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File metadata and controls

807 lines (644 loc) · 32 KB

Policies specification

This document describes the contract and API for policies that run in the policy engine.

Conventions in this document

Policy vs. rule

This document uses the term "policy" to refer to an OPA package in one or more rego files that the policy engine queries in order to evaluate some input. This is mainly done to disambiguate "rules" in the Open Policy Agent terminology (which is used extensively throughout this document) from what Snyk refers to as a rule elsewhere.

Policy requirements

  1. Policies must be in a sub-package of rules. Examples of valid package declarations:

    • package rules.my_rule
    • package
  2. Policies must have an input_type set.

  3. Policies must contain a deny[info] "judgement rule", where info is an object (which is described in the next section). It's assumed that the deny[info] rule is written to match failing resources or conditions.

    • The required fields in the info object will depend on which archetype the policy conforms to.


By default, each policy will be evaluated for all input types. The input_type rule can be used to limit which input types the policy is evaluated for. It is best practice to specify this rule in all policies.

There is a hierarchy to input types that enables policy authors to still write a single policy that applies to multiple types. The current list of valid values for this rule are:

  • tf_hcl (Terraform HCL)
  • tf_plan (Terraform plan file)
  • tf_state (Terraform state file)
  • cloud_scan (State produced by Snyk Cloud)
  • cfn (Cloudformation template)
  • k8s (Kubernetes manifest)
  • arm (Azure ARM template)
  • tf (an aggregate type that includes: tf_hcl, tf_plan, tf_state, and cloud_scan)


info object properties

This table lists each supported property of the info object along with which policy archetypes would use it.

Field Type Description Single-resource Multi-resource Missing-resource
primary_resource object The primary resource object associated with the deny result
resource object The resource object that caused the deny result
message string A message that is specific to this result
resource_type string The type of resource that is missing
remediation string Remediation steps for the issue identified by this deny rule
severity string The severity of the issue identified by this deny rule
attributes array An array of attribute paths
correlation string A manually-specified correlation ID
graph object A list of labeled edges that relate two resources, see Graph
primary_resource vs resource

The resource attribute can either communicate what is invalid or why another resource is invalid. attributes always communicate the reason for the result and are always assumed to belong to resource.

For example:

deny[info] {
  # ...
  info := {
    "resource": some_s3_bucket,
    "attributes": [["some", "attribute", "path"]],

Can be interpreted as saying:

some_s3_bucket is invalid, because of its attribute some.attribute.path.

Whereas in another example where both primary_resource and resource are specified:

deny[info] {
  # ...
  info := {
    "primary_resource": some_s3_bucket,
    "resource": an_s3_bucket_policy,
    "attributes": [["policy", "statement", "path"]],

Can be interpreted as saying:

some_s3_bucket is invalid, because of the policy.statement.path attribute of an_s3_bucket_policy.

So, when only resource is specified, it is also assumed to be the primary resource of that result. Alternatively, the primary resource can be explicitly specified with the primary_resource attribute. If you only specify the primary_resource attribute and not the resource attribute, it has the same effect as only setting the resource attribute.

Optional rules


When resource_type is set to MULTIPLE, the input document will be set to the State object that is currently being processed by the engine.

When resource_type is set to a specific resource type (e.g. aws_s3_bucket), the policy engine will set the input document to the attributes object of a single resource state.

When resource_type is unspecified, it defaults to MULTIPLE.


resource_type := "MULTIPLE"
resource_type := "aws_s3_bucket"


The metadata rule defines static metadata associated with the policy. See the deny rule section for result-specific metadata.

Supported fields

NOTE that policy-engine by itself does not enforce any restrictions on metadata fields apart from their data type. Custom, extra fields can be added but these will not be present in the policy-engine output. The descriptions below are mostly intended to clarify the intent of each field.

Field Type Description
id string A short identifier for the policy. The same ID can be shared across different implementations of the same policy
title string A short description of the policy
description string A longer description of the policy
platform array The platform describes the CSPs or other technology platform (e.g. Docker) that the rule checks for
remediation object Remediation steps for the issue identified by the policy
references object Links to additional information about the issue identified by the policy
category string The category of the policy
labels array An array of labels (value-less tags) associated with this policy.
service_group string The service group of the primary resource associated with this policy (e.g. "EBS", "EC2")
controls array An array of control IDs to map to a compliance control
severity string The severity of the issue identified by this policy
product array An array of the products this policy supports
kind string The kind of results that the policy produces. Defaults to vulnerability if unset.

