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Donald Knuth spoke on March 24th, 2011. The talk was posted on March 28th, 2011.

Google Tech Talks

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Donald Knuth: I'm not sure I can match Lady Gaga. [crowd laughs] But anyway, when I was teaching at Stanford, our last day of class was reserved for all questions answered. I told everybody they could cut class if they wanted to but if they had something that they wanted to ask me (because they had paid their tuition and everything) that was the time to do it. They could ask questions on any subject whatsoever except religion, politics, or their final exam. [crowd laughs] Now, about 2 years ago at Google I gave a talk that had something to do with religion. Politics is kind of depressing. If you want to ask questions about anything, you know I'll still give it my best shot but I can probably give better answers to things that I know something about. I understand that some people have been submitting questions and then they're going to choose the best ones to vote or anything. I'm hoping that the questions are not frequently asked questions. Okay. Currently in the lead, okay, so, should I mention the guy who asked the question? Does this show up on your table? Whatever. Okay, so, let's go.

Mostest Theorems

What is the theorem or construction in computer science that you feel is most counterintuitive, and which one do you find most beautiful?

Well, this kind of ranking of things in a one dimensional criterion. Uh... [crowd laughs] So first of all, we project onto the counterintuitive thing and beauty aspect. Okay, I mean, somehow, you ask a parent which of their children they like the best or something. Okay, counterintuitive, is anything intuitive to me? I guess, going to more and more dimensions, our intuition seems to be worse and worse. I understand George Dantzig once said that "Our intuition in n-dimensions isn't worth a damn." I don't use that kind of language myself, but anyway. So I think the things that we're doing in high dimensional spaces and some of these methods now that are dealing with many degrees of freedom and somehow, we can still map them down into something we can control. Those are pretty [counterintuitive], probably.

The most beautiful theorem in computer science, my goodness. It's always the one that I learned most recently, I guess, but there are a lot of contenders. And then there's this boundary between computer science and mathematics which is hard to draw. So let's see, right now I'm gonna go for construct that I find very beautiful because during the last year, I've been playing around with a data structure called ZDD, which isn't the greatest name, but it's the best way that I know to represent families of sets. And families of sets cover many, many applications of all kinds. I played with it. I started out with it thinking I would just spend one page of volume four talking about ZDDs and a year later, I had almost a hundred pages of introduction to it and I was still learning more stuff about ZDDs. I think it's a very beautiful construction that needs to be studied much more, and soon people will find more reason for it.

Now, let's see, should I alternate between this and people in the audience? Okay, so let's take something from the floor.

Pipe Organ

Audience member: Rumor has it there's an amazing pipe organ located somewhere near where you live. Do you ever have anyone else, any other organist play that pipe organ, and what's your favorite song played on it?

DK: If you look in Art of Computer Programming volume three, in the index under "royalties, use of" it'll take you to a page that shows a picture that looks like organ pipe. After we had sold a few copies of volumes one, two, and three, I was able to fulfill a dream and get a really nice instrument in one wing of my house. I guess Alan Kay also has a great organ in his house down in Southern California. My father was an organist and I took some lessons when I was 12 years old on how to play an organ, and then I was called when I was down in Pasadena as a grad student. All of a sudden the organist at the church I was going to had a detached retina and the called me on Saturday and said, "Don, did you really take a year of organ lessons when you were a teenager? Can you fill in?" I learned at that time that all the wonderful literature that's been written for pipe organs and I found some people down in Pasadena that had got an organ in their house. So that became a dream of mine and I was able to realize that in the middle '70s. I investigated, I was thinking maybe I could get somebody in Denmark to build one for me because they had such beautiful instruments. But that turned out to be impractical because they couldn't give me a fixed price on it. So finally I found a really good builder near UCLA, and they build four organs a year, and the one that's in my house is a joy. So we occasionally have people from the American Guild of Organists come for recitals and play on it. If you're an organist, just see me afterwards and you can come and try. Stanford students used to practice on it, but there aren't so many organ students now as there used to be.

AM: Thanks, I'll come see you afterward.

Industry 1

DK: Now the next one here.

What kind of problems do you feel Google or the industry at large should be working on but isn't.

Hmmm. Another great question. I'll just give you one. In Google Maps, a click back, a facility that I can get the GPS coordinates, I can click on something on Google Map and then I have a way to find out the GPS coordinates. That used to work last year until November and it's gone now. If you Google "GPS coordinates in Google Maps" you'll find a lot of other irate users who miss this feature.

I'll take another one off the screen.

Low Hanging Fruit

Most of the low hanging fruits in computer science have already been reaped and dissected in detail. Do you still see any of them surprisingly no one is trying to reap?

It's true that a lot of things have been dissected in detail, but it all feels, including computer science, it seems that people are always going down the same roads. It's amazing to me the headway of how many times another low hanging fruit appears in my consciousness. Both in computer science and even in mathematics which have been around for, you know, hundreds of more years.

I was finishing the eighth volume of my collected papers out of eight, and I got to give a plug for this book because actually I have to admit that I love it much more than I can explain. It was decided more than 20 years ago that the papers that have been written should be published in archival form with all the bugs removed and adding extra information about the developments since the papers were written and so on, and divided into eight topics. The first topic, literate programming and the second topic was computer science in general for non-specialists and the third book was about typography and so on. Well the eighth of these eight was papers on fun and games. I saved that up for dessert. I knew that if I kept that for last, it would keep me going through all the other papers. So here I have this, finally, though I'm closing the door on papers I've been writing. From now on I don't write any more papers. I add to Art of Computer Programming.

There are 17 chapters in that book of papers that were never before public. Two of those chapters I wrote last year on topics which you might say are low hanging fruit. In one case it was about knight's tours. I call it long and skinny knight's tours. I studied the problem of how many ways are there to take a board that has three rows and n columns and find a nice tour on this board. It turned out that it was a really interesting problem, a really challenging problem. It taught me a lot of mathematics as I'm doing it. I can tell you the exact number for any n. I can tell you the asymptotic numbers and I can classify them into different ways that surprise me. It seemed like low hanging fruit because you don't need much, I mean, people have been thinking about knight's tours for 200 years. Still, there was another open problem on knight's tours called Celtic knight's tours which are knight's tours that are especially beautiful because they don't have three lines that come almost touching each other and so you can make beautiful Celtic knots from the patterns anyway.

Another example of something that was out there that hadn't been asked. Two weeks ago, Ron Graham tells me about the following problem: take any integer, write it in binary, so you've got basically any sequence of zeroes and ones. You can always cut it, any string of zeroes and ones. You can always cut it into substrings so that the sum of the, consider each substring has a binary number. The sum of those binary numbers is a power of two. It's not easy but there it is, in a sense, low hanging fruit I would say. You know, try it out but don't start thinking about it just before trying to go to sleep because I was just reading the information -- what is it called? Learning in the Loo or something like this? -- It tells you how to get a good night's sleep. So anyway, surprisingly, there's still a lot of low hanging fruit, and just keep asking questions. It's not really that likely that it's been totally explored yet.


Industry 2

Audience member: Earlier, you were talking about GPS coordinates. There's a Labs feature where you can get that on your cursor now. You can turn on a Labs feature.

DK: A Labs feature?

AM: Yeah, if you go to the settings.

DK: Okay well tell me afterwards, because it used to be that through my maps I could get something called position finder but they discontinued the ability to use other people's Java code during my map.

AM: I'm not too familiar with what you're using, but if you just want GPS coordinates that you can still get it.

DK: You know I can do it easily with Google Earth, but with Google Maps, I want to be able to do it easy. I searched and nobody had published that solution.

AM: Well you can get it with the mouse cursor.

DK: A mouse cursor?

AM: Yeah there's a plugin for it.

