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Baseline code for OGBL-VESSEL

This is an external contribution to OGB, please refer to the NeuRIPS paper for the detailed setting.

Installation requirements

torch-geometric==master (pip install git+

This repository includes the following example scripts:

  • MLP: Full-batch MLP training based on Node2Vec features. This script requires node embeddings be saved in To generate them, please run python [requires torch-geometric>=1.5.0].
  • GNN: Full-batch GNN training using either the GCN or GraphSAGE operator (--use_sage) [requires torch-geometric>=1.6.0].
  • Matrix Factorization: Full-batch Matrix Factorization training.

Hyperparameter Search

In order to select the values, we employed Grid Search using based sweeps (c.f. yaml-configuration files). Due to the huge size of our dataset, hyperparameter tuning is challenging. To overcome this challenge, we subsample a region of the mouse brain in order to create a small graph. To ensure we are not introducing any bias, we measured the KL-Divergence to ensure that our small graph is representative of the whole brain in its distribution of vasculature. We selected the best set of hyperparameters on the small graph and used it on the actual graph with small modifications if needed.

Training & Evaluation

# Run with default config

# Run with custom config
python --hidden_channels=128

# Use Node2Vec embeddings
python --hidden_channels=128 --use_node_embedding

Sampling Strategy

Following the NeurIPS paper, we propose to use a spatial sampling strategy that constitutes a more challening and realistic scenario in comparison to random sampling. Random sampling ultimately creates unrealistic edges, i.e. vessels connecting totally different brain regions or unrealistic structures. These are very easy to identify for a classifier, leading to overly optimistic scores on the link prediction task. In contrast, spatial sampling (as proposed in our paper) creates more challenging edges, and biologically more realistic structures. These are harder to differentiate from the (actual) edges in the whole brain graph. Employing the spatial sampling criteria, we force the link predictor to learn more meaningful representations that will lead to biologically accurate results when using the link prediction algorithm for missing link prediction or graph completion. We kindly ask you to employ the spatial sampling structure for negative edges by making use of the presampled negative edges.


Model Highest Valid Accuracy (%) Final Test Accuracy (%) #num_params Hardware
MF 49.99 ± 0.06 49.97 ± 0.05 8641 GeForce Quadro RTX 8000 Ti (48GB GPU)
MLP 48.01 ± 1.32 47.94 ± 1.33 1037577 GeForce Quadro RTX 8000 Ti (48GB GPU)
GCN 43.49 ± 9.61 43.53 ± 9.61 396289 GeForce Quadro RTX 8000 Ti (48GB GPU)
GraphSAGE 49.93 ± 6.76 49.89 ± 6.78 396289 GeForce Quadro RTX 8000 Ti (48GB GPU)
GCN + Node2Vec 49.60 ± 0.61 49.54 ± 0.57 226744513 GeForce Quadro RTX 8000 Ti (48GB GPU)
GraphSAGE + Node2VEc 47.36 ± 1.36 47.35 ± 1.36 226892737 GeForce Quadro RTX 8000 Ti (48GB GPU)


Please consider citing this work if any of our code or dataset is helpful for your research. Considering the specific graphs and baseline models please also cite the respective original articles as described in the preprint.

      title={Whole Brain Vessel Graphs: A Dataset and Benchmark for Graph Learning and Neuroscience (VesselGraph)}, 
      author={Johannes C. Paetzold and Julian McGinnis and Suprosanna Shit and Ivan Ezhov and Paul Büschl and Chinmay Prabhakar and Mihail I. Todorov and Anjany Sekuboyina and Georgios Kaissis and Ali Ertürk and Stephan Günnemann and Bjoern H. Menze},