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Outbound Mail with Haraka

A default installation of Haraka will queue outbound mail for delivery in the queue directory. Those mails will be delivered to the appropriate MX record for that domain. Mails are queued onto your disk, and will deal appropriately with temporary failures to retry delivery later.

Outbound mails are defined as those that have set the connection.relaying flag to true via a plugin. The simplest way of doing that is to use SMTP AUTH, and have the client authenticate. For example using the auth/flat_file plugin. However it is very simple to write a custom plugin to do this.

For statistics on outbound mail use the process_title plugin. See the documentation for that plugin for details.

To flush the outbound queue (for temporary failed mails) hit the Haraka master process with the SIGHUP signal (via the kill command line tool).

Outbound Configuration Files


  • disabled

Default: false. Allows one to temporarily disable outbound delivery, while still receiving and queuing emails. This can be changed while Haraka is running.

  • concurrency_max

Default: 100. Specifies the maximum concurrent connections to make. Note that if using cluster (multiple CPUs) then this will be multiplied by the number of CPUs that you have.

  • enable_tls

Default: false. Switch to true to enable TLS for outbound mail when the remote end is capable.

This uses the same tls_key.pem and tls_cert.pem files that the tls plugin uses, along with other values in tls.ini. See the tls plugin docs for information on generating those files.

Within tls.ini you can specify global options for the values ciphers, requestCert and rejectUnauthorized, alternatively you can provide separate values by putting them under a key: [outbound], such as:

  • ipv6_enabled

When this has a "true" value inside (usually a 1), it defaults to an 'AAAA' lookup first for each MX record, and uses those hosts to send email via.

  • always_split

Default: false. By default, Haraka groups message recipients by domain so that messages with multiple recipients at the same domain get sent in a single SMTP session. When always_split is enabled, each recipient gets a queue entry and delivery in its own SMTP session. This carries a performance penalty but enables more flexibility in mail delivery and bounce handling.

  • received_header

Default: "Haraka outbound". This text is attached as a Received header to all outbound mail just before it is queued.

  • connect_timeout

Timeout for connecting to remote servers. Default: 30s

  • pool_timeout

Outbound mail uses "pooled" connections. An unused pool connection will send a QUIT after this time. Default: 50s

Pooled connections means that a mail to a particular IP address will hold that connection open and use it the next time it is requested. This helps with large scale outbound mail. If you don't send lots of mail it is advised to lower the pool_timeout value since it may upset receiving mail servers.

Setting this value to 0 will effectively disable the use of pools. You may wish to set this if you have a get_mx hook that picks outbound servers on a per-email basis (rather than per-domain).

  • pool_concurrency_max

Set this to 0 to completely disable the pooling code.

This value determines how many concurrent connections can be made to a single IP address (destination) in the pool. Default: 10 connections.


See "Bounce Messages" below for details.

The HMail Object

Many hooks (see below) pass in a hmail object.

You likely won't ever need to call methods on this object, so they are left undocumented here.

The attributes of an hmail object that may be of use are:

  • path - the full path to the queue file
  • filename - the filename within the queue dir
  • num_failures - the number of times this mail has been temp failed
  • notes - notes you can store on a hmail object (similar to transaction.notes) to allow you to pass information between outbound hooks
  • todo - see below

The ToDo Object

The todo object contains information about how to deliver this mail. Keys you may be interested in are:

  • rcpt_to - an Array of Address[1] objects - the rfc.2821 recipients of this mail
  • mail_from - an Address[1] object - the rfc.2821 sender of this mail
  • domain - the domain this mail is going to (see always_split above)
  • notes - the original transaction.notes for this mail, also contains the following useful keys: ** outbound_ip - the IP address to bind to (note do not set this manually, use the get_mx hook) ** outbound_helo - the EHLO domain to use (again, do not set manually)
  • queue_time - the epoch milliseconds time when this mail was queued
  • uuid - the original transaction.uuid

Outbound Mail Hooks

The queue_outbound hook

The first hook that is called prior to queueing an outbound mail is the queue_outbound hook. Only if all these hooks return CONT (or if there are no hooks) will the mail be queued for outbound delivery. A return of OK will indicate that the mail has been queued in some custom manner for outbound delivery. Any of the DENY return codes will cause the message to be appropriately rejected.

The send_email hook

Parameters: next, hmail

Called just as the email is about to be sent.

Respond with next(DELAY, delay_seconds) to defer sending the email at this time.

The get_mx hook

Parameters: next, hmail, domain

Upon starting delivery the get_mx hook is called, with the parameter set to the domain in question (for example a mail to will call the get_mx hook with (next, hmail, domain) as parameters). This is to allow you to implement a custom handler to find MX records. For most installations there is no reason to implement this hook - Haraka will find the correct MX records for you.

The MX record is sent via next(OK, mx) and can be one of:

  • A string of one of the following formats:
    • hostname
    • hostname:port
    • ipaddress
    • ipaddress:port
  • An MX object of the form: {priority: 0, exchange: hostname} with the following optional properies: * port to specify an alternate port * bind to specify an outbound IP address to bind to * bind_helo to specify an outbound helo for IP address to bind to * using_lmtp boolean to specify that delivery should be attempted using LMTP instead of SMTP. * auth_user to specify an AUTH username (required if AUTH is desired) * auth_pass to specify an AUTH password (required if AUTH is desired) * auth_type to specify an AUTH type that should be used with the MX. If this is not specified then Haraka will pick an appropriate method.
  • A list of MX objects in an array, each in the same format as above.

