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Mohammad Hassan Erfani edited this page Jul 20, 2021 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the ATLANTIS Wiki!

The purpose of ATLANTIS Wiki is to, in written form, serve as a guide for the list of natural waterbodies and water-related structures have been considered in the dataset. To come up with the final list of the labels, first, an initial list of natural waterbodies and man-made hydraulic structures was prepared. Then, the objects and labels with common functionalities were merged into a unique label. For example, the pier, dock, and harbor labels, were all labeled into pier, and levee, embankment, and floodbank were labeled as levee. Further, for the natural waterbodies, labels were merged based on their visual features. For example, ocean, sea, gulf, and lagoon were grouped and labeled as sea.

ATLANTIS Wiki tries to provide researched, scientifically backed one-to-two-paragraph reports on the distinguishing features that differentiate various waterbodies and the causes behind said Waterbody distinguishing features. As it is evident on the sidebar, ATLANTIS labels are split into two different parts. Artificial list includes man-made waterbodies (e.g., reservoir and swimming pool) and hydraulic structures (e.g., dam, spillway, canal) while natural list contains those which are naturally occurring geographical features such as river, lake, fjord.

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