Example with all fields populated:

metadata := {
    "id": "COMPANY_0001",
    "kind": "vulnerability",
    "title": "S3 bucket name contains the word 'bucket'",
    "description": "It is unnecessary for resource names to contain their type.",
    "platform": ["AWS"],
    "remediation": {
      "console": "1. Go to the AWS console\n2. Navigate to the S3 service page\n3. ...",
      "cloudformation": "1. Find the corresponding AWS::S3::Bucket resource\n2. ...",
      "terraform": "1. Find the corresponding aws_s3_bucket resource\n2. ..."
    "references": {
        "general": [
            "title": "Some blog post",
            "url": ""
        "terraform": [
            "title": "Resource aws_s3_bucket",
            "url": ""
    "category": "Best Practices",
    "labels": [
        "Naming Conventions",
        "Pet Peeves"
    "service_group": "S3",
    "controls": {
        "CIS-AWS": {
          "v1.3.0": [
          "v1.4.0": [
    "severity": "Critical"


Policies can provide input-type specific remediation steps via the remediation metadata field. If this field is set, the policy engine will, by default, pick a remediation string from this field based on the current input type using the following mapping:

Input type Key in remediation object
tf_hcl terraform
tf_plan terraform
cfn cloudformation
cloud_scan console
k8s kubernetes
arm arm

Policies can also bypass this behavior by returning a remediation string in the info object returned by the deny judgement rule.


The resources rule is used to define which resources which contributed to a result. For the multi-resource and missing-resource policy archetypes, the policy engine uses resources results to mark resources as passing. For this reason, resources should be written to return results regardless of whether the policy as a whole would pass or fail a specific resource.

The info return value is set to an object that describes a single resource and optionally:

  • Its attributes that contributed to the policy result
  • Its relation to the primary resource associated with the policy result

info object properties

Field Type Description
resource object A resource object to associate with a policy result
primary_resource object The primary resource object associated with a policy result
attributes array An array of attribute paths from the resource in the resource property
correlation string A manually-specified correlation ID

Correlation IDs

Internally, each deny[info] result has an identifier associated with it. That identifier can be manually specified by setting the correlation property in the info object. Otherwise, it's calculated from the resource's type, identifier, and namespace.

Similarly, resources[info] results have an associated identifier that can be set manually via a correlation property. Otherwise it will be calculated from the resource in the primary_resource attribute (if specified) or the resource attribute.

The policy engine will relate resources results with deny results that have the same identifier.


The graph attribute is way for policies to output graph of resources that contributed to a result. The graph is represented by a list of labeled edges that describe the relationship between a source and a target. For example, a policy that tests whether an application is connected to a load balancer could include this graph in its result to describe which resources are involved in that connection and how they are related:

  "graph": [
      "source": load_balancer,
      "label": "exposes",
      "target": target_group,
      "source": target_group,
      "label": "exposes",
      "target": application,


  • examples/05-advanced-primary-resource.rego demonstrates using the primary_resource attribute to specify that a resources[info] result is related to a specific deny result. Note that the deny result's correlation ID is calculated by default in this usage.
  • examples/06-advanced-correlation.rego demonstrates using a manually-specified correlation ID to relate a resources[info] result to a deny[info] result.
  • examples/04-advanced-resources.rego demonstrates using the resource property on the info object when the resources rule is returning the primary resource. In this example, the resources rule only serves to enable the policy engine to identify passing resources.

Policy archetypes

Single-resource policy

Single-resource policies are distinguished by setting the resource_type rule to a single resource type. The policy engine evaluates single-resource policies by querying the deny[info] rule with the input document set to a single resource object

By definition, single resource policies only interact with a single resource. Therefore, the snyk.resources() function is not useable in single-resource policies.

Single-resource policy examples

Multi-resource policy

Multi-resource policies are distinguished by setting the resource_type rule to "MULTIPLE". The policy engine evaluates multi-resource policies by querying the deny[info] rule with the input document set to the entire State object being evaluated. Although multi-resource policies can access individual resources via the input document, they should use the snyk.resources() function to retrieve resources from the input by resource type.

Multi-resource policy examples

Missing-resource policy

Missing-resource policies are an extension of the Multi-resource policy archetype that has at least one deny[info] rule that sets the resource_type field on the info object instead of resource, e.g.:

# We cannot pass a `resource` to the deny (since we don't have one!).  But we
# can specify a `resource_type` as metadata, to indicate what sort of resource
# was missing.
deny[info] {
	count(global_cloudtrails) == 0
	info := {
		"message": "At least one aws_cloudtrail must have include_global_service_events configured",
		"resource_type": "aws_cloudtrail",

Missing-resource policy examples

The snyk API

The policy engine provides a set of functions under the snyk namespace that can be used by policies. To use them, policies should import data.snyk, like is shown in the multi-resource policy examples.

snyk.resources(<resource type>)

The snyk.resources function takes in a single resource type string and returns an array of resource objects of that type from the current State being evaluated. If no resources of that type are known an empty array is returned.