DK: A plugin.

AM: A Labs plugin.

DK: A Lab plugin. Okay. All right. Well, thank you.

Close to the Metal

With the increasing processing power and adoption of machine independent high level languages, it's a common perception that being close to the metal doesn't matter any more. What impact does this have on computer science as a field of study?

I don't agree that it doesn't matter any more. It doesn't matter as much to as many people, but that's just relative. In absolute number it probably just matters. We can still use more power. We can still use it. There's all kinds of problems where you want to push the envelope and do better and so, if you just, lots of problems, there's no point in my spending much time on something if it's going to get the answer in a microsecond instead of ten seconds. So I write really inefficient programs to solve certain problems, but boy when I was studying these three binary knight's tours I had to find the inverse of a 700 by 700 matrix of polynomials and so I had to think about it and I had to know a bit of what's going on. If people, imagine a whole generation growing up with this philosophy that you don't need to know anything about the metal underneath, then these programs they write are going to be really bad. So then of course there'll be lots of low hanging fruit for people who want to make improvements. [crowd laughs]

Okay, next question.

Literate Programming Adoption

Literate programming has never really taken off although some scripting languages have improved code readability somewhat. What, if anything, do you think has hindered its adoption?

That's a question that of course, I can try to answer, but literate programming is so close to my heart that I'm totally biased about it, so you have to discount what I say. Again, in absolute numbers we've got tens of thousands of people who use literate programming. But still, that's less than 1% probably. But I've got at least one program that I wrote that was so complicated that I totally believed that I would never ever have been able to get the program finished at all if I didn't have literate programming to organize my thoughts and make it done. This is the meta-simulator for my MMIX computer. I've got this RISC machine that you can configure in basically infinitely many ways. You can say for each instruction what functional unit belongs to how much of a pipeline you want it to have, all kind of caches you can control in multiple issue of instructions and did advanced prediction methods. You can imagine, you can simulate what it would be like if you had a processor with many more things than we know how to build at the moment. But anyway I wrote this simulator and it was the hardest challenge that I ever had as far as programming, I think. With literate programming, I was able to finish it in a year, but without literate programming I think I would've totally flopped. So for me, literate programming isn't only nice, it's sort of essential. It's also nice because I write average of maybe one program a day. Some of them are longer, some of them are pretty short. But with this literate programming method, it really works for me and makes me happy.

Now, so on the other hand, you know, fewer than 100% of the world loves it. I read a lot of code and a lot of the best code that I see out there adheres to a certain set of conventions that are pretty good. They're nowhere near as good as literate programming but still, they're good enough that they're adequate. They're understood by a huge community, people know this style and it's a lingua franca. For me to say drop that and go to literate programming it's like saying, "Well, you know let's go to Esperanto instead of English," or some other language that might be even better than Esperanto, you know, prove that it's a much more logical language. Yet English is good enough and I'm not going to change from English. Why should I tell somebody else to change the style of programming that they all can use and it's good enough?

Jon Bentley might have hit the nail on the head because the people who like literate programming the best are people who also seem to be people who also like to write. You know, bloggers and teachers. Because when you're writing literate programming, you're like in front of a class, you're writing for a human audience rather than for the computer to understand. You're trying to explain something to another programmer. There's a certain percentage of the world likes to write and there's a certain percentage of the world that's good at programming, and you have to be in the intersection of those two in order to really love literate programming. So that might be why it hadn't taken off.

Still, I think that if Google managers would sort of, you know, say "Let's have a test here and we're going to do some system with literate programming," you find that it might in fact make Google even better than it is now. But anyway, I'm not going to change and I think a lot of people understand, I can point to some large programs that probably more people understand these difficult programs than any other programs on their side. So that's my take on that.

