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PHP client library for Asana.



If you use Composer to manage dependencies you can include the "asana/asana" package as a depedency.

"require": {
    "asana/asana": "^0.1.2"

Alternatively you can specify the version as dev-master to get the latest master branch in GitHub.


If you have downloaded this repository to the "php-asana" directory, for example, you can run composer install within "php-asana" then include the following lines at the top of a PHP file (in the same directory) to begin using it:

require 'php-asana/vendor/autoload.php';


After running composer install run the tests using:

./vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml

You can also run the phpcs linter:

./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 --extensions=php src tests


Basic Auth

Create a client using your Asana API key:

$client = Asana\Client::basicAuth('ASANA_API_KEY');

OAuth 2

Asana supports OAuth 2. asana handles some of the details of the OAuth flow for you.

Create a client using your OAuth Client ID and secret:

$client = Asana\Client::oauth(array(
    'client_id' => 'ASANA_CLIENT_ID',
    'client_secret' => 'ASANA_CLIENT_SECRET',
    'redirect_uri' => ''

Redirect the user to the authorization URL obtained from the client's session object:

$url = $client->dispatcher->authorizationUrl();

authorizationUrl takes an optional state parameter, passed by reference, which will be set to a random number if null, or passed through if not null;

$state = null;
$url = $client->dispatcher->authorizationUrl($state);
// $state will be a random number


$state = "foo";
$url = $client->dispatcher->authorizationUrl($state);
// $state will still be foo

When the user is redirected back to your callback, check the state URL parameter matches, then pass the code parameter to obtain a bearer token:

if ($_GET['state'] == $state) {
  $token = $client->dispatcher->fetchToken($_GET['code']);
  // ... 
} else {
  // error! possible CSRF attack

For webservers, it is common practice to store the state in a secure-only, http-only cookie so that it will automatically be sent by the browser in the callback.

Note: if you're writing a non-browser-based application (e.x. a command line tool) you can use the special redirect URI urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob to prompt the user to copy and paste the code into the application.


The client's methods are divided into several resources: attachments, events, projects, stories, tags, tasks, teams, users, and workspaces.

Methods that return a single object return that object directly:

$me = $client->users->me()
echo "Hello " . me->name;

$workspaceId = me->workspaces[0]->id;
$project = $client->projects->createInWorkspace($workspace_id, array('name' => 'new project'));
echo "Created project with id: " . $project->

Methods that return multiple items (e.x. findAll) return an items iterator by default. See the "Collections" section


Various options can be set globally on the Client.DEFAULTS object, per-client on client.options, or per-request as additional named arguments. For example:

// global:
Asana\Client::$DEFAULTS['page_size'] = 1000

// per-client:
$client->options['page_size'] = 1000

// per-request:
$client->tasks->findAll(array('project' => 1234), array('page_size' => 1000));

Available options

  • base_url (default: ""): API endpoint base URL to connect to
  • max_retries (default: 5): number to times to retry if API rate limit is reached or a server error occures. Rate limit retries delay until the rate limit expires, server errors exponentially backoff starting with a 1 second delay.
  • full_payload (default: false): return the entire JSON response instead of the 'data' propery (default for collection methods and events.get)
  • fields and expand: array of field names to include in the response, or sub-objects to expand in the response. For example array('fields' => array('followers', 'assignee')). See API documentation

Collections (methods returning an array as it's 'data' property):

  • iterator_type (default: "items"): specifies which type of iterator (or not) to return. Valid values are "items" and null.
  • item_limit (default: null): limits the total number of items of a collection to return (spanning multiple requests in the case of an iterator).
  • page_size (default: 50): limits the number of items per page to fetch at a time.
  • offset: offset token returned by previous calls to the same method (in response->next_page->offset)


  • poll_interval (default: 5): polling interval for getting new events via events->getNext and events->getIterator
  • sync: sync token returned by previous calls to events->get (in response->sync)


Items Iterator

By default, methods that return a collection of objects return an item iterator:

$workspaces = $client->workspaces->findAll();
foreach ($workspaces as $workspace) {

Internally the iterator may make multiple HTTP requests, with the number of requested results per page being controlled by the page_size option.


You can also use the raw API to fetch a page at a time:

$offset = null;
while (true) {
  $page = $client->workspaces->findAll(null, array('offset' => $offset, 'iterator_type' => null, 'page_size' => 2));
  if (isset($page->next_page)) {
    $offset = $page->next_page->offset;
  } else {