Internally, the policy engine tracks calls to snyk.resources (and snyk.query) to produce the resource_types array in the results output. This array may be used by downstream consumers to add context to policy results. For example, a consumer may need to communicate that some policy results were inconclusive if the resource types used by the policy were not surveyed. For this reason, some policies should be written to call snyk.resources for a particular type only if that resource type exists in the input. See snyk.input_resource_types below for an example of this idiom.

snyk.resources("some-type") return equivalent results to (and is a special case of) snyk.query({"resource_type": "some-type", "scope": {}}).

Example snyk.resources call and output

This example demonstrates the snyk.resources input and output in a REPL session:

$ ./policy-engine repl examples/
> import data.snyk
> snyk.resources("aws_cloudtrail")
    "_filepath": "examples/",
    "_meta": {},
    "_namespace": "examples/",
    "_provider": "aws",
    "_tags": {},
    "_type": "aws_cloudtrail",
    "_id": "aws_cloudtrail.cloudtrail1",
    "id": "aws_cloudtrail.cloudtrail1",
    "include_global_service_events": true,
    "name": "cloudtrail1",
    "s3_bucket_name": "aws_s3_bucket.bucket1",
    "s3_key_prefix": "prefix"


Queries the input for resources.

The parameter is an object, with two permitted fields. The first is "resource_type", which is expected to have a string value. The second, "scope" is a set of key-value pairs where the values are strings. Under the default engine configuration, this query scope is compared to the "input scope", which is set at config load time. An IaC input might be expected to have "filename" set, for example. The query scope acts as a filter. The empty object, {}, is the most permissive query scope, so all resources in the input of the requested type will be returned.

The library API provides a mechanism to influence the behavior of this builtin, and to inject custom resource resolver logic. You can read more about how to add custom resource resolvers here.

A simple query:

  "resource_type": "aws_cloudtrail",
  "scope": {},

Will return all aws_cloudtrail resources in the input, regardless of input scope (i.e. what IaC file they came from, or for cloud resources, what account/region metadata was added by the loader).

In an IaC context, this query:

  "resource_type": "aws_cloudtrail",
  "scope": {
    "filename": "",

Will return all aws_cloudtrail resources found in In a cloud context, in which the loaders are presumably setting input scope to various cloud attributes such as region/account, instead of IaC file names, this query will return nothing.

When a query returns nothing due to a scope mismatch, the chain of custom resource resolvers will be invoked. Optionally, the library client's custom resolvers might fetch such resources from a place other than the input.

This query:

  "resource_type": "aws_cloudtrail",
  "scope": {
    "foo": "bar",

Will return nothing, unless a UPE config loader happens to set the "foo" input scope field, which doesn't seem likely! The exact input scope fields set by loaders are specific to the environment of that loader (e.g. cloud region/account, or IaC filename, module name).

UPE policies that make queries with specific scope will likely be rarer than ones that do not, because they implicitly rely on the behavior of loaders and/or custom resolvers. Queries that do not make use of specific scope, only requesting resources by type, can use snyk.resources() instead if the author wishes, which is backed by the same implemenation as snyk.query(), but should never trigger the custom resolver chain, since the most permissive scope is always used.

snyk.relates(<resource>, <relation name>)

snyk.relates returns a list of right resources that match the given left resource and relationship name.

For more info, see:

snyk.back_relates(<relation name>, <resource>)

snyk.back_relates is the inverse of snyk.relates, and returns a list of left resources that match the given right resource and relationship name.

snyk.relates_with(<resource>, <relation name>)

snyk.relates_with is a version of snyk.relates that returns a list of pairs of [resource, annotation] rather than just a list of resources.

snyk.back_relates_with(<relation name>, <resource>)

snyk.back_relates_with is a version of snyk.back_relates that returns a list of pairs of [resource, annotation] rather than just a list of resources.


snyk.input_resource_types is a set of all resource types in the input. This can be useful in policies that can check multiple resource types, but don't require them to produce conclusive results. A common example of this type of policy is one that enforces specific tags across many different resource types. Another common example are policies that are written to work with multiple input types, like policies with the tf input type.

Example snyk.input_resource_types usage

This example is from a policy that's written for the tf input type. tf is an aggregate input type that includes some IaC inputs as well as the cloud_scan input type. This means that it will be used to evaluate both IaC and live, running infrastructure.