One more thing though, my book on fun and games, the last chapter... Okay, I don't know how many people know this, but my first publication was in Mad Magazine. When I was a freshman in college, this article came out and so that's chapter one of my papers on fun and games. The last chapter is equally crazy and it's a smooth talk that I gave last summer where I basically promised that, people were asking about the future of tech and I said, "Well, I've decided that everything I did on that project was a mistake and so I've secretly started this company and I've got this new product that's coming out that's not only going to do three-dimensional type setting, but it's also including manufacturing on demand, and it also includes things like search engines and social networking, and it sells differential equations, and it's all written in Scheme, and we gave up on literate programming because everyone knows documentation is a pain." Okay? So that was the hardest paragraph for me to write. But I thought I would use some kind of book ends to have one. You know I started out in Mad Magazine and I had to have something to match it as my final publication. Okay. Jeff?

Math Search

Jeff: So are you using call/cc on that program?

DK: Am I using call?

Jeff: Are you using call/cc on that Scheme program? Here's my question, it's a math search question. So this morning I used social search to find the name of a silly technique called propensity score matching. Sometimes I know that there's a mathematical concept that exists but I don't know what the name of it is and I want to go find out about it. Integer sequences is a good example of a search technique that allows me to go find...

DK: Yeah, the Handbook of, the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, you can calculate your way into the literature. If you can compute the first six terms of some sequence, you'll find if there's anybody else that's ever been interested in that.

Jeff: Right. So that's a good solution, but that doesn't solve all problems. So how do you, when you know that there's been a mathematical concept that you've stumbled across but you don't know the name of it, how do you find out what that name is so you don't have to go reinvent everything?

DK: Okay. Well, the answer is of course I'm 73 years old now I developed a bunch of friends and so I know...

Audience member: Social search then.

DK: Yeah, right. So I know who to ask, but if it's a completely new field then I haven't got any good method myself. Often there are certain questions that I ask Ira Gessel, others I ask Richard Stanley, or Jeff Almonds, et cetera. Fortunately I can go down the hall at Stanford and get the answers to most of these questions and we get together for lunch every week. So that's my solution, but it's not an algorithmic solution at all.

Jeff: Yeah, you don't scale very well.

DK: Well in fact, that would be terrible. Let's face it, if there were ten people like me in the world, we wouldn't have time to read each other's books.

P versus NP

How many P!=NP proofs have you seen? What is your opinion on this, P=NP or P!=NP? When do you think it is going to be settled?

Oh boy. I got one last week, a guy sent me Java code that seems to prove that P=NP and I'm pretty sure that he's finding maximum cliques and I'm pretty sure that the way he's generating the data is from a set of problems that, in polynomial time you'll be able to find the maximum cliques, with n cubed steps on the average. It would look like P=NP in that because the maximum clique is one of those NP complete problems. On the other hand, you know, you've got to be able to solve all problems in a maximum polynomial number of steps in order to have P=NP. Still, his algorithm might be really interesting on practical problems, and so I've filed it away to read the code when I get to the point when, maybe a year from now when I'm going to be writing up techniques for maximum cliques.

I've done my lifetime share of checking proofs that P=NP and P!=NP and some years ago, I passed that threshold. So I'll never do it again. Still, there's a pretty serious thing that a lot of people looked at about six months ago, wasn't it? It turned out that it didn't pan out, but still the ideas couldn't be dismissed out of hand.

Now, I've also read proofs about squaring the circle, too, in my youth.

To my surprise I've found that I had already given this opinion 15 years ago, but I'm afraid what's going to happen in this question is that somebody maybe 50 years from now is going to prove that P=NP, and the proof is going to be something like this: that it equals NP because there are only finitely many reasons why it couldn't. [crowd laughs] In other words, a proof that could give us no algorithm, it just proves that there exists some exponent, but an algorithm that we'll never know is just out there. So then that was the wrong question to ask. Now, we already have some cases like this. There're some deep theorems in the graph theory that say certain kinds of graphs, in order to test for these graphs, you can do it in polynomial time but nobody knows the algorithm. We just know that there's only a finite number of cases to try for but we don't know what those cases are. We just know that's not infinite. The paper by Lovas that describes some of the paradoxes coming out of it. It's looking to me more and more like it's going to be that the number of possible algorithms is huge huge, and to show that none of those is polynomial time might just be wrong.

