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Used modules

Port configuration

  • protocol (string) - communication protocol; possible values: 'ftp', 'sftp'; Default: 'ftp'
  • client (object) - connection configuration
    • host (string) - host name of the ftp server; Default: 'localhost'
    • port (string, integer) - listening port of the ftp server; Default: 21
    • secure (bool/string) - encryption type, if false, the securityOptions will not be considered; possible values: 'control' for control connection encryption, 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted control connection, true for both, false for none; Default: false
    • secureOptions (object) - additional connection options; Default: (none)
      • rejectUnauthorized (boolean) - if false, denies the connection in case the certificate verification fails; Default: true (only if secure is not false)
      • cert (string) - certificate value, should include BEGIN and END tags
      • key (string) - private key
    • username (string) - username for authentication; Default: 'anonymous'
    • password (string) - password for authentication; Default: 'anonymous@'
    • connTimeout (integer) - milliseconds to wait for establishing control connection; Default: 10000
    • pasvTimeout (integer) - milliseconds to wait for establishing PASV data connection; Default: 10000
    • keepalive (integer) - milliseconds between dummy commands to keep the connection alive; Default: 10000

NOTE: The protocol and the presence and need of key and certificate depend on the server configuration !

Available commands

  • download - download file through ftp
  • upload - upload file through ftp
  • append - append data to file through ftp; message structure:
    • data (string) - data to be appended
    • fileName (string) - relative path and name of the file on the ftp server to which the data will be appended
  • list - list all files within a folder on a remote ftp server
  • remove - remove a file through ftp
  • rename - rename/move a file on a remote ftp server