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Grammar Rules

The grammar is simply a list of rules with names. Rules are defined like this:

rule_1 = ... ;
rule_2 = ... ;
rule_3 = ... ;
(more rules)

On the left hand side, they are rule names.

One the right hand side, they are rule expressions, which we will cover in this rest of the document.

In the middle, they are equal signs (=).

They should end with colons (;).

The first grammar rule will be assigned with rule id 1. The ids for the rest increase one by one.

The grammar rule names must start with an alphabet or underscore, followed by a sequence of either alphabets or digits or underscores _.


The literal matches an exact same string surrounded by double quotes.

For example,

greeting = "hello world";

To ignore the case, insert i to the left quote:

greeting = i"hello world";

The case insensitive literal applies to not only ASCII chars, but also extended ASCII chars, such as ì / Ì.

greeting = i"hello worìd";

UTF-8 is supported:

greeting = "你好,世界";

Emoji is supported:

greeting = "Peppa 🐷";

You can encode UTF-8 code points via u followed by hex digits.

greeting = "\u{4f60}\u{597D}, world\u{0c}";


Range matches a single character in range.

In this example, any character between '0' to '9' can match.

digits = [0-9];

The lower and upper character of the range can be not only ASCII characters but also UTF-8 code points.

digits = [\u{4e00}-\u{9fff}];

A small trick to match any character is to specify the range from \u{1} to \u{10ffff}, which are the minimum and the maximum code point in UTF-8 encoding.

any = [\u{1}-\u{10ffff}];

The value of lower must be less or equal than the upper.

any = [\u{10ffff}-\u{1}];

Range supports an optional stride to skip certain amount of characters in the range. In this example, only odd number between '0' to '9' can match.

digits = [0-9..2];

Range also supports certain unicode character sets, such as C, Cc, Cf, Co, Cs, Ll, Lm, Lo, Lt, Lu, L, Nd, Nl, No, N, etc. They're wrapped via \p{}, for example:

  • unicode_letter: a Unicode code point classified as "Letter" (Ll+Lm+Lo+Lt+Lu).
  • unicode_digit: a Unicode code point classified as "Number, decimal digit"(Nd).
unicode_letter = [\p{L}];
unicode_digit  = [\p{Nd}];


Single dot . can match any UTF-8 code point. It's a syntax sugar for [\u{1}-\u{10ffff}].

any = .;


Sequence matches a sequence of sub-expressions in order.

When parsing, the first sequence member is attempted. If succeeds, the second is attempted, so on and on. If any one of the attempts fails, the match fails.

For example:

greeter = "Hello" " " "world";


Choice matches one of the sub-expression.

When parsing, the first sequence member is attempted. If fails, the second is attempted, so on and on. If any one of the attempts succeeds, the match succeeds. If all attempts fail, the match fails.

For example:

greeter = "Hello World" / "你好,世界" / "Kia Ora";


Reference matches a string based on the referenced grammar rule.

For example, greeter is just a reference rule in greeting. When matching greeting, it will use the referenced grammar rule greeter first, e.g. "Hello" / "你好", then match " world".

greeting = greeter " world";
greeter  = "Hello" / "你好";

The order of defining a rule does not matter.

greeter  = "Hello" / "你好";
greeting = greeter " world";

One should ensure all references must have corresponding rule defined, otherwise, the parse will fail with :c:enum:`P4_MatchError`.


Positive tests if the sub-expression matches.

Positive attempts to match the sub-expression. If succeeds, the test passes. Positive does not "consume" any text.

Positive can be useful in limiting the possibilities of the latter member in a Sequence. In this example, the Sequence expression must start with "Hello", e.g. "Hello World", "Hello WORLD", "Hello world", etc, will match but "HELLO WORLD" will not match.

greeting = &"Hello" i"hello world";


Negative tests if the sub-expression does not match.

Negative expects the sub-expression doesn't match. If fails, the test passes. Negative does not "consume" any text.

Negative can be useful in limiting the possiblities of the latter member in a Sequence. In this example, the Sequence expression must not start with "Hello", e.g. "HELLO World", "hello WORLD", "hello world", etc, will match but "Hello World" will not match.

greeting = !"Hello" i"hello world";


Repeat matches the sub-expression several times.

+ match string one or more times.

number = [0-9]+;

* match string zero or more times.

number = [0-9] [1-9]*;

? match string one or more times.

number = [0-9] "."?;

{min,} match string minimum min times.

above_hundred = [1-9] [1-9]{2,};

{,max} match string maximum max times.

below_thousand = [0-9]{,3};

{min,max} match string minimum min times, maximum max times.

hex = "\u{" ([0-9] / [a-z] / [A-Z]){1,6} "}";


Comment are any characters followed by a # (included) in a line.

rule = "hello"; # THIS IS ANOTHER COMMENT.

Comments are ignored.

Grammar Rule Flags

The grammar rule allows setting flags by inserting some @decorator (s) before the names. The supported decorators include: @spaced, @squashed, @scoped, @tight, @lifted and @nonterminal. For example,

@spaced @lifted
ws = " " / "\t" / "\n";
seealso::c:enum:`P4_FLAG_SPACED`, :c:enum:`P4_FLAG_SQUASHED`, :c:enum:`P4_FLAG_SCOPED`, :c:enum:`P4_FLAG_TIGHT`, :c:enum:`P4_FLAG_LIFTED`, :c:enum:`P4_FLAG_NON_TERMINAL`.


If a rule has @spaced decorator, it will be auto-inserted in between every element of sequences and repetitions.

For example, my sequence can match "helloworld", "hello world", "hello t n world", etc.

my_sequence = "hello" "world";

ws = " " / "\t" / "\n";


If a sequence or repetition rule has @tight decorator, no @spaced rules will be applied.

For example, my_another_sequence can only match "helloworld".

my_another_sequence = "hello" "world";

ws = " " / "\t" / "\n";


If a rule has @lifted decorator, its children tokens will replace the parent token.

In this example, the parsed token tree has no token mapping to primary rule, but rather either digit or char.

primary = digit / char;

number = [0-9];
char   = [a-z] / [A-Z];


If a rule has nonterminal decorator, and it has only one single child token, the child token will replace the parent token.

If it produces multiple children tokens, this decorator has no effect.

In this example,

add = number ("+" number)?;

number = [0-9];

If we feed the input "1", the token tree is like:


If we feed the input "1+1", the token tree is like:



If a rule has @squashed decorator, its children tokens will be trimmed.

In this example, the rule float will drop all number tokens, leaving only one single node in the ast.

float = number ("." number)?;

number = [0-9];

Use Peg API

Function :c:func:`P4_LoadGrammar` can load a grammar from a string.

P4_Grammar* grammar = P4_LoadGrammar(
    "add = int + int;"

    "@squashed @tight "
    "int = [0-9]+;"

    "@spaced @lifted "
    "ws  = \" \";";

The one-statement code is somewhat equivalent to the below code written in low-level C API:

P4_Grammar* grammar = P4_CreateGrammar();

if (P4_Ok != P4_AddSequenceWithMembers(grammar, RuleAdd, 3,
    P4_CreateLiteral("+", true),
    goto finalize;

if (P4_Ok != P4_AddOnceOrMore(grammar, RuleInt, P4_CreateRange('0', '9', 1)))
    goto finalize;
if (P4_Ok != P4_SetGrammarRuleFlag(grammar, RuleInt, P4_FLAG_SQUASHED|P4_FLAG_TIGHT))
    goto finalize;

if (P4_Ok != P4_AddLiteral(grammar, RuleWs, " ", true))
    goto finalize;
if (P4_Ok != P4_SetGrammarRuleFlag(grammar, RuleWs, P4_FLAG_SPACED|P4_FLAG_LIFTED))
    goto finalize;


Syntax Meaning
foo = ...; grammar rule
@lifted foo = ...; drop token
@spaced foo = ...; mark as space
@squashed foo = ...; ignore children tokens
@tight foo = ...; ignore spaced rules
@non_terminal foo = ...; ignore single child token
@scoped foo = ...; cancle effects
"literal" exact match
i"literal" case-insensitive match
[a-z] range
[0-9..2] range with stride
[\u{1}-\u{10ffff}] range using unicode runes
[\p{L}] range using unicode categories
. any character
foo bar sequence
foo / bar choice
&foo positive
!foo negative
foo* zero or more
foo+ once or more
foo? optional
foo{m,} repeat at least m times
foo{,n} repeat at most n times
foo{m,n} repeat between m-n times
foo{m} repeat exact n times
# IGNORE comment