# Here we're producing an object of data.aws_iam_policy_document resources. This
# resource type is an abstraction provided by Terraform and doesn't map to any "real"
# deployed resource type. So, we only want to enumerate these resources when they exist
# in the input to avoid reporting this resource type for cloud_scan inputs.
# The result is that when no data.aws_iam_policy_document resources exist in the input,
# this object will be empty.
policy_documents := {id: doc |
	doc := snyk.resources("data.aws_iam_policy_document")[_]


snyk.input_type gets set to the input type of the current input being evaluated. This can be useful in policies that are written for multiple but only need to enforce a particular condition in one of those input types.

Example snyk.input_type usage

This is example is taken from a policy that enforces some configuration on aws_iam_account_password_policy resources. For cloud_scan inputs, we also want to enforce that this resource exists (as in the Missing Resource policy archetype).

password_policy_type := "aws_iam_account_password_policy"

password_policies := snyk.resources(password_policy_type)
password_policy_exists {
  _ = password_policies[_]

deny[info] {
  pol := password_policies[_]
  pol.minimum_password_length < 14
  info := {
    "resource": pol
    "attributes" [["minimum_password_length"]]

deny[info] {
  # We only want this condition to apply to cloud_scan inputs
  snyk.input_type == "cloud_scan"
  info := {
    "resource_type": password_policy_type,
    "message": "No IAM password policy was found."

snyk.terraform.resource_provider_version_constraint(<resource>, <constraint>)

This function takes a resource and a version constraint for the terraform provider, for example ">= 4" or "~>3, != 3.0.1". You can see the full syntax for the version constraints here:

Keep in mind that in many cases, we don't know the exact provider version that is being used. We can only deduce constraints from required_providers blocks:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      version = "~> 4.0.0"

So this function checks if the version constraint specified in the argument is compatible with all the requirements. This means that if there are no requirements, this function will always return true.

Resource relations specification

This is only a brief specification, to better understand this, see:

Relationships are defined in separate files and must extend the data.relations.relations set:

package relations

import data.snyk

relations[info] {
	info := {

info has the following properties:

Field Type Description
name string Name for the relationship
keys object An object with left and right arrays containing [resource, key] or [resource, key, annotation] items
explicit array An explicit of list of [left, right] or [left_resource, right_resource, annotation] items

name is required, and one of keys and explicit must be specified.

Types reference

This section describes some of the types referred to in the other sections of this document.

State object

"State object" refers to the input to the policy engine's policy evaluation. The state object is defined in the swagger.yaml file, which is then used to generate a model struct.

In general, policies should not interact with the state object directly and should instead use the snyk API.

Resource objects

Resource objects are a map of resource property name to property value. Policy authors can expect that resource objects are close or identical to how the resources are defined in IaC code with some additional properties added by the policy engine.

For example, the following Terraform resource:

resource "aws_cloudtrail" "cloudtrail1" {
  name                          = "cloudtrail1"
  s3_bucket_name                =
  s3_key_prefix                 = "prefix"
  include_global_service_events = true

would become the following resource object:

  "_filepath": "examples/",
  "_meta": {},
  "_namespace": "examples/",
  "_provider": "aws",
  "_tags": {},
  "_type": "aws_cloudtrail",
  "_id": "aws_cloudtrail.cloudtrail1",
  "id": "aws_cloudtrail.cloudtrail1",
  "include_global_service_events": true,
  "name": "cloudtrail1",
  "s3_bucket_name": "aws_s3_bucket.bucket1",
  "s3_key_prefix": "prefix"

Policy Engine adds two ID fields to the resource object that policies can use in their assertions:

  • _id: this will always contain the "logical ID" of the resource
    • In IaC, logical IDs are typically how resources are referenced in the source code.
    • The example above demonstrates a logical ID from Terraform
  • id: this will contain the resource's id attribute if: it exists, it is non-null, and it is non-blank. Otherwise, it will contain the logical ID.
    • This flexibility can be helpful for writing assertions that work with both IaC and deployed resources.

Obtaining resource objects

In single-resource policies, the input document will be set to a single resource object of the type specified in the resource_type rule.

In multi-resource policies and missing-resource policies, resource objects should be obtained via the snyk.resources function.

Attribute paths

Attribute paths are arrays of strings and integers that describe the location of a particular attribute within a resource. For example, given the following JSON attributes:

  "ingress": [
      "from_port": 22,
      "to_port": 22

The path to from_port would be ["ingress", 0, "from_port"].

The attributes properties that you see in the deny and resources definitions are arrays of attribute paths, e.g:


The following examples demonstrate how attributes can be used in practice: