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Sealed Subclass Instantiator

This is a simple generator that instantiates an instance of each member of a Kotlin sealed class hierarchy. In other words: for a given sealed class it instantiates an instance of each subclass. The main use case for this is to create sample data for unit tests (uses reflection under the hood).


Not public releases available yet.


For example let's say you have the following sealed class hierarchy:

sealed class Car {
    data class RegularCar(val horsePower: Int, val name: String) : Car()
    object UniqueFerrari : Car()

Use instantiateSealedSubclasses() to get a list of instances of each subclass do:

val cars : List<Car> = instantiateSealedSubclasses(Car::class) 
println(cars) // prints: [RegularCar(horsePower=123, name="random string"), UniqueFerrari]

Each instance of the sealed subclass is filled with random values (you can provide your own PrimitiveTypeValueGenerator as parameter to instantiateSealedSubclasses(KClass<T>, PrimitiveTypeValueGenerator) in case you need control over the values).

Motivation and my primary use case for this library

When writing unit tests for a Redux Store I want to test if a particular Action (expressed as a sealed class hierarchy) has no side effect on the State of the Redux Store:

sealed class Action {
    class Action1 : Action()
    class Action2 : Action()
    class Action3 : Action()

sealed class State {
    class State1 : State()
    class State2 : State()
class MyReduxStoreTest {

    fun `WHEN State1 AND Action2 is dispached THEN state transitions to State2`(){
        val state = State1()
        val store = MyReduxStore(initialState = state)
        store.dispatch(Action2()) // causes a state transition

        val expectedState = State2()
        assertEquals(expectedState, store.state)
    fun `WHEN State1 THEN no Action other than Action2 causes a state transition`(){
        val state = State1()
        val store = MyReduxStore(initialState = state)
        val actionsThatShouldNotChangeState: List<Action> = 
                instantiateSealedSubclasses(Action::class) // Instantiates Action1, Action2, Action3
                    .filter { action -> action is Action2 }  // filters out Action2 instance
        for (action in actionsThatShouldNotChangeState){
            store.dispatch(action) // Dispatching an action may change the state of the store
            assertEquals(state, store.state) // State must not have changed by dispatched action above because only Action2 (which is not part of actionsThatShouldNotChangeState) is allowed to change state while store.state is in a particular State1 

Supported features

  • Kotlin object
  • Any class with primitives (int, long, boolean, string, char, float, double, short, byte) or enums as constructor parameters:
    data class Foo(val i : Int, val str : String) : Parent()  
  • Any class with other class as constructor parameter that is composed of primitives:
    data class SomeData(val i : Int, val str : String)
    data class Foo(data : SomeData) : Parent()  
  • data class as well as just regular class as long as they have a primary or empty constructor
  • null as constructor parameter
  • default value for constructor parameters
  • Enums
    enum class AnEnum { A, B, C }
    data class Foo(anEnum : AnEnum) : Parent()

Not yet supported features

  • List (priority 1)
  • Other collection types like Set, Map, Tree
  • Array
  • Generics
  • Any type that has no public constructor
  • sealed class in sealed class


Instantiates instances of subclasses of a sealed class (Kotlin)






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