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title: API Reference
title: Smart Oracle Documentation

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# Introduction

Welcome to the Kittn API! You can use our API to access Kittn API endpoints, which can get information on various cats, kittens, and breeds in our database.
Welcome to the Smart Oracle documentation. An oracle provides data into the blockchain that cannot be accessed by the blockchain itself, due to consensus constraints.

We have language bindings in Shell, Ruby, and Python! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.
The work specified for a Smart Oracle is called an Assignment. Assignments can be handled by the oracle itself, or the oracle's capabilities can be expanded by creating an adapter for the oracle.

This example API documentation page was created with [Slate]( Feel free to edit it and use it as a base for your own API's documentation.
## Installation

# Authentication

> To authorize, use this code:
require 'kittn'

api = Kittn::APIClient.authorize!('meowmeowmeow')

import kittn

api = kittn.authorize('meowmeowmeow')
First set up your configuration, by creating a `.env` file, that has at least all of the variables set in the [.env.example]( You will need a URL for a running instance of Postgres and URL for an Ethereum connected node.

# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here"
-H "Authorization: meowmeowmeow"
docker pull smartcontract/smartoracle
docker run -t --env-file=.env smartcontract/smartoracle
Once your configuration is set, pull down the oracle image and run it with your configuration.

const kittn = require('kittn');
For more information on setting up an instance, or building it locally, visit the [wiki page on installation](TODO).

let api = kittn.authorize('meowmeowmeow');
## Coordinators and Authentication
curl "http://localhost:6688/assignments/XID" -u apiKey:apiSecret
To access an assignment you must have a set of coordinator credentials. An initial set of coordinator credentials are generated and printed when the node's `initialize` command is run.

> Make sure to replace `meowmeowmeow` with your API key.
Kittn uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a new Kittn API key at our [developer portal](
All assignments are associated with a coordinator, so in order to create an assignment you must authenticate using its coordinator's credentials. After creating an assignment all subsequent updates will be sent to its coordinator, if the coordinator has specified a URL.

Kittn expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:
Authentication is handed via HTTP Authentication.

`Authorization: meowmeowmeow`
# Assignments

<aside class="notice">
You must replace <code>meowmeowmeow</code> with your personal API key.

# Kittens
## Anatomy of an Assignment
Assignments are the core of the Smart Oracle model, they are the specifications of work given to an oracle. The main pieces of an assignment consist of the [adapter](#adapter-type-and-parameters), the [scheduling](#scheduling), and the [payment specification](#payment). Optionally, an assignment can have a description and signatures from the parties involved.

## Get All Kittens
### Adapter Type and Parameters
Every assignment has a type, which specifies the kind of adapter the oracle will use to perform the work requested. Each different type of adapter requires different parameters, some passed on the blockchain, some passed off chain. The parameters each adapter will accept are specified ahead of time by the adapter's creator.

require 'kittn'
The current Smart Oracle ships with two built in adapters: `ethereumBytes32JSON` for turning JSON APIs into Ethereum oracles, and `bitcoinComparisonJSON` for releasing Bitcoin escrow based on the values of JSON APIs. For more information on setting up custom adapters, see the section on [creating an adapter](TODO).

api = Kittn::APIClient.authorize!('meowmeowmeow')
### Scheduling
"minute": "*",
"hour": "*",
"dayOfMonth": "*",
"monthOfYear": "*",
"dayOfWeek": "*",
"startAt": "1477941966",
"endAt": "1793474734"
Some oracle services are needed on a scheduled basis. For these use cases, the Smart Oracle a simple way to schedule tasks based on the [Cron]( scheduling format.

import kittn
Assignments that do not require a schedule, instead working "on demand," can skip the schedule or offer a combination of both. All assignments require a start time and allow for an optional start time. Times are specified using Unix timestamps(UTC).

api = kittn.authorize('meowmeowmeow')
### Payment
"currency": "ETH",
"perDay": "0",
"perRequest": "1000000000000000"
Space on blockchains is limited and so generally costly to utilize. On the other side of the oracle, API calls to protected APIs are often behind pay walls. Oracle services by their nature come with expenses. For this reason, the Smart Oracle platform has a way to specify service prices for each adapter.

curl ""
-H "Authorization: meowmeowmeow"
Prices are generally set per request made by the oracle; This can be prepaid for scheduled services, or paid per request for on demand services. Additionally, prices can be set based on the duration of required availability of the oracle.

const kittn = require('kittn');
The currency is configurable based on the networks that the oracle operates in. Currency amounts are always specified in the lowest possible denomination of the currency(Satoshis, Wei, etc.).

let api = kittn.authorize('meowmeowmeow');
let kittens = api.kittens.get();
## Create
curl -u apiKey:apiSecret -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{"assignment":{"adapterType":"ethereumBytes32JSON", "adapterParams": {"endpoint": "", "fields": ["last"]}, "description":"Bitcoin Price","schedule":{"endAt":"1478028219","hour":"0","minute":"0"}},"assignmentHash":"b2e55902bb7728871fa69f503007577ef8a1ae449f486b5c0aaf644661d216d1","signatures":[],"version":"0.1.0"}'

> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
> JSON response:
"id": 1,
"name": "Fluffums",
"breed": "calico",
"fluffiness": 6,
"cuteness": 7
"id": 2,
"name": "Max",
"breed": "unknown",
"fluffiness": 5,
"cuteness": 10
"assignmentHash": "b2e55902bb7728871fa69f503007577ef8a1ae449f486b5c0aaf644661d216d1",
"signature": "1cb6770f6977710c7c3e0d336d3d2244a0d276056029cb83f414d8641ef412218d2a36df9ccde31ee50310d9eef098fa153b34ad9075d02737243a59c5dbd6d357",
"xid": "561b78af-e163-4972-9d4a-5dc15e02d977"

This endpoint retrieves all kittens.

