatabase: MyPostgreAdapter

Search localisation is quite fragile, and is likely to break with future framework updates!

Locale detection

When a visitor lands on the home page for the first time, Fluent can attempt to detect that user's locale based on the Accept-Language http headers sent.

This functionality can interfere with certain applications, such as Facebook opengraph tools, so it is turned off by default. To turn it on set the below setting:

  detect_locale: true

Saved locale

When a visitor has viewed a page on the website before, and returns in subsequent sessions, Fluent can attempt to redirect requests for the default home page to the home page of that recently viewed locale. This behaviour is turned off by default, but it can be turned on by setting the remember_locale option.

  remember_locale: true

If you wish to completely turn off the locale persisting in the front end (for example, in case your site is stateless and should not write session or cookies) you can disable the persist key as below.

  persist_id: ''

Note: It's recommended not to remove persist_id_cms, as certain CMS functionality may not work properly or may detect the wrong locale.