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Running as an http4s server

To expose an endpoint as an http4s server, first add the following dependency:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-http4s-server" % "0.17.12"

and import the object:

import sttp.tapir.server.http4s.Http4sServerInterpreter

This objects contains the toRoutes and toRoutesRecoverErrors methods. This first requires the logic of the endpoint to be given as a function of type:

I => F[Either[E, O]]

where F[_] is the chosen effect type. The second recovers errors from failed effects, and hence requires that E is a subclass of Throwable (an exception); it expects a function of type I => F[O]. For example:

import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.server.http4s.Http4sServerInterpreter
import cats.effect.IO
import org.http4s.HttpRoutes
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Timer}

// will probably come from somewhere else
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] =
implicit val t: Timer[IO] =

def countCharacters(s: String): IO[Either[Unit, Int]] = 
  IO.pure(Right[Unit, Int](s.length))

val countCharactersEndpoint: Endpoint[String, Unit, Int, Any] =[Int])
val countCharactersRoutes: HttpRoutes[IO] = 
  Http4sServerInterpreter.toRoutes(countCharactersEndpoint)(countCharacters _)

Note that the second argument to toRoute is a function with one argument, a tuple of type I. This means that functions which take multiple arguments need to be converted to a function using a single argument using .tupled:

import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.server.http4s.Http4sServerInterpreter
import cats.effect.IO
import org.http4s.HttpRoutes
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Timer}

// will probably come from somewhere else
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] =
implicit val t: Timer[IO] =

def logic(s: String, i: Int): IO[Either[Unit, String]] = ???
val anEndpoint: Endpoint[(String, Int), Unit, String, Any] = ???  
val routes: HttpRoutes[IO] = Http4sServerInterpreter.toRoutes(anEndpoint)((logic _).tupled)

The created HttpRoutes are the usual http4s Kleisli-based transformation of a Request to a Response, and can be further composed using http4s middlewares or request-transforming functions. The tapir-generated HttpRoutes captures from the request only what is described by the endpoint.

It's completely feasible that some part of the input is read using a http4s wrapper function, which is then composed with the tapir endpoint descriptions. Moreover, "edge-case endpoints", which require some special logic not expressible using tapir, can be always implemented directly using http4s.


The http4s interpreter accepts streaming bodies of type Stream[F, Byte], as described by the Fs2Streams capability. Both response bodies and request bodies can be streamed. Usage: streamBody(Fs2Streams[F])(schema, format).

The capability can be added to the classpath independently of the interpreter through the "com.softwaremill.sttp.shared" %% "http4s" dependency.

Web sockets

The interpreter supports web sockets, with pipes of type Pipe[F, REQ, RESP]. See web sockets for more details.


The interpreter can be configured by providing an implicit Http4sServerOptions value and status mappers, see server options for details.

The http4s options also includes configuration for the blocking execution context to use, and the io chunk size.

Defining an endpoint together with the server logic

It's also possible to define an endpoint together with the server logic in a single, more concise step. See server logic for details.