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Defining endpoint's input/output

An input is described by an instance of the EndpointInput trait, and an output by an instance of the EndpointIO trait, as all outputs can also be used as inputs. Each input or output can yield/accept a value. For example, query[Int]("age"): EndpointInput[Int] describes an input, which is the age query parameter, and which should be mapped (using the string-to-integer codec) as an Int.

The tapir package contains a number of convenience methods to define an input or an output for an endpoint. These are:

  • path[T], which captures a path segment as an input parameter of type T
  • any string, which will be implicitly converted to a constant path segment. Path segments can be combined with the / method, and don't map to any values (have type EndpointInput[Unit])
  • paths, which maps to the whole remaining path as a Seq[String]
  • query[T](name) captures a query parameter with the given name
  • queryParams captures all query parameters, represented as MultiQueryParams
  • header[T](name) captures a header with the given name
  • headers captures all headers, represented as Seq[(String, String)]
  • cookie[T](name) captures a cookie from the Cookie header with the given name
  • cookies captures cookies from the Cookie header and represents them as List[Cookie]
  • setCookie(name) captures the value & metadata of the a Set-Cookie header with a matching name
  • setCookies captures cookies from the Set-Cookie header and represents them as List[SetCookie]
  • body[T, M], stringBody, plainBody[T], jsonBody[T], binaryBody[T], formBody[T], multipartBody[T] captures the body
  • streamBody[S] captures the body as a stream: only a client/server interpreter supporting streams of type S can be used with such an endpoint
  • extractFromRequest extracts a value from the request. This input is only used by server interpreters, ignored by documentation interpreters. Client interpreters ignore the provided value.

For outputs, you can use the header, setCookies and body family of methods.

Combining inputs and outputs

Endpoint inputs/outputs can be combined in two ways. However they are combined, the values they represent always accumulate into tuples of values.

First, descriptions can be combined using the .and method. Such a combination results in an input/output represented as a tuple of the given types, can be stored as a value and re-used in multiple endpoints. As all other values in tapir, endpoint input/output descriptions are immutable. For example, an input specifying two query parameters, start (mandatory) and limit (optional) can be written down as:

val paging: EndpointInput[(UUID, Option[Int])] = 

// we can now use the value in multiple endpoints, e.g.:
val listUsersEndpoint: Endpoint[(UUID, Option[Int]), Unit, List[User], Nothing] ="user" / "list").in(paging).out(jsonBody[List[User]])

Second, inputs can be combined by calling the in, out and errorOut methods on Endpoint multiple times. Each time such a method is invoked, it extends the list of inputs/outputs. This can be useful to separate different groups of parameters, but also to define template-endpoints, which can then be further specialized. For example, we can define a base endpoint for our API, where all paths always start with /api/v1.0, and errors are always returned as a json:

val baseEndpoint: Endpoint[Unit, ErrorInfo, Unit, Nothing] ="api" / "v1.0").errorOut(jsonBody[ErrorInfo])

Thanks to the fact that inputs/outputs accumulate, we can use the base endpoint to define more inputs, for example:

val statusEndpoint: Endpoint[Unit, ErrorInfo, Status, Nothing] ="status").out(jsonBody[Status])

The above endpoint will correspond to the api/v1.0/status path.

Mapping over input values

Inputs/outputs can also be mapped over. As noted before, all mappings are bi-directional, so that they can be used both when interpreting an endpoint as a server, and as a client.

There's a couple of ways to map over an input/output. First, there's the map[II](f: I => II)(g: II => I) method, which accepts functions which provide the mapping in both directions. For example:

case class Paging(from: UUID, limit: Option[Int])

val paging: EndpointInput[Paging] = 
    .map((from, limit) => Paging(from, limit))(paging => (paging.from, paging.limit))

Creating a mapping between a tuple and a case class is a common operation, hence there's also a mapTo(CaseClassCompanion) method, which automatically provides the mapping functions:

case class Paging(from: UUID, limit: Option[Int])

val paging: EndpointInput[Paging] = 

Mapping methods can also be called on an endpoint (which is useful if inputs/outputs are accumulated, for example). The Endpoint.mapIn, Endpoint.mapInTo etc. have the same signatures are the ones above.

Path matching

By default (as with all other types of inputs), if no path input/path segments are defined, any path will match.

If any path input/path segment is defined, the path must match exactly - any remaining path segments will cause the endpoint not to match the request. For example, endpoint.path("api") will match /api, /api/, but won't match /, /api/users.

To match only the root path, use an empty string: endpoint.path("") will match and

Status codes

It is possible to specify how the value of an output (typically the body) maps to the status code. This is used when interpreting the endpoint as a server and when generating documentation.

For example, below is a specification for an endpoint where the error output is fixed to be of type ErrorInfo; such a specification can then be refined and reused for other endpoints:

case class ErrorInfo(errorType: ErrorType, msg: String)

val baseEndpoint = endpoint.errorOut(
    whenValue[ErrorType](_.errorType == ErrorType.NotFound, StatusCodes.NotFound),
    whenValue[ErrorType](_.errorType == ErrorType.Exception, StatusCodes.InternalServerError)

The statusFrom method takes as parameters: the wrapped output, default status code, and any number of specific status codes mappings based on the value (whenValue) or class (whenClass) of the output value.


Read on about codecs.