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⚠️ This project is now obsolete and has been superseded by our new Python API client. We recommend you migrate to use the newer client library.

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PyOnfido is a Python API client for Onfido's REST API. This package supports both v1 and v2 of the Onfido API.


You can either obtain PyOnfido from PyPi:

$ pip install pyonfido

Or just retrieve from source and install using the provided

$ git clone
$ cd pyonfido
$ python install


Import the onfido.Api class, and create a new instance of it passing your API token as a parameter to the constructor:

from onfido import Api

# ...

api = Api("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE")

It is through this api object that you will interact with Onfido API.

To use v1 of the Onfido API :

api = Api("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE", 'v1')


The applicant endpoint supports three operations - create(), find(), and all():

Create applicant

applicant_details = {
	"title": "Mr",
	"first_name": "John",
	"last_name": "Smith"
	# ...

applicant = api.Applicants.create(applicant_details)

Retrieve applicant

applicant_id = "1030303-123123-123123"

applicant = api.Applicants.find(applicant_id)

List applicants

applicants = api.Applicants.all()

The all() operation also permits pagination

top10_applicants = api.Applicants.all(1, 10):
next10_applicants = api.Applicants.all(2, 10):


top10_applicants = api.Applicants.all(page=1, per_page=10):
next10_applicants = api.Applicants.all(page=2, per_page=10):


The documents endpoint supports one operation - create():

Upload document

applicant_id = "1030303-123123-123123"

document_file = open("passport.png", "rb")

document = api.Documents.create(applicant_id, document_file, "passport.png", "passport")

You can use any file-like object in place of the document_file parameter, so you needn't save to disk and call open() if you have the file in, say, an BytesIO object in memory.

Document types

The different document types supported by the onfido API are available by importing DocumentType:

from onfido import DocumentType

my_doc_type = DocumentType.Passport # "passport"
my_doc_type = DocumentType.NationalIdentityCard # "national_identity_card"
my_doc_type = DocumentType.WorkPermit # "work_permit"
my_doc_type = DocumentType.DrivingLicense # "driving_licence"
my_doc_type = DocumentType.NationalInsurance # "national_insurance"
my_doc_type = DocumentType.BirthCertificate # "birth_certificate"
my_doc_type = DocumentType.BankStatement # "bank_statement"
my_doc_type = DocumentType.Unknown # "unknown"

Live Photos

The live_photos endpoint supports one operation - create():

Upload document

applicant_id = "1030303-123123-123123"

live_photo_file = open("selfie.png", "rb")

live_photo = api.LivePhotos.create(applicant_id, live_photo_file, "selfie.png")

You can use any file-like object in place of the live_photo_file parameter, so you needn't save to disk and call open() if you have the file in, say, an BytesIO object in memory.


The checks endpoint supports three operations - create(), find() and all():

Create check

applicant_id = "1030303-123123-123123"

check_args = {
    "type": "standard",
    "reports": [{ "name": "identity" }]

check = api.Checks.create(applicant_id, check_args)

Retrieve check

applicant_id = "1030303-123123-123123"

check_id = "8546921-123123-123123"

check = api.Checks.find(applicant_id, check_id)

List checks

applicant_id = "1030303-123123-123123"

checks = api.Checks.all(applicant_id)

Pagination is supported through the page and per_page parameters:

top10_checks = api.Checks.all(applicant_id, 1, 10):
next_checks = api.Checks.all(applicant_id, 2, 10):


top10_checks = api.Checks.all(applicant_id, page=1, per_page=10):
next10_checks = api.Checks.all(applicant_id, page=2, per_page=10):


The reports endpoint supports two operations - find() and all():

Retrieve report

check_id = "8546921-123123-123123"

report_id = "1256879-123123-456789"

report = api.Reports.find(check_id, report_id)

List reports

check_id = "8546921-123123-123123"

reports = api.Reports.all(check_id)

Report types

The different document types supported by the onfido API are available by importing ReportType:

from onfido import ReportType

my_report_type = ReportType.IdentityReport # "identity"
my_report_type = ReportType.DocumentReport # "document"
my_report_type = ReportType.EmploymentReport # "employment"
my_report_type = ReportType.EducationReport # "education"
my_report_type = ReportType.NegativeMediaReport # "negative_media"
my_report_type = ReportType.DirectorshipReport # "directorship"
my_report_type = ReportType.CriminalRecordReport # "criminal_history"
my_report_type = ReportType.PEPSanctionReport # "watchlist"
my_report_type = ReportType.AntiMoneyLaunderingReport # "anti_money_laundering"
my_report_type = ReportType.StreetLevelReport # "street_level"
my_report_type = ReportType.SexOffenderReport # "sex_offender"
my_report_type = ReportType.WatchlistReport # "watchlist"
my_report_type = ReportType.NationalCriminalReport # "national_criminal"
my_report_type = ReportType.EvictionReport # "eviction"
my_report_type = ReportType.CountyCriminalReport # "county_criminal"
my_report_type = ReportType.DrivingRecordReport # "driving_record"

Running tests

To confirm that things are working as expected you can check the CI or run the unit tests using

$ python test

The code should also be compliant with PEP 8, which you can confirm by installing and running flake8 on the onfido library:

$ pip install flake8
$ flake8 onfido

There are also a handful of integration tests which connect to the Onfido API, they will only be run if you set the ONFIDO_INTEGRATION_TEST_API_TOKEN environment variable and run the tests:

$ ONFIDO_INTEGRATION_TEST_API_TOKEN=my_test_api_key python test

The environment variable was deliberately chosen to be long and obtuse to lessen the chances that it's already set, but you should exercise caution anyway as this will result in creating a number of new applicants and checks.


Library for interacting with Onfido's background checking REST API







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