Is computer science math?

Audience member: Hi. I don't know if this touches more on philosophy, but do you believe that programming is more of an emergent behavior of math, or it's its own thing that just happens to be well described by math?

DK: Okay. Connection between programming and math, and emergent from math. I find my own feeling is this: that mathematics and computer science are the two unnatural sciences, the things that are man-made. We get to set up the rules. It doesn't matter the way the Universe works. We create our own universe, and decide we can design our computational models and we can make axioms for mathematical problem. While physicists and chemists and biologists and so on have a different thing. They want to know what's actually in the real world. But are computer science and mathematics really two sides of the same coin, or are they somehow different coins? I feel strongly that they're different but I tried to convince Bill Thurston and he disagreed with me.

My opinion though is I can feel rather strongly when I'm wearing my mathematician's cloak versus when I'm wearing my computer scientist's cap. I'm in one mode or the other, sometimes. To me, the biggest difference is mathematicians are mostly working on unified theories where you have one or two axioms that are sort of applying all the way through while, computer science I'm more dealing with very heterogeneous things where there's case one, case two, case three, and we have different things that happen in different status. We have an assignment statement where we can just say X is placed by 2X. So all value X is gone. Mathematicians, that's a weird concept to mathematicians. So I think that these are different mentalities, different approaches where I can sometimes say, "Well as a computer scientist, I got stuck here." Let me try to translate into a mathematical one and then I think mathematically for a while and that moves me to another thing. Then mathematically I'm stuck, and then I go back and put on my programming hat again and try to do something constructive or figure out a data structure that helps me understand the mathematical of it. So, I think they're different but I can't convince Bill Thurston.

The other thing that computer scientists... I can conclude this by saying we got our pluses and minuses. So there are problems in the world that mathematicians don't do very well at because they're sort of inherently heterogeneous. Nothing uniform is going to explain them all. So mathematicians aren't going to, couldn't be comfortable with that at all, and computer scientists can cut through like butter. But on the other hand, there are problems that do have a uniform thing and a computer scientist might not see it because we can find a case one, case two, case three, a way to attack it which is actually very inelegant and missing the underlying unity. So to me that's the difference.

Audience member: Thanks.

Computer Science and Music


How has your involvement with music affected your computer science and vice versa?

I think there's a common thing about patterns. It's a love of patterns that seems to have a high correlation with the kind of thinking that goes on in both mathematics and computer science. At Stanford, we had, one time our, the lady who was sort of our department executive head, she had come from the law school, and she said there was an incredible difference coming from the law school to the computer science department. In music, the students were interested in music, musicians. It was completely different than what she had experienced in the other school. Anyway, I think there's probably something to that. Although in the '70s we used to ask our incoming grad students the first question would be "What's your instrument?" We had cases where, I don't know if you remember Bill, Sam Vent, oral exam, he proceeded by a cello recital. We would have student parties and we would do chamber music. Much more in the '70s than in the '80s, because one year I got to the incoming grad students and I said, "What's your instrument?" It turned out that one guy played harmonica and another one said that he did an Abba imitation, and nobody else did music at all that year. I said, "Well what's you main hobby?" It turned out that more than half of them were really into bicycle riding. So there was a change somehow in the population. I don't know why, and I don't know what it is now. Anyway I do believe that these things go together, but it's maybe not a direct... If I live long enough I'd like to compose some music with some of my algorithmic ideas that I have. Maybe I could influence music that way. How does music actually influence a program that I write? I don't know if I can point to anything direct there.

State of Typography

Next question here was:

You are famously known for your interest in (and contributions to) digital typography. Over 30 years after release of TeX, what are your thoughts on the current state of typography as it exists on the web and other digital media?

