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SmartNews Ads Insights API - (apidoc v0.2 20230301)

We provide a family of methods for retrieving statistics on the performance of your campaigns.


This endpoint is similar to the Ad Insights API. It exists as an edge mixed into any Ad Object.

  • GET /accounts/{accountId}/insights
  • GET /campaigns/{campaignId}/insights
  • GET /creatives/{creativeId}/insights

Response Structure

Successful responses are indicated with a 200-series HTTP code and JSON-based payload.

The format of the data node will be returned as JSON array when the response may contain one or more results.

  "data": [
      "accountId": "10000000",
      "campaignId": "10000001",
      "impressions": 100,
      "clicks": 10,
      "ctr": 0.1

      /* it will contain `insights` object if you request with breakdown parameter */
      "insights": [
          "breakdowns": [{"type": "publisher", "value": "smartnews"}],
          "accountId": "10000000",
          "campaignId": "10000001",
          "impressions": 100,
          "clicks": 10,
          "ctr": 0.1
          "breakdowns": [{"type": "publisher", "value": "mixi"}],
          "accountId": "10000000",
          "campaignId": "10000001",
          "impressions": 100,
          "clicks": 10,
          "ctr": 0.1

Error response structure is common with SmartNews Ads Management API. Please see that.


You can use the following endpoint parameters to retrieve report stats.

Name Type Format Description
since string yyyy-MM-dd 2015-01-01 refers to time Jan 1 00:00, use in conjunction with until, since can be any date between today and 1098 days ago from today.
until string yyyy-MM-dd 2015-01-01 refers to time Jan 2 00:00, use in conjunction with since, until can be any date between since and 92 days after from since.
date_preset string DatePreset it is ignored if since and until are specified
breakdowns string BreakdownType with comma separated it can separate several breakdowns with comma(,)
level string Level Represents the level of result.
fields_presets string FieldsPresets Specify what additional metrics to get.

In future release

This parameters are not supported by first release. Please waiting until future release.

Name Type Format Description
filtering Filter Filter
fields list of string
sort string {field}_{desc|asc}
limit number int The number of individual data blocks returned. This is a upper limit. Default value is 50.


The following fields are available with the fields parameter and can be requested with the fields parameter. Please note that metrics such as videoP25Views, videoP50Views, videoP75Views, videoP95Views, videoCompleteViews, videoCompleteViewRate, videoAvgViewTime, videoAvgViewRate will continue to update up to 48 hours after a video ad is served.

Fields of identifier

Name Type Format Description
accountId string The identifier for a advertiser account
campaignId string The identifier for a campaign
creativeId string The identifier for a creative

Fields of object name

Name Type Format Description
accountName string The name for advertiser account
campaignName string The name for campaign
creativeName string The name for creative

Fields of insights metrics

Name Type Format Description
impressions number int The number of times your ad was served.
viewableImpressions number int The number of times your ad was viewable.
clicks number int The total number of people who have clicked on your ad.
conversions number int The number of conversions taken on your ad.
spend number float The total amount you've spent so far.
cpm number float The average cost you've paid to have 1,000 impressions on your ad.
cpc number float The price you've paid divided by the number of clicks.
ctr number float The number of clicks you received divided by the number of impressions.
vctr number float The number of clicks you received divided by the number of viewable impressions.
cvr number float The number of conversions you received divided by the number of clicks.
cpa number float The cost you've paid divided by the number of conversions.
videoViews number int The number of times your video starts to play (100% in view).
videoP25Views number int The number of times your video was played at 25 % of its length.
videoP50Views number int The number of times your video was played at 50 % of its length.
videoP75Views number int The number of times your video was played at 75 % of its length.
videoP95Views number int The number of times your video was played at 95 % of its length.
videoP100Views number int Deprecated. Although the field is returned in the response, please refer to videoCompleteViews.
videoCompleteViews number int The number of times your video was played through their entire duration to completion.
videoCompleteViewRate number float The average percentage that your video was played through their entire duration to completion.
videoAvgViewTime number float The average time a video was played.
videoAvgViewRate number float The average percentage that the video was played.
videoLength number int The maximum length of the videos in milliseconds.
addToCart number int The number of addToCart conversions taken on your ad.
purchase number int The number of purchase conversions taken on your ad.
subscribe number int The number of subscribe conversions taken on your ad.
completeRegistration number int The number of completeRegistration conversions taken on your ad.
viewContent number int The number of viewContent conversions taken on your ad.
addToCartCpa number float The cost you've paid divided by the number of addToCart conversions.
addToCartCvr number float The number of addToCart conversions you received divided by the number of clicks.
purchaseCpa number float The cost you've paid divided by the number of purchase conversions.
purchaseCvr number float The number of purchase conversions you received divided by the number of clicks.
subscribeCpa number float The cost you've paid divided by the number of subscribe conversions.
subscribeCvr number float The number of subscribe conversions you received divided by the number of clicks.
completeRegistrationCpa number float The cost you've paid divided by the number of completeRegistration conversions.
completeRegistrationCvr number float The number of completeRegistration conversions you received divided by the number of clicks.
viewContentCpa number float The cost you've paid divided by the number of viewContent conversions.
viewContentCvr number float The number of viewContent conversions you received divided by the number of clicks.
skAdNetworkConversions number int The number of mobile conversions determined by SKAdNetwork.

