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PageKite API reference manual



boolean init(...)

Initialize the PageKite manager.

This allocates a static amount of RAM for PageKite (not counting buffers managed by OpenSSL). Since libpagekite's resource usage is allocated up-front, you need to specify maximum numbers of kites, front-end relays and in-flight connections you want to keep track of at any one time.

The flags variable should be used with the constants PK_WITH_* and PK_AS_*, bitwise OR'ed together to tune the behaviour of libpagekite. To use the recommended defaults, simply specify PK_WITH_DEFAULTS. Requesting defaults is a forward compatible choice and will continue to use recommended settings even as new features are added to the library.

The verbosity argument controls the internal logging. A small integer (-1, 0, 1, 2) can be used to choose from a predefined level, for more fine-grained control use the PK_LOG_ constants bitwise OR'ed together to enable logging of individual subsystems.

This method can only be called before starting the master thread.


  • String app_id: Short ID, reported in instrumentation
  • int max_kites: Max number of kite names allowed
  • int max_frontends: Max number of front-end relays recognized
  • int max_conns: Max number of in-flight connections
  • String dyndns_url: Dynamic DNS update URL (format string)
  • int flags: Flags, which features to enable
  • int verbosity: Verbosity or log mask

Returns: True if successful, False otherwise.

boolean initPagekitenet(...)

Initialize the PageKite manager, configured for use with the public service.

See the basic init docs for further details.

If flags do not include PK_WITHOUT_SERVICE_FRONTENDS, service frontends will be chosen automatically using the given domain name.

This method can only be called before starting the master thread.


  • String app_id: Short ID, reported in instrumentation
  • int max_kites: Max number of kite names allowed
  • int max_conns: Max number of in-flight connections
  • int flags: Flags, which features to enable
  • int verbosity: Verbosity or log mask

Returns: True if successful, False otherwise.

boolean initWhitelabel(...)

Initialize the PageKite manager, configured for use with a white-label domain.

See the basic init docs for further details.

If flags do not include PK_WITHOUT_SERVICE_FRONTENDS, white-label frontends will be chosen automatically using the given domain name.

This method can only be called before starting the master thread.


  • String app_id: Short ID, reported in instrumentation
  • int max_kites: Max number of kite names allowed
  • int max_conns: Max number of in-flight connections
  • int flags: Flags, which features to enable
  • int verbosity: Verbosity or log mask
  • String whitelabel_tld: Top level domain of white-label kites

Returns: True if successful, False otherwise.

int addKite(...)

Configure a "kite", mapping a public domain to a local service.

Multiple kites can be configured for the same domain name, by calling this function multiple times, as long as the public port or protocol differ.

This method can only be called before starting the master thread.

Note: When used with the "raw" protocol, the public port cannot be 0.


  • String proto: Protocol
  • String kitename: Kite DNS name
  • int pport: Public port, 0 for default/any
  • String secret: Kite secret for authentication
  • String backend: Hostname of the origin server
  • int lport: Port of the origin server

Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure.

int addServiceFrontends(...)

Configure libpagekite to use the pool of public front-end relay servers.

This method can only be called before starting the master thread.


  • int flags: Flags to enable IPv4, IPv6 and/or dynamic frontends

Returns: The number of relay IPs configured, or -1 on failure.

int addWhitelabelFrontends(...)

Configure libpagekite to use the relays associated with a white-label domain.

This method can only be called before starting the master thread.


  • int flags: Flags to enable IPv4, IPv6 and/or dynamic frontends
  • String whitelabel_tld: Top level domain of white-label kites

Returns: The number of relay IPs configured, or -1 on failure.

int lookupAndAddFrontend(...)

Configure libpagekite front-end relays.

All available IP addresses referenced by the specified DNS name will be configured as potential relays, and the app will choose between them based on performance metrics.

If update_from_dns is nonzero, DNS will be rechecked periodically for new relay IPs. Enabling such updates is generally preferred over a completely static configuration, so long-running instances can keep up with changes to the relay infrastructure.

This method can only be called before starting the master thread.


  • String domain: DNS name of the frontend (or pool of frontends)
  • int port: Port to connect to
  • int update_from_dns: Set nonzero to re-lookup periodically from DNS

Returns: The number of relay IPs configured, or -1 on failure.

int addFrontend(...)

Configure libpagekite front-end relays.

All available IP addresses referenced by the specified DNS name will be configured as potential relays, and the app will choose between them based on performance metrics.

This method is static - DNS is only checked on startup. This is not optimal and this method is only provided for backwards compatibility. New apps should enable periodic DNS updates.

This method can only be called before starting the master thread.


  • String domain: DNS name of the frontend (or pool of frontends)
  • int port: Port to connect to

Returns: The number of relay IPs configured, or -1 on failure.

int setLogMask(...)

Configure the log verbosity using a bitmask.

See the PK_LOG_* constants for options.

This function can be called at any time.


  • int mask: A bitmask

Returns: Always returns 0.

int setHousekeepingMinInterval(...)

Configure the minimum interval for internal housekeeping.

Internal housekeeping includes attempting to re-establish a connection to the required relays, occasionally refreshing information from DNS and pinging tunnels to detect whether they have gone silently dead (due to NAT timeouts, for example).

Setting this interval too low may reduce battery life or increase load on shared infrastructure, as a result there is a hard-coded minimum value which this function cannot override. Setting this interval too high may prevent libpagekite from detecting network outages and recovering in a timely fashion.

The app will by default choose an interval between the minimum and maximum as appropriate. Most apps will not need to change this setting.

This function can be called at any time.


  • int interval: Interval, in seconds

Returns: The new minimum housekeeping interval.

int setHousekeepingMaxInterval(...)

Configure the maximum interval for internal housekeeping.

See the documentation for the minimum housekeeping interval for details and performance concerns.

This function can be called at any time.


  • int interval: Interval, in seconds

Returns: The new maximum housekeeping interval.

int enableHttpForwardingHeaders(...)

Enable or disable HTTP forwarding headers.

When enabled, libpagekite will rewrite incoming HTTP headers to add information about the remote IP address and remote protocol.

The X-Forwarded-For header will contain the IP address of the remote HTTP client, as reported by the front-end relay (probably in IPv6 notation).

The X-Forwarded-Proto header will report whether the connection to the relay was HTTP or HTTPS. This can be detected and used to redirect or reject plain-text connections.

Limitations: Headers are only added to the first request of a persistent HTTP/1.1 session. The data reported comes from the front-end relay and a malicious relay could provide false data.

This function can be called at any time.


  • int enable: 0 disables, any other value enables

Returns: Always returns 0.

int enableFakePing(...)

Enable or disable fake pings.

This is a debugging/testing option, which effectively randomizes which front-end relay is used and increases the frequency of migrations.

This function can be called at any time.


  • int enable: 0 disables, any other value enables

Returns: Always returns 0.

int enableWatchdog(...)

Enable or disable watchdog.

The watchdog is a thread which periodically checks if the main pagekite thread has locked up. If it thinks the app has locked up, it will cause a segmentation fault, which in turn will create a core dump for debugging (assuming ulimits allow).

This method can only be called before starting the master thread.


  • int enable: 0 disables, any other value enables

Returns: Always returns 0.

int enableTickTimer(...)

Enable or disable tick event timer.

This method can be used to toggle the tick event timer on or off (it is on by default). Apps may want to disable the timer for power saving reasons.

If the timer is disabled, the tick method should be called instead when possible, to ensure that housekeeping takes place.

This method may be called at any time, but may hang as it waits for the main event-loop lock.


  • int enable: 0 disables, any other value enables

Returns: Always returns 0.

int setConnEvictionIdleS(...)

Configure eviction of idle connections.

As libpagekite works with a fixed pool of RAM, it may be unable to allocate buffers for new incoming connections. When this happens, the oldest connection which has been idle for more than seconds seconds may be evicted.

Set seconds = 0 to disable eviction and instead reject incoming connections when overloaded. Eviction is disabled by default.

This function can be called at any time.


  • int seconds: Minimum idle time to qualify for eviction

Returns: Always returns 0.

int setOpensslCiphers(...)

Choose which ciphers to use in TLS

See the SSL_set_cipher_list(3) and ciphers(1) man pages for details.

This function can be called at any time.


  • String ciphers: The string passed to OpenSSL

Returns: Always returns 0.

int wantSpareFrontends(...)

Connect to multiple front-end relays.

If non-zero, this setting will configure how many spare relays to connect to at any given time. This may increase availability or performance in some special cases, but increases the load on shared relay infrastructure and should be avoided if possible.

This function can be called at any time.


  • int spares: Number of spare front-ends to connect to

Returns: Always returns 0.


int threadStart(...)

Start the main thread: run pagekite!

This function should only be called once (per session).


Returns: The return value of pthread_create()

int threadWait(...)

Wait for the main pagekite thread to finish.

This function should only be called once (per session).


Returns: The return value of pthread_join()

int threadStop(...)

Stop the main pagekite thread.

This function should only be called once (per session).


Returns: The return value of pthread_join()

int free(...)

Free the internal libpagekite buffers.

Call this to free any memory allocated by the init functions.


Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure.

int getStatus(...)

Get the current status of the app.

This function can be called at any time.


Returns: A PK_STATUS_* code.

String getLog(...)

Fetch the in-memory log buffer.

Note that the C-API version returns a pointer to a static buffer. Subsequent calls will overwrite with new data.

This function can be called at any time.


Returns: A snapshot of the current log status.

int poll(...)

Wait for the pagekite event loop to wake up.

This method can be used to pause a thread, waking up again when libpagekite status changes, network activity takes place or other events take place which might affect the log or state variable.

This method can be called any time the main thread is running.


  • int timeout: Max time to wait, in seconds

Returns: 0 on success, -1 if unconfigured.

int tick(...)

Manually trigger the internal tick event.

The internal tick event may trigger housekeeping if necessary.

This method is only needed if the internal periodic timer has been disabled (e.g. on a mobile app, to conserve battery life).

This method can be called any time the main thread is running.


Returns: 0 on success, -1 if unconfigured.

int setBailOnErrors(...)

Enable or disable bailing out on errors.

If enabled, the app will increase log verbosity and finally call exit(100) after too many errors have occurred. This can help catch and handle error states, but care should be taken as it will also bring down the hosting app.

The sensitivity of this function depends on the errors variable. After errors * 9 problems would have been logged, verbosity is increased. After errors * 10, the app will exit.

This function can be called at any time.


  • int errors: An error threshold

Returns: Always returns 0.


PageKiteAPI.PK_VERSION = "0.91.160307C"
PageKiteAPI.PK_WITH_SSL = 0x0001
PageKiteAPI.PK_WITH_IPV4 = 0x0002
PageKiteAPI.PK_WITH_IPV6 = 0x0004
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_TUNNEL_DATA = 0x000100
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_TUNNEL_CONNS = 0x000400
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_BE_DATA = 0x001000
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_BE_HEADERS = 0x002000
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_BE_CONNS = 0x004000
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_MANAGER_INFO = 0x020000
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_TRACE = 0x080000
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_LUA_DEBUG = 0x008000
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_LUA_INFO = 0x000800
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_ERROR = 0x100000
PageKiteAPI.PK_LOG_ALL = 0xffff00