Basically I'm upbeat about the way... I got a Nexus S and it has beautiful fonts on it. I love the typography that I'm seeing. I think that people are starting to understand fonts. I guess one of the only predictions that I, I'm famously bad at predicting. In fact that's probably one of the, the fact that I can't predict how hard something is, is the only reason that I started working on typography in the first place. [crowd laughs] And Art of Computer Programming and a bunch of other stuff. But I did predict that font designers would become heroes and that turned out to be fairly close to the mark.

Teaching Children Computer Science 1

Audience member: So I have a question very similar to, like, one of the previous questions. So, now kids are growing up with using computers like on the cell phones, everywhere, like the small, small kids. But the computers became really, really complicated. So what do you think will become the long term impact. Will we have more people actually understanding how it all works, or will we have magic, that only a few actually understand.

DK: This is a paradox and I wish I knew. I just gave you a couple of... So I know that my grandkids are pretty fascinated by some applications that you might say are fairly like programming and they put together objects and the objects can move. I can't remember the names of the systems that they do. So they're doing more than just passively playing games, although games are... I must say I spent hundreds of hours rolling dice, and moving horses along a track when I was in high school. Now the equivalent is doing things on them.

On the other hand, Nick Trefethen told me three years ago his son is going to the best high school in Oxford and Nick went there to talk to the kids in his son's school and he found that not a one of them had ever written a computer program or even thought about it. So, anyway it's a very strange situation that we're in. And you'd think that more...

In the old days, people were learning Logo and Karel the Robot and stuff. Now there's many more systems like that which are quite fascinating. You probably know the one called ChucK from Stanford, and then MIT has this one that was featured in the ACM last year, and there are more.

I don't know if it'll change. Throughout my career, the number of people, of every hundred people, it's been pretty steady over my career that two out of every hundred seems to be born to be a computer scientist. They're geeks like me. We have a peculiar way of organizing stuff in our head and that happens when you're young at some point. I view computer science as something that I do because I just happen to be good at it, not because I had an urge to compute.

Industry 3

Programming today is not fundamentally changed from programming decades ago. How has the industry failed in this regard and how could it change in the future?

I wish I could answer about industry, but my own expertise is in writing books and I don't know.

Knuth Reward Checks

How many people have actually cashed the $2.56 checks?

I think some of you know that I reward people for finding errors in my books. I started that, it used to be one dollar back in 1960s and then in the second edition it went up to two dollars. At some point it switched over to two dollar fifty-six cents which seemed a more appropriate number. People used to cash those checks a lot, and it fouled up our checking account. [crowd laughs] So I got my own account because others were not cashing.

Well, now it turns out that the electronic funds transfer is incredibly insecure. Banks have almost no security. I mean, the banks believe any electronic message that they get. Crooks have learned how to do this, so that if somebody looks at a check that you write, you write the personal check that has numbers at the bottom, if a clerk knows those numbers, he can turn himself up an ATM card and withdraw money from your account. Anyway, I had to close three accounts because these numbers... I have examples where the check says "Bank of America Atlanta, Georgia", and at the bottom, it has routing number of my checking account in Palo Alto. It would look like a payroll check and so, four hundred bucks, cash it at the supermarket. But others were actually, as I said, making ATM cards and doing withdrawals and ordering all kind of fancy computers and stuff, I think probably somewhere in Eastern Europe. This whole banking system is all screwed up.

So about four years ago I started my own bank and you can find it on the web, it's called The Bank of Sans Seriffe [crowd laughs] and I still write checks, but you don't cash them because it doesn't say "pay to the [...]", it says "Deposit to the account of [...]" and it's a virtual bank so you can look on there and you can find the names of everybody who's got an account at the Bank of Sans Seriffe and how much they've done.