Fields of others

Name Type Format Description
breakdowns array Breakdown delivery breakdown information if you request breakdowns parameter
conversionOptimizationPoint string The conversion optimization point of your campaign.

In future release

These metrics are supported by future version.

Name Type Format Description
frequency number float The average number of times your ad was served to each person.
reach number int The number of people your ad was served to.

AMv2 support (Scheduled to release at TBD)

Please be familiarized with the general information of Ads Manager V2 support first.

AMv2 Object

For users to distinguish AMv2 data from AMv1 data, the amV2 object is added to the first level of each element of the data array.

amV2 object

Name Type Format Description
campaignId string The identifier of the 3L campaign
adGroupId string The identifier of the 3L ad group
campaignName string The name of the 3L campaign
adGroupName string The name of the 3L ad group
isMigratedFromV1 boolean The flag to indicate if the ad object is migrated from Ads Manager V1 (AMv1)

Special note for amV2 insights metrics

All metrics relating to conversion:

  • viewContent, viewContentCpa, viewContentCvr
  • addToCart, addToCartCpa, addToCartCvr
  • purchase, purchaseCpa, purchaseCvr
  • subscribe, subscribeCpa, subscribeCvr
  • completeRegistration, completeRegistrationCpa, completeRegistrationCvr

are based on click-through attribution. view-through attribution is only supported on the UI and not available in the API.

Unsupported parameters and response fields of AMv2 Data

Because of the difference in the product specification of AMv1 and AMv2, the following request parameters and response fields will not available for AMv2 Data.

Unsupported request parameters

Providing any of the below unsupported parameters doesn't result in a bad request, however, they have no effect on the AMv2 data.

Name Value Description
breakdowns ALL AMv2 data do not have any breakdown insight
format csv The resulting CSV does not contain any AMv2 data

Unsupported response fields

Name Description
impressions this field is always 0 for AMv2 data
conversions this field is always 0 for AMv2 data
ctr this field is always 0 for AMv2 data
cvr this field is always 0 for AMv2 data
cpa this field is always 0 for AMv2 data
videoP100Views this field is always null for AMv2 data
videoAvgViewRate this field is always null for AMv2 data
videoAvgViewTime this field is always null for AMv2 data
videoLength this field is always null for AMv2 data
skAdNetworkConversions this field is always null for AMv2 Data
accountName this field is always null for AMv2 Data


  "data": [
    // in case of a AMv2 object
      "amV2": {
        "campaignId": "10000001",
        "adGroupId": "10000002",
        "campaignName": "AMv2 Campaign",
        "adGroupName": "AMv2 Ad Group",
        "isMigratedFromV1": false
      "accountId": "10000000",
      "campaignId": "10000002", // AMv2 Ad Group ID
      "clicks": 10,
      // ...
      // the following fields are not supported for AMv2 object
      "impressions": 0,
      "conversions": 0,
      "ctr": 0,
      "cvr": 0,
      "cpa": 0,
      "videoP100Views": 0,
      "skAdNetworkConversions": null,
      // AMv2 data doesn't support any breakdown 
      "insights": []
    // in case of a AMv1 object
      "amV2": null, // set to null
      "accountId": "10000000",
      "campaignId": "11000003",
      "impressions": 100,
      "clicks": 10,
      "ctr": 0.1,
      "insights": [
          // amV2 is also included in the breakdown insight, but it is always null 
          "amV2": null, 
          "breakdowns": [{"type": "publisher", "value": "smartnews"}],

Account insights

Account insights returns insights data separately for AMv1 and AMv2. As a general rule, the insights data for AMv1 is placed first, but if there are no available insights data for AMv1, AMv2 data may be returned first. Additionally, in account insights, properties in amV2 are all null. Please note that whether the amV2 object itself is null or not indicates that it is data from AMv2.