The deferred hook

Parameters: next, hmail, {delay: ..., err: ...}

If the mail is temporarily deferred, the deferred hook is called. The hook parameter is an object with keys: delay and err, which explain the delay (in seconds) and error message.

If you want to stop at this point, and drop the mail completely, then you can call next(OK).

If you want to change the delay, then call next(DENYSOFT, delay_in_seconds). Using this you can define a custom delay algorithm indexed by hmail.num_failures.

The bounce hook

Parameters: next, hmail, error

If the mail completely bounces then the bounce hook is called. This is not called if the mail is issued a temporary failure (a 4xx error code). The hook parameter is the error message received from the remote end as an Error object. The object may also have the following properties:

  • mx - the MX object that caused the bounce
  • deferred_rcpt - the deferred recipients that eventually bounced
  • bounced_rcpt - the bounced recipients

If you do not wish to have a bounce message sent to the originating sender of the email then you can return OK from this hook to stop it from sending a bounce message.

The delivered hook

Parameters: next, hmail, params

Params is a list of: [host, ip, response, delay, port, mode, ok_recips, secured]

When mails are successfully delivered to the remote end then the delivered hook is called. The return codes from this hook have no effect, so it is only useful for logging the fact that a successful delivery occurred.

  • host - Hostname of the MX that the message was delivered to,
  • ip - IP address of the host that the message was delivered to,
  • response - Variable contains the SMTP response text returned by the host that received the message and will typically contain the remote queue ID and
  • delay - Time taken between the queue file being created and the message being delivered.
  • port - Port number that the message was delivered to.
  • mode - Shows whether SMTP or LMTP was used to deliver the mail.
  • ok_recips - an Address[1] array containing all of the recipients that were successfully delivered to.
  • secured - A boolean denoting if the connection used TLS or not.

Outbound IP address

Normally the OS will decide which IP address will be used for outbound connections using the IP routing table.

There are instances where you may want to separate outbound traffic on different IP addresses based on sender, domain or some other identifier.
To do this, the IP address that you want to use must be bound to an interface (or alias) on the local system.

As described above the outbound IP can be set using the bind parameter and also the outbound helo for the IP can be set using the bind_ehlo parameter returned my the get_mx hook or during the reception of the message you can set a transaction note in a plugin to tell Haraka which outbound IP address you would like it to use when it tries to deliver the message:

connection.transaction.notes.outbound_ip = '';
connection.transaction.notes.outbound_helo = '';

Note: if the get_mx hook returns a bind and bind_helo parameter, then this will be used in preference to the transaction note.


If you wish to use AUTH for a particular domain or domains, or you wish to force all mail to an outbound service or smart host that requires authentication then you can use the get_mx hook documented above to do this by supplying both auth_user and auth_pass properties in an MX object.

If AUTH properties are supplied and the remote end does not offer AUTH or there are no compatible AUTH methods, then the message with be sent without AUTH and a warning will be logged.

Bounce Messages

The contents of the bounce message are configured by a file called config/outbound.bounce_message. If you look at this file you will see it contains several template entries wrapped in curly brackets. These will be populated as follows:

Optional: Possibility to add HTML code (with optional image) to the bounce message is possible by adding the files config/outbound.bounce_message_html. An image can be attached to the mail by using config/outbound.bounce_message_image.

  • pid - the current process id
  • date - the current date when the bounce occurred
  • me - the contents of config/me
  • from - the originating sender of the message
  • msgid - a uuid for the mail
  • to - the end recipient of the message, or the first recipient if it was to multiple people
  • reason - the text from the remote server indicating why it bounced

Following the bounce message itself will be a copy of the entire original message.

Creating a mail internally for outbound delivery

Sometimes it is necessary to generate a new mail from within a plugin.

To do that, you can use the outbound module directly:

var outbound = require('./outbound');

var plugin = this;

var to = '';
var from = '';

var contents = [
    "From: " + from,
    "To: " + to,
    "MIME-Version: 1.0",
    "Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii",
    "Subject: Some subject here",
    "Some email body here",
var outnext = function (code, msg) {
    switch (code) {
        case DENY:  plugin.logerror("Sending mail failed: " + msg);
        case OK:    plugin.loginfo("mail sent");
        default:    plugin.logerror("Unrecognized return code from sending email: " + msg);

outbound.send_email(from, to, contents, outnext);

The callback on send_email() is passed OK if the mail is successfully queued to disk, not when it is successfully delivered. To check delivery status you still need to hook delivered and bounce to know if it was successfully delivered.

The callback parameter may be omitted if you don't need to handle errors should queueing to disk fail e.g:

outbound.send_email(from, to, contents);

You can pass various options to outbound.send_email like so:

outbound.send_email(from, to, contents, outnext, options);

Where options is a Object that may contain the following keys:

Key/Value Description
dot_stuffed: true Use this if you are passing your content dot-stuffed (a dot at the start of a line is doubled, like it is in SMTP conversation, see RFC 2821.
notes: { key: value} In case you need notes in the new transaction that send_email() creates.
remove_msgid: true Remove any Message-Id header found in the message. If you are reading a message in from the filesystem and you want to ensure that a generated Message-Id header is used in preference over the original. This is useful if you are releasing mail from a quarantine.
remove_date: true Remove any Date header found in the message. If you are reading a message in from the filesystem and you want to ensure that a generated Date header is used in preference over the original. This is useful if you are releasing mail from a quarantine.
outbound.send_email(from, to, contents, outnext, { notes: transaction.notes });

[1]: Address objects are address-rfc2821 objects.