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Music Studio app

Brad Smith

The application was built with Rails 5.0 in API mode.

The React app at app/client was created with create-react-app

You can navigate to the /client folder to interact with the React app on its own.

To see the React app, navigate to /client folder and run:

$ npm install

$ npm start

Foreman gem

The gem 'foreman' was used to implement the React client app within the same project, using this blog post as a guide.

Postgresql is the database required

You need Postgresql installed and running on your machine for this to work.


The project loads all in one repo, with the front-end client using React/Redux in the /app/client folder. To start the app:

  1. Fork and Clone this repo

  2. cd into piano-student-api/app/client directory

  3. run:$ npm install

  4. cd into music-studio (root) directory

  5. run:$ bundle install (installs all the gems listed in the gemfile)

  6. run:$ rake db:setup (creates the Postgresql database)

                           (note, you must have Postgres running, or this won't work)   
  7. run:$ rake db:dcms (this will drop, create, migrate, seed database and start the app)

Next, to start the Rails API && the client React app together:

run:$ rake start:start

you should see JSON data here:


NOTE there are 4 addresses(with ports), currently specified in:

Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
  allow do
    origins 'localhost:3000', '', 'localhost:5000', '' 
    resource '*',
      headers: :any,
      methods: [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete, :options, :head]

Play around with these if you need to troubleshoot CORS errors, when the Rails API thinks you are an enemy.

There are 2 'procfile's at the root of the Rails app, where you can control how the app starts on Heroku, or how it starts locally, for development.

Also, within the app/client/src/store/services folder, there are 5 files that are the point of interaction between the React app and the API, whether on Heroku or local.

    └── services
        ├── LessonResourceService.js
        ├── LessonService.js
        ├── ResourceService.js
        ├── StudentService.js
        └── TeacherService.js

At the top of each of these files is the following variable for accessing API data either locally or on Heroku:

const API_URL = process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL || ""

This API_URL is how the app talks to your API, whether local or on Heroku.

Play around with these too, if you are troubleshooting issues with accessing data.

Verify that API is serving data on

If not, also try localhost:3001 if you don't see JSON data almost immediately.

NOTE. the Rails app/config/routes.rb file is configured to default home to /api/students

So, you will see the students json data by default at

If Rails seems to be running ok,

and you have Postgresql installed and running

and you followed the steps above to create, migrate, seed the database,

you should see data.

SEED DATA and related RAKE tasks

There is a seeds.rb file in app/db/seeds.rb with sample data. There are 3 rake tasks that incorporate this seed data:

  1. rake db:backup

    creates a "time stamp" named: backup.rb

    located in /app/db/data

  2. rake db:dcms

    this will: D DROP database, C CREATE database, M run MIGRATIONS, S load SEED data

API and interacting with the Rails app 'back-end'

The backend data (in JSON format) (assuming port 3001) can be seen at :


  1. Deleting a Teacher or Student, does not delete them from the database.

    It updates the record to {active: false}, which appears as green/red active/inactive at:



  2. You can add a new Resource to the database, without adding a URL

    By default, Resources without URL's will have a greyed out show button 'empty' on the Resources list at:


    also when viewing a Lesson, there is a section showing all resources (for adding quickly to a Lesson):

    This resources list is the same React component, simply returning JSX for a passed in list of Resources

  3. All of the 4 major data groups (Students, Teachers, Resources, Lessons) are in one folder for each respectively. It was easier to navigate the varous files, by having them grouped this way.

The project requires a numer of containers and a number of stateless functional presentational components.

This image shows the folder structure with green highlighting the "container" components, and yellow highlight the 'stateless' components:


Music Studio CRM app: rails api, react-redux front end






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