Account insights response example

  "meta": {
    "updatedAt": "2024-03-18T09:00:00Z"
  "data": [
      "accountId": "10000000",
      "accountName": "Advertiser Name",
      "campaignId": null,
      "campaignName": null,
      "creativeId": null,
      "creativeName": null,
      "conversionOptimizationPoint": null,
      "breakdowns": null,
      "impressions": 3075,
      "viewableImpressions": 534,
      "clicks": 353,
      "conversions": 98,
      "spend": 6.0,
      "cpm": 11.235955056179774,
      "cpc": 0.0169971671388102,
      "ctr": 11.479674796747968,
      "vctr": 66.10486891385767,
      "cvr": 27.762039660056658,
      "cpa": 0.061224489795918366,
      "videoP25Views": null,
      "videoP50Views": null,
      "videoP75Views": null,
      "videoP95Views": null,
      "videoP100Views": null,
      "videoLength": null,
      "videoViews": null,
      "videoViewableViews": null,
      "videoCompleteViews": null,
      "videoCompleteViewRate": null,
      "videoAvgViewTime": null,
      "videoAvgViewRate": null,
      "skAdNetworkConversions": null,
      "addToCart": null,
      "purchase": null,
      "subscribe": null,
      "completeRegistration": null,
      "viewContent": null,
      "addToCartCpa": null,
      "addToCartCvr": null,
      "purchaseCpa": null,
      "purchaseCvr": null,
      "subscribeCpa": null,
      "subscribeCvr": null,
      "completeRegistrationCpa": null,
      "completeRegistrationCvr": null,
      "viewContentCpa": null,
      "viewContentCvr": null,
      "insights": null,
      "amV2": null
      "accountId": "10000000",
      "accountName": null,
      "campaignId": null,
      "campaignName": null,
      "creativeId": null,
      "creativeName": null,
      "conversionOptimizationPoint": null,
      "breakdowns": null,
      "impressions": 0,
      "viewableImpressions": 63,
      "clicks": 1,
      "conversions": 0,
      "spend": 104.160708,
      "cpm": 1653.344571428571,
      "cpc": 104.160708,
      "ctr": 0.0,
      "vctr": 0.01587301587301587,
      "cvr": 0.0,
      "cpa": 0.0,
      "videoP25Views": null,
      "videoP50Views": null,
      "videoP75Views": null,
      "videoP95Views": null,
      "videoP100Views": null,
      "videoLength": null,
      "videoViews": null,
      "videoViewableViews": null,
      "videoCompleteViews": null,
      "videoCompleteViewRate": null,
      "videoAvgViewTime": null,
      "videoAvgViewRate": null,
      "skAdNetworkConversions": null,
      "addToCart": null,
      "purchase": null,
      "subscribe": null,
      "completeRegistration": null,
      "viewContent": null,
      "addToCartCpa": null,
      "addToCartCvr": null,
      "purchaseCpa": null,
      "purchaseCvr": null,
      "subscribeCpa": null,
      "subscribeCvr": null,
      "completeRegistrationCpa": null,
      "completeRegistrationCvr": null,
      "viewContentCpa": null,
      "viewContentCvr": null,
      "insights": null,
      "amV2": {
        "campaignId": null,
        "campaignName": null,
        "adGroupId": null,
        "adGroupName": null,
        "isMigratedFromV1": null




Name Type Format Description
type string BreakdownType breakdown type value
value string breakdown value


DatePreset Description
today today in JST
yesterday yesterday in JST
last_7_days last 7 days in JST
last_30_days last 30 days in JST
this_month this month in JST
last_month last month in JST
last_3_months last 3 months in JST


BreakdownType Description
publisher media delivery breakdown (publisher data like this: smartnews, mixi)
platform platform delivery breakdown (platform data like this: ios, android, web)
genre genre delivery breakdown (genre like this: general, food, sports)


Level Description


FieldsPresets Description
video Get the video additional metrics, such as view completion rate, for video ads. If the value does not exist, the field will not be added.
skadnetwork Get the skadnetwork additional metrics, such ad skadnetwork_conversion, for skadnetwork measurement ads. If the value does not exist, the field will not be added.