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Snake Charmer

Customization guide

This document covers the technology behind Snake Charmer in more detail, and discusses some ways to customize your VMs and create new ones.

"vagrant up" -- under the covers

Before you start customizing VMs, it's a good idea to understand how all the pieces fit together, and in particular, what happens when you fire up a VM for the first time.

When you first perform a vagrant up command on a new VM, the following steps take place. The procedure is known as 'provisioning' in Vagrant terminology.


Firstly, Vagrant performs the following process, governed by the Vagrantfile (really just a Ruby script using Vagrant's configuration API).

  1. Test for the presence of the vagrant-vbguest plugin, and install it automatically if it's missing.
  2. Download a standard Ubuntu VM image from Vagrant Cloud, unless you have a local copy cached from a previous Vagrant run.
  3. Create a new VM from the image, with port forwarding and folder sharing configured as described in the README.
  4. Install the Salt minion (i.e. client) service on the VM.
  5. Tell the Salt minion to configure the new machine (see below).
  6. Stop the Salt minion service, and disable run-on-startup behaviour.


  • vagrant-vbguest is required in order to keep VirtualBox's guest extensions package on the VM version-synced with your VirtualBox package on the host.
  • The VM is set up to use NAT networking, so it can see the LAN and internet but will not appear as a distinct device on the network. It is therefore only accessible from the host, via port forwarding.
    • The host's DNS configuration will be used to resolve hostname queries.
    • If your host has more than one network interface available, you'll be prompted by Vagrant to pick one.
  • In the initial release, only one VM is defined in the Vagrantfile (charmed34), but the plan is to provide multiple VMs for different versions of Python.
    • The 34 at the end of charmed34 refers to Python 3.4.
  • Many aspects of the Vagrantfile, for example port numbers for forwarding, are parameterized by Python version.
  • Having more than one VM using the same Python version, on the same host, is not currently supported. In principle it's possible, but it would require additional work to implement naming and port forwarding correctly.
  • Provisioning more than one VM at the same time, from the same installation of Snake Charmer, is not supported.


The Salt-based configuration procedure follows the following process.

  1. Install a number of required packages on the VM from standard Ubuntu apt repositories. These are cached on the host in case they're needed again.
  2. Enable the third-party deadsnakes repo, and install the appropriate Python version from there.
  3. Install distribute directly from pypi in order to provide Pip.
  4. One by one, install the required Python packages via Pip, either directly from PyPI or by a git clone of the source. As with apt packages, they are cached on the host outside the VM to save time later if they are needed again.
  5. Install the IPython Notebook process as a Unix service, start it, and set it to start automatically when the VM boots.


  • The files used by Salt to configure the VM are in the salt/roots/salt subdirectory of your Snake Charmer installation directory. Most of the action happens in init.sls.
  • .sls files are just YAML files holding data structures understood by Salt.
  • Many aspects of these config files, e.g. package version numbers, are parameterized by Python version. This is what the two digits on the end of the VM name (e.g. charmed34) refer to.
  • The lists of Ubuntu and Python packages to install are stored in a file in salt/roots/pillar named for the Python version in use, e.g. python34.sls.
    • This lets us provide different dependencies (or different versions) for different versions of Python.
    • The format is described below.
  • The Salt log is log/<VM name>/minion on the host, in case you need it for debugging.
  • Likewise, the Pip log is in log/<VM name>/pip.log on the host.
  • The cached packages are stored in the .cache directory within the Snake Charmer install directory -- or /srv/cache within the VM. It's safe to delete this cache any time, except while you're actually performing a provisioning operation in Vagrant.


By default, the full provisioning process only takes place on first creating a VM -- since it takes so long.

If you've made a configuration change, you'll need to explicitly reprovision the VM in order to apply it:

vagrant reload --provision <VM name>

This reboots the VM and reapplies the config rules. It is usually much quicker than the initial provisioning, as in general, only new or version-changed packages will be installed.

Note that this won't delete packages which you've removed from the package lists (see below). You'll have to do that manually via the Linux command line, if it's important. Or, just destroy and recreate the VM.

Environment variables

Snake Charmer recognizes a number of environment variables that can be used to modify the behaviour of VMs without editing config files. Set these as appropriate for your environment, then vagrant up or vagrant reload.

  • CHARMER_RAM (integer; default 2048)

Amount of memory to supply to each VM, in megabytes. 1500 is probably the absolute minimum you can get away with; 2000 or more is recommended.

This will take effect on next boot, regardless of whether the --provision flag is used.

  • CHARMER_CPUS (integer; default 1)

Number of virtual CPUs to give each VM. Most Python programs will run happily on one CPU. If you're using multiprocessing, IPython clustering, or running the test suite (see below), raise this as high as you can -- but bear in mind you'll probably need to raise CHARMER_RAM somewhat too.

If your CPU has hyperthreading (many end-user processors do these days) then don't set CHARMER_CPUS to more than the number of physical cores in your machine. This is half the number of logical cores that your machine reports having, if hyperthreading is enabled -- e.g. a hyperthreaded CPU that shows 8 cores really has 4 physical cores. If you try to give the VM more than the number of physical cores, it'll run really slowly.

