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File metadata and controls

155 lines (111 loc) · 6.7 KB

Response body specification

By default, the received response body will be read as a Either[String, String], using the encoding specified in the Content-Type response header (and if none is specified, using UTF-8). This is of course configurable: response bodies can be ignored, deserialized into custom types, received as a stream or saved to a file.

The default response.body will be a:

  • Left(errorMessage) if the request is successful, but response code is not 2xx.
  • Right(body) if the request is successful and the response code is 2xx.

How the response body will be read is part of the request description, as already when sending the request, the backend needs to know what to do with the response. The type to which the response body should be deserialized is the second type parameter of RequestT, and stored in the request definition as the request.response: ResponseAs[T, S] property.

Basic response specifications

To conveniently specify how to deserialize the response body, a number of as[Type] methods are available. They can be used to provide a value for the request description's response property:

import sttp.client._


When the above request is completely described and sent, it will result in a Response[Either[String, Array[Byte]]] (where the left and right correspond to non-2xx and 2xx status codes, as above). Other possible response descriptions are:

def ignore: ResponseAs[Unit, Nothing]
def asString: ResponseAs[Either[String, String], Nothing]
def asStringAlways: ResponseAs[String, Nothing]
def asString(encoding: String): ResponseAs[Either[String, String], Nothing]
def asStringAlways(encoding: String): ResponseAs[String, Nothing]
def asByteArray: ResponseAs[Either[String, Array[Byte]], Nothing]
def asByteArrayAlways: ResponseAs[Array[Byte], Nothing]
def asParams: ResponseAs[Either[String, Seq[(String, String)]], Nothing]
def asParams(encoding: String): ResponseAs[Either[String, Seq[(String, String)]], Nothing]
def asFile(file: File): ResponseAs[Either[String, File], Nothing]
def asFileAlways(file: File): ResponseAs[File, Nothing]
def asPath(path: Path): ResponseAs[Either[String, Path], Nothing]
def asPathAlways(path: Path): ResponseAs[Path, Nothing]

def asEither[L, R, S](onError: ResponseAs[L, S], 
                      onSuccess: ResponseAs[R, S]): ResponseAs[Either[L, R], S]
def fromMetadata[T, S](f: ResponseMetadata => ResponseAs[T, S]): ResponseAs[T, S]

Hence, to discard the response body, the request description should include the following:

import sttp.client._


And to save the response to a file:

import sttp.client._

val someFile = new File("some/path")

Custom body deserializers

It's possible to define custom body deserializers by taking any of the built-in response descriptions and mapping over them. Each ResponseAs instance has map and mapWithMetadata methods, which can be used to transform it to a description for another type (optionally using response metadata, such as headers or the status code). Each such value is immutable and can be used multiple times.

.. note:: Alternatively, response descriptions can be modified directly from the request description, by using the ``request.mapResponse(...)`` and ``request.mapResponseRight(...)`` methods (which is available, if the response body is deserialized to an either). That's equivalent to calling ``request.response(``, that is setting a new response description, to a modified old response description; but with shorter syntax.

As an example, to read the response body as an int, the following response description can be defined (warning: this ignores the possibility of exceptions!):

import sttp.client._

val asInt: ResponseAs[Either[String, Int], Nothing] = asString.mapRight(_.toInt)


To integrate with a third-party JSON library, and always parse the response as a json (regardless of the status code):

def parseJson(json: String): Either[JsonError, JsonAST] = ...
val asJson: ResponseAs[Either[JsonError, JsonAST], Nothing] =


A number of JSON libraries are supported out-of-the-box, see json support.

Using the fromMetadata combinator, it's possible to dynamically specify how the response should be deserialized, basing on the response status code and response headers. The default asString, asByteArray response descriptions use this method to return a Left in case of non-2xx responses, and a Right otherwise.

A more complex case, which uses Circe for deserializing JSON, choosing to which model to deserialize to depending on the status code, can look as following:

import sttp.client._
import sttp.model._
import sttp.client.circe._
import io.circe._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._

sealed trait MyModel
case class SuccessModel(name: String, age: Int) extends MyModel
case class ErrorModel(message: String) extends MyModel
implicit val successModelDecoder: Decoder[SuccessModel] = deriveDecoder[SuccessModel]
implicit val errorModelDecoder: Decoder[ErrorModel] = deriveDecoder[ErrorModel]

val myRequest: Request[Either[ResponseError[io.circe.Error], MyModel], Nothing] =
    .response(fromMetadata { meta =>
      meta.code match {
        case StatusCode.Ok => asJson[SuccessModel]
        case _             => asJson[ErrorModel]


If the backend used supports streaming (see backends summary), it's possible to receive responses as a stream. This can be described using the following methods:

def asStream[S]: ResponseAs[Either[String, S], S] = ResponseAsStream[S, S]()
def asStreamAlways[S]: ResponseAs[S, S] = ResponseAsStream[S, S]()

For example, when using the Akka backend:

import akka.util.ByteString
import scala.concurrent.Future
import sttp.client._
import sttp.client.akkahttp._

implicit val sttpBackend: SttpBackend[Future, Source[ByteString, Any], NothingT] = AkkaHttpBackend()

val response: Future[Response[Either[String, Source[ByteString, Any]]]] =
    .response(asStream[Source[ByteString, Any]])