### HTTP Request


### Query Parameters

Parameter | Default | Description
--------- | ------- | -----------
include_cats | false | If set to true, the result will also include cats.
available | true | If set to false, the result will include kittens that have already been adopted.
A `POST` to `/assignments` will return the `XID`, or external ID, which is used to identify the assignment in the future. The response also includes a hash of the assignment specified, and a signature of that hash to attest to the oracle's acceptance of the assignment.

<aside class="success">
Remember — a happy kitten is an authenticated kitten!
Make sure to grab the XID to refer to the assignment in the future. The assignment hash is intentionally not used in the future, as the XID is not easily linkable with the assignment.

## Get a Specific Kitten

require 'kittn'
# Coordinator Notifications

api = Kittn::APIClient.authorize!('meowmeowmeow')
Once an assignment is created, it will automatically run and update itself based on its schedule and the logic in the adapter. Updates cannot be fed in by the coordinator, but the coordinator can receive push notifications whenever the assignment is updated. Simply set the URL of the assignment's coordinator to receive push notifications.

import kittn
All push notifications are authorized with the same credentials used to create the assignment.

api = kittn.authorize('meowmeowmeow')
## Create Assignment Oracle
"oracle": {
"address": "0x72c8379f845bb3cb30e02ef1feb84742debc1efb",
"json_abi": "contract Oracle {\n bytes32 currentValue;\n address creator;\n\n function Oracle() {\n creator = msg.sender;\n }\n\n function update(bytes32 newCurrent) {\n if (msg.sender != creator) return;\n currentValue = newCurrent;\n }\n\n function current() constant returns (bytes32 current) {\n return currentValue;\n }\n\n function () constant returns (bytes32 current) {\n return currentValue;\n }\n}",
"read_address": "9fa6a6e3",
"solidity_abi": "contract Oracle{function Oracle();function update(bytes32 newCurrent);function current()constant returns(bytes32 current);}"
"xid": "f0577c3e-9e5a-4840-9c9b-37d326c3d2e3"

curl ""
-H "Authorization: meowmeowmeow"
`POST` to `/assignments/:xid/instructions`

const kittn = require('kittn');
If an assignment needs some on-chain setup, it cannot immediately respond with all of its integration details on creation, it needs to wait for the blockchain confirmations before. Once the confirmations needed for the assignment set up have occured, the oracle will push integration instructions to the coordinator.

Parameter | Type | Description
---- | ----- | --------
address | string | Ethereum address location
json_abi | string | a stringified version of the JSON ABI for the contract
read_address | string | the hash for the read function of the Ethereum contract
solidity_abi | string | the Solidity ABI to include in a contract using this oracle
xid | string | the XID of the related assignment

let api = kittn.authorize('meowmeowmeow');
let max = api.kittens.get(2);

> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
## Create Assignment Snapshot

"id": 2,
"name": "Max",
"breed": "unknown",
"fluffiness": 5,
"cuteness": 10
"assignment_xid": "f0577c3e-9e5a-4840-9c9b-37d326c3d2e3",
"description": "Blockchain ID: 0x5803d6bb728b002d5a9aedc2eebec404fcbc2e2966f5e81abe297995b2980046",
"description_url": "",
"details": {
"current": "10000000034567123",
"total": "98700000035511224"
"status": "in progress",
"summary": "Assignment 'f0577c3e-9e5a-4840-9c9b-37d326c3d2e3' updated its value to \"1,000,000.00\"",
"value": "1,000,000.00",
"xid": "0x5803d6bb728b002d5a9aedc2eebec404fcbc2e2966f5e81abe297995b2980046"

This endpoint retrieves a specific kitten.
`POST` to `/assignments/:assignment_xid/snapshots`

<aside class="warning">Inside HTML code blocks like this one, you can't use Markdown, so use <code>&lt;code&gt;</code> blocks to denote code.</aside>
Each time the assignment is updated it creates a snapshot. A snapshot is the current status of the assignment. Whenever a snapshot is created, it is pushed to the coordinator. Further information is provided in machine readable form in the `details` section, in various formats depending on the adapter. Information is provided in human readable form in the `summary` and `description` fields, as well as the `description_url`.

### HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Description
---- | ----- | --------
assignment_xid | string | the XID of the related assignment
description | string | a detailed human readable description of the snapshot
description_url | string | a supporting URL relating to the update
details | object | a JSON object of extra supporting information returned by the adapter
status | string | a description of the assignment's current status
summary | string | a short human readable summary of the snapshot
value | string | the latest value returned by the adapter
xid | string | an unique external ID to identify the snapshot by

<aside class="success">
Snapshot IDs are unique, you should never receive duplicate snapshots.

## Update Assignment

"signatures": ["30450221009f4e3e0ab2ede2ca57a03ea67f6d16641568b214e38b650db95cd3490b3f213902202b8ba93235c6cafa4f8a643c72977427e8fde95a2e8010cb3336125182d62cef"],
"status": "completed",
"xid": "f0577c3e-9e5a-4840-9c9b-37d326c3d2e3"

### URL Parameters
`POST` to `/assignments/:xid`

Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
ID | The ID of the kitten to retrieve
When the assignment is finished, a notification will be pushed to the coordinator. If any signatures were needed from the oracle, for things like releasing Bitcoin escrow, a signature is returned in addition to a status update.

Parameter | Type | Description
---- | ----- | --------
signatures | array(string) | if a signature is required, like for Bitcoin escrow, it returns a signature for the outcome that was determined
status | string | Either "completed" or "failed"
xid | string | the XID of the related assignment

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