I wrote 21 of those checks last month and I'll write probably 10 this month so far from what I know, things that came in. Last week, I got a letter from China. A guy found an error in volume one from 1960, it hadn't been noticed since 1968. Finally somebody read that page carefully. It's true. So, it's very valuable to me, you know, trying to make these books more and more correct.

Teaching Children Computer Science 2

What do I think is the most effective way to get children enthused about computer science?

I guess we got good tools for them to play with, but I was best at understanding children when I had children who are that age. When my kids were in first grade I could design curriculum for first graders and then the next year I could design curriculum for second graders. Right now, that's wiped out of my head.

I think part of it is they have to have a way to be creative and share their creations with their friends. So that's probably going to be the most effective way: have some kind of things where kids can make a construction that they're proud of.

Meeting Steve Jobs

Did Steve Jobs tell you he'd read all of your books and how did you respond? Bye.

Okay. Now, there's a funny story about that you can look up. The true story I believe is on the Russian version of the Wikipedia. Because the guy in Russia wanted to check out the source. The fact is that I met Steve several times and the most likely thing is that he said that I said, "Oh, that's wonderful. You're the first person I ever met who has," or something like, has read them all. Anyway, I defer the rest of the story.

You got a question?

Natural Language Processing

Audience member: So, are you familiar with the field of natural language programming, or, sorry, natural language processing?

DK: Natural language processing. Well, I use Google Translate an awful lot. [crowd laughs] I know a little bit about the way it works.

AM: So from what little you know, do you see it having any effect on the field of literate programming, or programming in general?

DK: No. Well, it sounds to me like a different... It's certainly a huge impact on artificial intelligence and a lot of algorithms and a lot of the algorithms that are used in order to deal with things that are... I've always looked for a way of getting automatic translate so that I wouldn't have to use a dictionary. I only had to learn a dialect of English when I'm dealing with things from other languages. This seems to be happening now. I haven't got anything profound to say about it.

AM: Thank you.

DK: A friend of mine gave me a wonderful book. They started out with Alice in Wonderland, and translated it by machine into French, and then translated that into English and back into French until they had a stable thing. [crowd laughs] After two cycles you get the same thing back again. Then they printed the whole thing into a stable form. The rabbit is saying, "Oh, precious," instead of, "Oh, dear."

Is math necessary for computer scientists?

Bill Coughran: Could I? I'm going to interject here. I'm going to take the liberty of asking the last question. So, you know, years and years ago when I was studying computer science, there was a lot more expectation for mathematical training, and I noticed over the ensuing 30 or 40 years that there's less and less dependence on mathematics, and my impression is that students are less trained in that. I remember it was very controversial at Stanford for a number of years about whether to have an undergraduate degree in computer science and so forth. I think there was a presumption that people should have mathematics training before they went into computer science. How has computer science changed as the role of mathematics has become less in the field? I'd be interested in your view.

DK: Another great question. All of these questions have been really terrific. There's a lot of good computer science that can be done without a lot of mathematics now. But there's just as many examples of really cutting edge mathematics going into computer science as well. I mean, I just go through our building, computer graphics, all the rendering methods that are heavily based on mathematics, and the new camera techniques are incredible. People are using high mathematics in artificial intelligence, all of the Bayesian network, the calculations with robotics are requiring great mathematics.

I don't think however that I need a terrific amount of mathematics to come up with Facebook. Still I understand the way Facebook is able to do its magic is by actually putting everybody's Facebook page in one giant computer, a certain mathematic knowledge in order to understand caching and so, yeah, but not traditional mathematics.

Mathematical paradigms are still there. You have to know the concepts of rigorous proof for at least half of computer science now, I would say. But there's also lots of other things that are... When we talk about the design of GUIs or something like that where you don't need so much to many theorems.

BC: That's true. I've heard a few people say that reading your books, The Art of Computer Programming is challenging if you don't have the right mathematics background, which I think is true.

DK: It's not easy to read my books, but it could be a lot harder. [crowd laughs] I tried to make them as simple as possible but I haven't succeeded in making it a breeze.