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File metadata and controls

192 lines (150 loc) · 9.1 KB



  • Project - one or more deployments grouped together (e.g. started via docker-compose)
  • Deployment - one and only one deployed service


Exoframe CLI is not particularly demanding and consumes at max ~50mb of RAM.
Most intensive task from CLI side is packaging the project and streaming that to the server - it doesn't affect RAM usage that much and mostly relies on CPU and network.

Running Exoframe server on its own also doesn't require too much resources:

  • Exoframe Server consumes ~50mb of RAM
  • Traefik started along with server consumes ~60mb of RAM

Be aware though - execution of deployments will result in (1) new Docker images being built and (2) new Docker containers being started.
Depending on your project's complexity, this might require significant amount of resources during both steps resulting in failed deployments (note: if Docker goes out-of-memory during build, you will not get any specific error - just a failed deployment).
It is recommended to run Exoframe on a server with at least 1GB of RAM.

Supported project types & deployment templates

By default, Exoframe understands and can deploy the following project types:

  1. Static html based projects - will be deployed using nginx image
  2. Node.js based projects - will be deployed using node:latest image *
  3. Docker based project - will be deployed using your Dockerfile
  4. [Docker-Compose based projects](docs/ based deployment) - will be deployed using your docker-compose file

* There are two things to keep in mind for Node.js projects: (1) they are started via npm start, so make sure you have specified start script in your package.json; (2) by default port 80 is exposed, so you need to make your app listen on that port. If you'd like to execute your app in any different way or expose more ports - please use Dockerfile deployment method.

This list can be extended via deployment templates.
You can find the list of available templates on npm.
Templates can be installed by executing exoframe template command and entering complete template package name.

Complex recipes

Exoframe also provides support for third-party complex deployment recipes.
They allow to quickly and easily deploy complex projects.

For example, you can deploy Wordpress with PHPMyAdmin by simply executing exoframe setup and entering exoframe-recipe-wordpress as desired recipe.

You can find the list of available recipes on npm.


Command Description
deploy [path] Deploy specified path
config Generate or update project config for current path
list List currently deployed projects
rm Remove existing deployment or project
log Get logs for existing deployment or project
template [ls, rm] Add, list or remove deployment templates from the server
setup [recipe] Setup a complex recipe deployment
token [ls, rm] Generate, list or remove deployment tokens
secret [new, ls, rm] Create, list or remove deployment secrets
login Login into Exoframe server
endpoint [url] Selects or adds the endpoint of Exoframe server
rm-endpoint [url] Removes an existing endpoint of Exoframe server
update [target] Gets current versions or updates given target (server, traefik, all)
completion Generates bash completion script

Special commands

Exoframe CLI has a number of special commands, specifically:

  • exoframe logs exoframe-server - will return current server logs (only works when running server as container)

Project config file

All of the configuration for the deployed projects is done using exoframe.json config file.
It can either be generated/updated using exoframe config (or exoframe init) command or created manually.
If it doesn't exist during deployment, Exoframe will generate simple config file that only contains name of the current project.

Config file has the following structure:

  // deployment name
  // defaults to folder name
  "name": "deployment-name",
  // restart policy [optional]
  // see docker docs for more info
  // defaults to "on-failure:2"
  "restart": "on-failure:2",
  // domain to be assigned to project [optional]
  // no domain is assigned by default
  // can be set to "false" to disable auto-assignment of domain
  "domain": "",
  // project name [optional]
  // by default assembled using deployment name and username
  "project": "project-name",
  // object of key-values for env vars [optional]
  // no env vars are assigned by default
  "env": {
    "ENV_VAR": "123",
    // you can use secrets to hide sensitive values from env vars
    "OTHER_VAR": "@my-secret"
  // internal hostname for container [optional]
  // see docker docs for more info
  // no hostname is assigned by default
  "hostname": "hostname",
  // Add additional docker labels to your container [optional]
  "labels": {
    "my.custom.label": "value"
  // Add additional docker volumes ot your container [optional]
  // while you can use server paths in sourceVolume place
  // it is recommended to use named volumes
  "volumes": [
  // rate-limit config
  // see "advanced topics" for more info
  "rateLimit": {
    // rate-limit time period
    "period": "1s",
    // request rate over given time period
    "average": 1,
    // max burst request rate over given time period
    "burst": 5,
  // template to be used for project deployment
  // undefined by default, detected by server based on file structure
  "template": "my-template",
  // image to be used to deploy current project
  // this option overrides any other type of deployment and makes
  // exoframe deploy project using given image name
  "image": "",
  // image file to load image from
  // exoframe will load given tar file into docker daemon before
  // executing image deployment
  "imageFile": "",
  // basic auth, [optional]
  // this field allows you to have basic auth to access your deployed service
  // format is in user:pwhash
  "basicAuth": "user:$apr1$$9Cv/OMGj$$ZomWQzuQbL.3TRCS81A1g/"

Project ignore file

In some cases you might want to ignore particular files during project deployment (e.g. tests, fixtures, node_modules, etc.).
You can specify ignored files using .exoframeignore file in the root of the project.
Each line is then used by the ignore module during deployment process.
When not provided ignore file contains the following entries:


CLI Configuration

Exoframe stores its config in ~/.exoframe/cli.config.yml.
Currently it contains list of endpoint URLs with associated usernames and authentication tokens:

endpoint: "http://localhost:8080" # your endpoint URL, defaults to localhost

SSH key auth

The SSK key needs to be RSA and in PEM format. To ensure your key is generated in a format that works you can generate with this command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" -m 'PEM'. This follows the GitHub Instructions with an additional flag ensuring it is the right format.

Deployment tokens

Sometimes you might need to deploy things from environments that don't have your private key (e.g. CI/CD services).
For this cases you can use deployment tokens. Here's how it works:

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your Exoframe server
  2. Generate new deployment token using exoframe token command
  3. Use the new token to deploy your service without need to authenticate: exoframe deploy -t $TOKEN

Updating deployed project

Exoframe provides a way to easily update already deployed projects.
This can be done by passing --update (or -u) flag to deploy command.
The way it works is quite simple:

  1. Exoframe deploys new version of the given project
  2. Exoframe then waits for them to start up
  3. Exoframe removes the old running deployments for current project

This can be used together with deployment tokens to achieve simple continuous deployment for your projects.

Updating the server

The server can simply be updated by invoking exoframe update server.