This will take effect on next boot, regardless of whether the --provision flag is used.

  • CHARMER_SLIM (boolean; default "false")

If set to "true" this will disable downloading of some optional packages and example data files after provisioning, to speed up VM creation. Currently this disables the NLTK downloader and the Ubuntu package dependencies for OpenCV (OpenCV installation is not yet fully implemented).

This flag only has an effect during initial provisioning or reprovisioning.

  • CHARMER_NOTEBOOK_DIR (string; default "notebooks")

A custom location on the host to mount as /home/vagrant/notebooks, instead of the notebooks subdirectory of the snake-charmer directory.

This will take effect on next boot, regardless of whether the --provision flag is used.

  • CHARMER_DATA_DIR (string; default "data")

A custom location on the host to mount as /home/vagrant/data, instead of the data subdirectory of the snake-charmer directory.

This will take effect on next boot, regardless of whether the --provision flag is used.

  • CHARMER_CACHE_DIR (string; default ".cache")

A custom location on the host for cached packages and source code, instead of the .cache subdirectory of the snake-charmer directory. This is mounted as /srv/cache on the guest.

This will take effect on next boot, regardless of whether the --provision flag is used.

  • CHARMER_LOG_DIR (string; default "log")

A custom location on the host for logfiles generated during provisioning, instead of the log subdirectory of the snake-charmer directory. Within this directory, a subdirectory will be created which is named after the VM (e.g. charmed34). This is then mounted as /srv/log on the guest.

This will take effect on next boot, regardless of whether the --provision flag is used.

  • CHARMER_SALT_ROOT (string; default "salt/roots/salt") and CHARMER_PILLAR_ROOT (string; default "salt/roots/pillar")

Locations for Salt configuration files. Don't change these unless you're a Salt guru and you know what you're doing.

These will take effect on next boot, regardless of whether the --provision flag is used.

Editing the package lists

The package lists are in salt/roots/pillar/python<ver>.sls. You are free to edit these, to add/remove packages from your VM definition. If you are creating an entirely new VM, copy one of these to get going.

The apt_pkgs data structure describes what .deb packages to install via apt-get from the standard Ubuntu repositories (including universe & multiverse). It's a key-value map (dict) so order isn't important -- apt-get runs once, and figures out the correct order by looking at dependencies.

The format is simply - <pkg name>: <pkg version>, e.g.

    - libatlas-base-dev: 3.8.4-3build1

The pip_pkgs structure is used to install Python packages via Pip. We actually run Pip once for each package listed, in the order specified, letting it install dependencies for each specified package unless they've already been satisfied.

To preserve order, it's a list of dicts, rather than a single dict.

Packages can be specified in one of two ways. Most, simply, you can just provide a name, and a Pip-style version spec:

    - name:   numpy
      ver:    ==1.8.1

This will install the requested version from PyPI.

Or, you may need to install from a git checkout, if it's a bleeding-edge version or needs special treatment. The basic way to achieve this is by providing a name, repo URL, and revision identifier -- e.g. a commit hash or tag:

    - name:   Theano
      rev:    46b19c24e3b04bbde3f2cf957824e07885916b9b
    - name:   numpydoc
      rev:    latest_rc_tag

Custom installation commands

If you're installing via a Git clone, you can add a custom setup command to use insted of Pip, which is executed (via bash) from the source directory after cloning:

    - name:   numba
      rev:    4b9a36e7b344823fa2d2bb85221a14ff9e0abb03
      setup:  pip3.4 install --install-option=build_ext --install-option="--inplace" . 

Custom module names for import statements

The post-install process attempts to start Python and import all of these packages, to verify that installation worked and that they can coexist. It assumes that the module name to import is just the package name in lowercase (e.g. "Cython" => import cython).

In either case (PyPI or Git install), you will also need to override this behaviour with an import option if this isn't true, e.g. when capitalization is used in the module name, or there is some other more significant difference:

    - name:   beautifulsoup4
      ver:    ==4.2.1
      import: bs4
    - name:   Pyro4
      import: Pyro4
      ver:    ==4.25
    - name:   Pillow
      import: PIL
      rev:    84a701a82b33896a4d6997743c2131ab0a40c588

Hacking Vagrant

For now, refer to the Vagrant docs for how to perform customizations not described here, such as syncing additional folders, or spinning up VMs in AWS.

Designing new VMs

If you want to create a completely new VM template, e.g. for an OS version or Python version that isn't supplied, you'll need to modify the following files:


And copy and modify the package lists:


This will be covered in detail in a later release.

Running the test suites

We supply a notebook called "Snake Charmer QA" which runs the test suites for the major Python packages used. This is a big job -- we recommend using a server-grade VM with at least 12 vCPUS and 8GB of RAM, and even with that setup, the whole process will take over an hour.

So, we recommend you only do this if you've made a modification to one of the fundamental underlying components, for example NumPy. Unless you have server time to spare...

However, it's easy to edit that notebook to run only specific tests of interest. It's also straightforward to add new tests for packages you've added yourself. Instructions are included within the notebook.