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Teamagochi Web-Backend

The backend for the Teamgochi project, build with the Quarkus Java Framework.

Explore the docs


The development environment can be started by using the Quarkus CLI, the .\mvnw.cmd script (Windows) or the equivalent ./mvnw (Linux).

quarkus dev

# Maven
./mvnw compile quarkus:dev
.\mvnw.cmd compile quarkus:dev

Run quarkus --help, ./mvnw quarkus --help or .\mvnw.cmd quarkus --help to display help and all available commands. Read more about the development mode or about the command line interface in general.


The following table contains all used Quarkus Extensions

Name Links Why?
REST Docs, Info Create and provide REST services
REST Jackson Docs, Info Jackson serialization (JSON) support for REST extension
REST Client Docs, Info Call REST services, support receiving Server-sent events (SSE)
REST Client Jackson Info Jackson serialization (JSON) support for the REST Client
Hibernate ORM with Panache Docs, Info Domain model persistence for relational databases using the the repository pattern
JDBC Driver - PostgreSQL Docs, Info Connect to the PostreSQL database via JDBC
JDBC Driver - H2 Docs, Info Connect to the H2 database via JDBC