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` g - Google (Golang) R - Remote to other micro services P - Procedure (Golang is a procedural programming language) C - Calls

gRPC - free, open-source (Google) - Cloud Native Computation Foundation(CNCF) - like Docker, Kubernetes

Default - HTTP V.2.0

gRPC - function - to define REQUEST and RESPONSE for RPC & handles all the rest for you (fast and efficient, low latency, support for streaming, language independent and super easy to plug in Authentication, load balancing, logging and monitoring)

  • need to define the messages and services using Protocol Buffers

one .proto file works for over 12 programming language (server/client)

  • is a future of micro-services API, and mobile-server API (may be WEB API)

The payload is binary (very efficient to send/receive on a network and serialize/de-serializer on a CPU)

http/1.1 - header is a plain text

http/2.0 - the clients & server can push message in parallel over the same TCP connection (2015) (this greatly reduces latency)

  • REQUEST တစ်ကြိမ်လေး လုပ်ရုံလေးနဲ့ SERVER က Messages တွေအများကြီးကို Push လုပ်ပေးနိုင်တယ်။
  • HEADER ကိုလည်း Compressed လုပ်ပေးတယ်။ is Binary.
  • is Secure. (SSL is not required but recommended by default)
  • gRPC is SSL built-in

4 Types of gRPC

  1. Unary - Client <=> Server | (1 <===> 1 )
  2. Server Streaming - Client <=> Server | (1 <===> many)
  3. Client Streaming - Client <=> Server | (many <===> 1)
  4. Bi Dir Streaming - Client <=> Server | (many <===> many) keyword for straming is 'stream'

gRPC is 25 times more performant than REST API


====>> GO-ZERO.DEV Website

$ go get -u

$ go get -u

$ protoc

$ protoc path/to/file.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:. (#!/bin/bash) ->

$ protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative personpb/person.proto

  • service PersonService {} မပါခဲ့ဘူးဆိုလျှင် person_grpc.pb.go file ထွက်လိမ့်မည် မဟုတ်ပါ။

step by step

in project folder

  • server
    • main.go
  • client
    • main.go
  • servicepb
    • service.proto
    • service_gen.go
    • service_pb.go

Protocol Buffers

for serializing data

language-neutral and platform-neutral

useful in developing programs to communicate with each other over a wire or for storing data.

  • allow to define the required data structures using its IDL (in .proto files)
  • using that IDL as the source, we can generate code for multiple languages (go, java,...)
  • use default by go ( to define message & services in gRPC )

Using of Protocol buffer Data is binary and efficiently serialized (Faster serialization - JSON, XML) Data is fully typed and compressed automatically. Data schema can evolve over time without breaking deployed programs complied using the "old" format


to output the cmd file

protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative personpb/person.proto

Unary API

send one message to the server and will receive one response from the server

Server Streaming

send one message to the server and will receive many response from the server

Client Streaming

send many message to the server and will receive one response from the server

Bi Directional Client/Server Streaming

send many message to the server and will receive many response from the server


video tutorial github link

create => ssl.cnf chmod +x => $ ./

$ go run path/filename.go မှာ နေရာ လွဲတက်တယ် သတိထားပါ။ // Terminal + ssl/ <== in server.go


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