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Repository files navigation event service allows you to subscribe to AMQP messages through HTML5 Websocket. It relays user's JWT to event source to make sure that user has access to events published.

For example, Amaretti service publishes task events to AMQP.

{"_id":"57c4a6fafe948ddd0372e20e","status_msg":"","request_date":"2016-08-30T19:52:46.992Z","status":"requested","progress_key":"brlife.57912b0fef01633d720918cf.57c4a6fafe948ddd0372e20e","user_id":"1","config":{"source_dir":"57c4a6fafe948ddd0372e20d/download"},"instance_id":"57912b0fef01633d720918cf","service":"soichih/bl-product-nifti","name":"diff import","__v":4,"_envs":{"BL_WORKFLOW_ID":"57912b0fef01633d720918cf","BL_WORKFLOW_DIR":"/N/dc2/scratch/hayashis/brainlife/s7-workflows/57912b0fef01633d720918cf","TASK_ID":"57c4a6fafe948ddd0372e20e","TASK_DIR":"/N/dc2/scratch/hayashis/brainlife/s7-workflows/57912b0fef01633d720918cf/57c4a6fafe948ddd0372e20e","SERVICE":"soichih/bl-product-nifti","BL_SERVICE_DIR":"$HOME/.bl/services/soichih/brlife-product-nifti","PROGRESS_URL":"","test":"hello"},"resource_id":"575ee815b62439c67b693b85","create_date":"2016-08-29T21:19:54.592Z","resource_ids":["575ee815b62439c67b693b85"],"resource_deps":[],"deps":["57c4a6fafe948ddd0372e20d"]}

Client/UI Side Things

Event Streaming

On the Web UI, you can start receiving messages by connecting to this service via WebSocket.

var jwt = localStorage.getItem("jwt");
var eventws = new ReconnectingWebSocket("wss:"+jwt);
eventws.onopen = function(e) {
    console.log("eventws connection opened.. now binding to task message");
        bind: {
            ex: "wf", key: "task."+_instance._id+".#",
eventws.onmessage = function(e) {
    var data = JSON.parse(;
    var task = data.msg;
    console.log([task._id, task.status, task.status_msg, task.next_date]);


You can make a request to send user a notification message when certain event occurs.{
    url: brlife_host+"/api/event/notification/",
    json: true,
    headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer '+req.query.jwt}
    body: {
        event: "wf.task.finished",
        handler: "email",
        config: {
            task_id: "1234567abc",
            subject: "Email subject",
            message: "Hello! your workflow has completed!",
}, function(err, res, body) {
    cb(err, (body.status == "ok"));

event field specifies type of event that will trigger your notification. For now, it only supports wf.task.finished event.

  • wf.task.finished - Triggered when Amaretti Workflow service completes a task successfully. You must specify task_id in config object.

handler field specifies event handler to run when an event occurs. For now, it only has email handler

  • email - Send email to the user (who made this notification request). You must specify subject and message fields in config object.

For example, you can make the above API call when you make a request for Amaretti workflow task execution, and user will receive the email when the task is completed. You don't have to specify "to" address because it automatically looks up user's email address via brlife-auth service. The email content is not signed (yet)

Server Side Things

Amaretti's Event service relays user's JWT to event source to check to make sure user is allowed to bind to such key. It uses configured access check API URL of an event source. For example "wf" exchange maybe configured with following.

exports.event = {

    exchanges: {
        wf: function(req, key, cb) {
                url: brlife_host+"/api/wf/event/checkaccess/"+key,
                json: true,
                headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer '+req.query.jwt}
            }, function(err, res, body) {
                cb(err, (body.status == "ok"));

Above configuration tells event service that, it should accept request for "wf" exchange binding, and for such bind request check user's access for the exchange and specified key using Workflow service's /event/checkaccess/:key API. The URL of API and format of key are specific to each event source services. Please read the documentation for each services.

If you'd like to allow public access (no jwt) to specific exchange / key, you could configure something like following make it open to everyone.

    exchanges: {
        public: function(req, key, cb) {
            cb(null, true);


Please see Amaretti API Doc for more info.


Simple Event Service (AMQP > WebSocket gateway)






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